SQL/MySQL/Where Clause/OR — различия между версиями

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Текущая версия на 10:15, 26 мая 2010

AND and OR may be intermixed

mysql> select * from Bird;
| name     | owner | species | sex  | birth      | death |
| BlueBird | Joe   | Car     | f    | 1999-03-30 | NULL  |
| RedBird  | Yin   | Bus     | m    | 1979-03-30 | NULL  |
2 rows in set (0.00 sec)
mysql>  /*although AND has higher precedence than OR*/
mysql> SELECT * FROM Bird WHERE (species = "Car" AND sex = "m")
    ->       OR (species = "Bus" AND sex = "f");
Empty set (0.00 sec)

Drop table Bird;
    name VARCHAR(20), 
    owner VARCHAR(20),
    species VARCHAR(20), 
    sex CHAR(1), 
    birth DATE, 
    death DATE
INSERT INTO  Bird VALUES ("BlueBird","Joe","Car","f","1999-03-30",NULL);
INSERT INTO  Bird VALUES ("RedBird","Yin","Bus","m","1979-03-30",NULL);
select * from Bird;
 /*although AND has higher precedence than OR*/
SELECT * FROM Bird WHERE (species = "Car" AND sex = "m")
      OR (species = "Bus" AND sex = "f");

An OR operator

mysql> select * from Bird;
| name     | owner | species | sex  | birth      | death |
| BlueBird | Joe   | Car     | f    | 1999-03-30 | NULL  |
| RedBird  | Yin   | Bus     | m    | 1979-03-30 | NULL  |
2 rows in set (0.01 sec)
mysql> SELECT * FROM Bird WHERE species = "Bus" OR sex = "f";
| name     | owner | species | sex  | birth      | death |
| BlueBird | Joe   | Car     | f    | 1999-03-30 | NULL  |
| RedBird  | Yin   | Bus     | m    | 1979-03-30 | NULL  |
2 rows in set (0.00 sec)

Drop table Bird;
    name VARCHAR(20), 
    owner VARCHAR(20),
    species VARCHAR(20), 
    sex CHAR(1), 
    birth DATE, 
    death DATE
INSERT INTO  Bird VALUES ("BlueBird","Joe","Car","f","1999-03-30",NULL);
INSERT INTO  Bird VALUES ("RedBird","Yin","Bus","m","1979-03-30",NULL);
select * from Bird;

SELECT * FROM Bird WHERE species = "Bus" OR sex = "f";

Combine conditions in select clause

Drop table employee;
CREATE TABLE employee (
    id int unsigned not null auto_increment primary key,
    firstname varchar(20),
    lastname varchar(20),
    title varchar(30),
    age int,
    yearofservice int,
    salary int,
    perks int,
    email varchar(60)

INSERT INTO employee (firstname, lastName, title, age, yearofservice, salary, perks, email) values ("John", "Chen", "Senior Programmer", 31, 3, 120000, 25000, "j@hotmail.ru");
INSERT INTO employee (firstname, lastName, title, age, yearofservice, salary, perks, email) values ("Jan", "Pillai", "Senior Programmer", 32, 4, 110000, 20000, "g@yahoo.ru");
INSERT INTO employee (firstname, lastName, title, age, yearofservice, salary, perks, email) values ("Ane", "Pandit", "Web Designer", 24, 3, 90000, 15000, "a@gmail.ru");
INSERT INTO employee (firstname, lastName, title, age, yearofservice, salary, perks, email) values ("Mary", "Anchor", "Web Designer", 27, 2, 85000, 15000, "m@mail.ru");
INSERT INTO employee (firstname, lastName, title, age, yearofservice, salary, perks, email) values ("Fred", "King", "Programmer", 32, 3, 75000, 15000, "f@net.ru");
INSERT INTO employee (firstname, lastName, title, age, yearofservice, salary, perks, email) values ("John", "Mac", "Programmer", 32, 4, 80000, 16000, "j@hotmail.ru");
INSERT INTO employee (firstname, lastName, title, age, yearofservice, salary, perks, email) values ("Arthur", "Sam", "Programmer", 28, 2, 75000, 14000, "e@yahoo.ru");
INSERT INTO employee (firstname, lastName, title, age, yearofservice, salary, perks, email) values ("Alok", "Nanda", "Programmer", 32, 3, 70000, 10000, "a@yahoo.ru");
INSERT INTO employee (firstname, lastName, title, age, yearofservice, salary, perks, email) values ("Susan", "Ra", "Multimedia Programmer", 32, 4, 90000, 15000, "h@gmail.ru");
INSERT INTO employee (firstname, lastName, title, age, yearofservice, salary, perks, email) values ("Paul", "Simon", "Multimedia Programmer", 23, 1, 85000, 12000, "ps@gmail.ru");
INSERT INTO employee (firstname, lastName, title, age, yearofservice, salary, perks, email) values ("Edward", "Parhar", "Multimedia Programmer", 30, 2, 75000, 15000, "a@hotmail.ru");
INSERT INTO employee (firstname, lastName, title, age, yearofservice, salary, perks, email) values ("Kim", "Hunter", "Senior Web Designer", 32, 4, 110000, 20000, "kim@coolmail.ru");
INSERT INTO employee (firstname, lastName, title, age, yearofservice, salary, perks, email) values ("Roger", "Lewis", "System Administrator", 32, 3, 100000, 13000, "roger@mail.ru");
INSERT INTO employee (firstname, lastName, title, age, yearofservice, salary, perks, email) values ("Danny", "Gibson", "System Administrator", 31, 2, 90000, 12000, "danny@hotmail.ru");
INSERT INTO employee (firstname, lastName, title, age, yearofservice, salary, perks, email) values ("Mike", "Harper", "Senior Marketing Executive", 36, 1, 120000, 28000, "m@gmail.ru");
INSERT INTO employee (firstname, lastName, title, age, yearofservice, salary, perks, email) values ("Mary", "Sunday", "Marketing Executive", 31, 5, 90000, 25000, "monica@bigmail.ru");
INSERT INTO employee (firstname, lastName, title, age, yearofservice, salary, perks, email) values ("Jack", "Sim", "Marketing Executive", 27, 1, 70000, 18000, "hal@gmail.ru");
INSERT INTO employee (firstname, lastName, title, age, yearofservice, salary, perks, email) values ("Joe", "Irvine", "Marketing Executive", 27, 1, 72000, 18000, "joseph@hotmail.ru");
INSERT INTO employee (firstname, lastName, title, age, yearofservice, salary, perks, email) values ("Henry", "Ali", "Customer Service Manager", 32, 3, 70000, 9000, "shahida@hotmail.ru");
INSERT INTO employee (firstname, lastName, title, age, yearofservice, salary, perks, email) values ("Peter", "Champion", "Finance Manager", 32, 2, 120000, 25000, "peter@yahoo.ru");
select * from employee;
SELECT firstname, lastName , age from employee
where (lastName like "S%" OR lastName like "A%") AND
age < 30;

Combine condition with OR

mysql> select * from Student;
| StudentID | first_name | last_name |
|         1 | John       | Jones     |
|         2 | Gary       | Burton    |
|         3 | Emily      | Scarlett  |
|         4 | Bruce      | Lee       |
|         5 | Anna       | Wolff     |
|         6 | Vic        | Andrews   |
|         7 | Steve      | Alaska    |
7 rows in set (0.02 sec)
mysql> select * from Student WHERE first_name="Bruce" OR last_name="Burton" OR
    ->                                  last_name="Wolff";
| StudentID | first_name | last_name |
|         2 | Gary       | Burton    |
|         4 | Bruce      | Lee       |
|         5 | Anna       | Wolff     |
3 rows in set (0.00 sec)

Drop table Student;
   first_name      VARCHAR(50) NOT NULL,
   last_name      VARCHAR(50) NOT NULL
)TYPE = InnoDB;

INSERT INTO Student (StudentID,first_name, last_name) VALUES (4,"Bruce", "Lee");
INSERT INTO Student (StudentID,first_name, last_name) VALUES (1,"John", "Jones");
INSERT INTO Student (StudentID,first_name, last_name) VALUES (2,"Gary", "Burton");
INSERT INTO Student (StudentID,first_name, last_name) VALUES (7,"Steve", "Alaska");
INSERT INTO Student (StudentID,first_name, last_name) VALUES (5,"Anna", "Wolff");
INSERT INTO Student (StudentID,first_name, last_name) VALUES (6,"Vic", "Andrews");
INSERT INTO Student (StudentID,first_name, last_name) VALUES (3,"Emily", "Scarlett");
select * from Student;
select * from Student WHERE first_name="Bruce" OR last_name="Burton" OR 