SQL Server/T-SQL Tutorial/Query/Top

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A query that uses a derived table to retrieve the top 5 Bankers by average Billing total

6> create table Billings (
7>     BankerID           INTEGER,
8>     BillingNumber      INTEGER,
9>     BillingDate        datetime,
10>     BillingTotal       INTEGER,
11>     TermsID            INTEGER,
12>     BillingDueDate     datetime ,
13>     PaymentTotal       INTEGER,
14>     CreditTotal        INTEGER
16> );
17> GO
2> INSERT INTO Billings VALUES (1, 1, "2005-01-22", 165, 1,"2005-04-22",123,321);
3> GO
(1 rows affected)
1> INSERT INTO Billings VALUES (2, 2, "2001-02-21", 165, 1,"2002-02-22",123,321);
2> GO
(1 rows affected)
1> INSERT INTO Billings VALUES (3, 3, "2003-05-02", 165, 1,"2005-04-12",123,321);
2> GO
(1 rows affected)
1> INSERT INTO Billings VALUES (4, 4, "1999-03-12", 165, 1,"2005-04-18",123,321);
2> GO
(1 rows affected)
1> INSERT INTO Billings VALUES (5, 5, "2000-04-23", 165, 1,"2005-04-17",123,321);
2> GO
(1 rows affected)
1> INSERT INTO Billings VALUES (6, 6, "2001-06-14", 165, 1,"2005-04-18",123,321);
2> GO
(1 rows affected)
1> INSERT INTO Billings VALUES (7, 7, "2002-07-15", 165, 1,"2005-04-19",123,321);
2> GO
(1 rows affected)
1> INSERT INTO Billings VALUES (8, 8, "2003-08-16", 165, 1,"2005-04-20",123,321);
2> GO
(1 rows affected)
1> INSERT INTO Billings VALUES (9, 9, "2004-09-17", 165, 1,"2005-04-21",123,321);
2> GO
(1 rows affected)
1> INSERT INTO Billings VALUES (0, 0, "2005-10-18", 165, 1,"2005-04-22",123,321);
2> GO
(1 rows affected)
4> create table Bankers(
5>    BankerID             Integer,
6>    BankerName           VARCHAR(20),
7>    BankerContactLName   VARCHAR(20),
8>    BankerContactFName   VARCHAR(20),
9>    BankerCity           VARCHAR(20),
10>    BankerState          VARCHAR(20),
11>    BankerZipCode        VARCHAR(20),
12>    BankerPhone          VARCHAR(20)
13> )
14> GO
2> insert into Bankers values (1, "ABC Inc.","Joe","Smith","Vancouver","BC","11111","111-111-1111");
3> GO
(1 rows affected)
1> insert into Bankers values (2, "DEF Inc.","Red","Rice", "New York", "DE","22222","222-222-2222");
2> GO
(1 rows affected)
1> insert into Bankers values (3, "HJI Inc.","Kit","Cat",  "Paris",    "CA","33333","333-333-3333");
2> GO
(1 rows affected)
1> insert into Bankers values (4, "QWE Inc.","Git","Black","Regina",   "ER","44444","444-444-4444");
2> GO
(1 rows affected)
1> insert into Bankers values (5, "RTY Inc.","Wil","Lee",  "Toronto",  "YU","55555","555-555-5555");
2> GO
(1 rows affected)
1> insert into Bankers values (6, "YUI Inc.","Ted","Larry","Calgary",  "TY","66666","666-666-6666");
2> GO
(1 rows affected)
1> insert into Bankers values (7, "OIP Inc.","Yam","Act",  "San Franc","FG","77777","777-777-7777");
2> GO
(1 rows affected)
1> insert into Bankers values (8, "SAD Inc.","Hit","Eat",  "Orland",   "PO","88888","888-888-8888");
2> GO
(1 rows affected)
1> insert into Bankers values (9, "DFG Inc.","Sad","Lee",  "Wisler",   "PL","99999","999-999-9999");
2> GO
(1 rows affected)
1> insert into Bankers values (0, "GHJ Inc.","Bit","Lee",  "Ticker",   "MN","00000","000-000-0000");
2> GO
(1 rows affected)
3> SELECT Billings.BankerID, MAX(BillingDate) AS LatestInv,
4>     AVG(BillingTotal) AS AvgBilling
5> FROM Billings JOIN
6>     (SELECT TOP 5 BankerID, AVG(BillingTotal) AS AvgBilling
7>     FROM Billings
8>     GROUP BY BankerID
9>     ORDER BY AvgBilling DESC) AS TopBanker
10>     ON Billings.BankerID = TopBanker.BankerID
11> GROUP BY Billings.BankerID
12> ORDER BY LatestInv DESC
13> GO
BankerID    LatestInv               AvgBilling
----------- ----------------------- -----------
          1 2005-01-22 00:00:00.000         165
          3 2003-05-02 00:00:00.000         165
          2 2001-02-21 00:00:00.000         165
          5 2000-04-23 00:00:00.000         165
          4 1999-03-12 00:00:00.000         165
(5 rows affected)
3> drop table Billings;
4> drop table Bankers;
5> GO

A SELECT statement with a TOP clause

use the TOP clause within a SELECT clause to limit the number of rows included in the result set.
9> create table Billings (
10>     BankerID           INTEGER,
11>     BillingNumber      INTEGER,
12>     BillingDate        datetime,
13>     BillingTotal       INTEGER,
14>     TermsID            INTEGER,
15>     BillingDueDate     datetime ,
16>     PaymentTotal       INTEGER,
17>     CreditTotal        INTEGER
19> );
20> GO
2> INSERT INTO Billings VALUES (1, 1, "2005-01-22", 165, 1,"2005-04-22",123,321);
3> GO
(1 rows affected)
1> INSERT INTO Billings VALUES (2, 2, "2001-02-21", 165, 1,"2002-02-22",123,321);
2> GO
(1 rows affected)
1> INSERT INTO Billings VALUES (3, 3, "2003-05-02", 165, 1,"2005-04-12",123,321);
2> GO
(1 rows affected)
1> INSERT INTO Billings VALUES (4, 4, "1999-03-12", 165, 1,"2005-04-18",123,321);
2> GO
(1 rows affected)
1> INSERT INTO Billings VALUES (5, 5, "2000-04-23", 165, 1,"2005-04-17",123,321);
2> GO
(1 rows affected)
1> INSERT INTO Billings VALUES (6, 6, "2001-06-14", 165, 1,"2005-04-18",123,321);
2> GO
(1 rows affected)
1> INSERT INTO Billings VALUES (7, 7, "2002-07-15", 165, 1,"2005-04-19",123,321);
2> GO
(1 rows affected)
1> INSERT INTO Billings VALUES (8, 8, "2003-08-16", 165, 1,"2005-04-20",123,321);
2> GO
(1 rows affected)
1> INSERT INTO Billings VALUES (9, 9, "2004-09-17", 165, 1,"2005-04-21",123,321);
2> GO
(1 rows affected)
1> INSERT INTO Billings VALUES (0, 0, "2005-10-18", 165, 1,"2005-04-22",123,321);
2> GO
(1 rows affected)
2> SELECT TOP 5 BankerID, BillingTotal
3> FROM Billings
4> ORDER BY BillingTotal DESC
6> GO
BankerID    BillingTotal
----------- ------------
          6          165
          5          165
          4          165
          3          165
          2          165
(5 rows affected)
3> drop table Billings;
4> GO

A SELECT statement with a TOP clause and the PERCENT keyword

If you include PERCENT, the first n percent of the selected rows are included in the result set.
10> create table Billings (
11>     BankerID           INTEGER,
12>     BillingNumber      INTEGER,
13>     BillingDate        datetime,
14>     BillingTotal       INTEGER,
15>     TermsID            INTEGER,
16>     BillingDueDate     datetime ,
17>     PaymentTotal       INTEGER,
18>     CreditTotal        INTEGER
20> );
21> GO
2> INSERT INTO Billings VALUES (1, 1, "2005-01-22", 165, 1,"2005-04-22",123,321);
3> GO
(1 rows affected)
1> INSERT INTO Billings VALUES (2, 2, "2001-02-21", 165, 1,"2002-02-22",123,321);
2> GO
(1 rows affected)
1> INSERT INTO Billings VALUES (3, 3, "2003-05-02", 165, 1,"2005-04-12",123,321);
2> GO
(1 rows affected)
1> INSERT INTO Billings VALUES (4, 4, "1999-03-12", 165, 1,"2005-04-18",123,321);
2> GO
(1 rows affected)
1> INSERT INTO Billings VALUES (5, 5, "2000-04-23", 165, 1,"2005-04-17",123,321);
2> GO
(1 rows affected)
1> INSERT INTO Billings VALUES (6, 6, "2001-06-14", 165, 1,"2005-04-18",123,321);
2> GO
(1 rows affected)
1> INSERT INTO Billings VALUES (7, 7, "2002-07-15", 165, 1,"2005-04-19",123,321);
2> GO
(1 rows affected)
1> INSERT INTO Billings VALUES (8, 8, "2003-08-16", 165, 1,"2005-04-20",123,321);
2> GO
(1 rows affected)
1> INSERT INTO Billings VALUES (9, 9, "2004-09-17", 165, 1,"2005-04-21",123,321);
2> GO
(1 rows affected)
1> INSERT INTO Billings VALUES (0, 0, "2005-10-18", 165, 1,"2005-04-22",123,321);
2> GO
(1 rows affected)
2> SELECT TOP 5 PERCENT BankerID, BillingTotal
3> FROM Billings
4> ORDER BY BillingTotal DESC
6> GO
BankerID    BillingTotal
----------- ------------
          1          165
(1 rows affected)
3> drop table Billings;
4> GO

A SELECT statement with a TOP clause and the WITH TIES keyword

If you include WITH TIES, additional rows will be included if their values match, or tie, the values of the last row.
8> create table Billings (
9>     BankerID           INTEGER,
10>     BillingNumber      INTEGER,
11>     BillingDate        datetime,
12>     BillingTotal       INTEGER,
13>     TermsID            INTEGER,
14>     BillingDueDate     datetime ,
15>     PaymentTotal       INTEGER,
16>     CreditTotal        INTEGER
18> );
19> GO
2> INSERT INTO Billings VALUES (1, 1, "2005-01-22", 165, 1,"2005-04-22",123,321);
3> GO
(1 rows affected)
1> INSERT INTO Billings VALUES (2, 2, "2001-02-21", 165, 1,"2002-02-22",123,321);
2> GO
(1 rows affected)
1> INSERT INTO Billings VALUES (3, 3, "2003-05-02", 165, 1,"2005-04-12",123,321);
2> GO
(1 rows affected)
1> INSERT INTO Billings VALUES (4, 4, "1999-03-12", 165, 1,"2005-04-18",123,321);
2> GO
(1 rows affected)
1> INSERT INTO Billings VALUES (5, 5, "2000-04-23", 165, 1,"2005-04-17",123,321);
2> GO
(1 rows affected)
1> INSERT INTO Billings VALUES (6, 6, "2001-06-14", 165, 1,"2005-04-18",123,321);
2> GO
(1 rows affected)
1> INSERT INTO Billings VALUES (7, 7, "2002-07-15", 165, 1,"2005-04-19",123,321);
2> GO
(1 rows affected)
1> INSERT INTO Billings VALUES (8, 8, "2003-08-16", 165, 1,"2005-04-20",123,321);
2> GO
(1 rows affected)
1> INSERT INTO Billings VALUES (9, 9, "2004-09-17", 165, 1,"2005-04-21",123,321);
2> GO
(1 rows affected)
1> INSERT INTO Billings VALUES (0, 0, "2005-10-18", 165, 1,"2005-04-22",123,321);
2> GO
(1 rows affected)
2> SELECT TOP 5 WITH TIES BankerID, BillingDate
3> FROM Billings
4> ORDER BY BillingDate DESC
6> GO
BankerID    BillingDate
----------- -----------------------
          0 2005-10-18 00:00:00.000
          1 2005-01-22 00:00:00.000
          9 2004-09-17 00:00:00.000
          8 2003-08-16 00:00:00.000
          3 2003-05-02 00:00:00.000
(5 rows affected)
3> drop table Billings;
4> GO

Declare variable and use it in "TOP PERCENT"

6> CREATE TABLE employee(
8>    first_name  VARCHAR(10),
9>    last_name   VARCHAR(10),
10>    salary      DECIMAL(10,2),
11>    start_Date  DATETIME,
12>    region      VARCHAR(10),
13>    city        VARCHAR(20)
14> );
15> GO
1> INSERT INTO employee VALUES (1, "Jason" ,  "Martin", 5890,"2005-03-22","North","Vancouver");
2> GO
(1 rows affected)
1> INSERT INTO employee VALUES (2, "Alison",  "Mathews",4789,"2003-07-21","South","Utown");
2> GO
(1 rows affected)
1> INSERT INTO employee VALUES (3, "James" ,  "Smith",  6678,"2001-12-01","North","Paris");
2> GO
(1 rows affected)
1> INSERT INTO employee VALUES (4, "Celia" ,  "Rice",   5567,"2006-03-03","South","London");
2> GO
(1 rows affected)
1> INSERT INTO employee VALUES (5, "Robert",  "Black",  4467,"2004-07-02","East","Newton");
2> GO
(1 rows affected)
1> INSERT INTO employee VALUES (6, "Linda" ,  "Green" , 6456,"2002-05-19","East","Calgary");
2> GO
(1 rows affected)
1> INSERT INTO employee VALUES (7, "David" ,  "Larry",  5345,"2008-03-18","West","New York");
2> GO
(1 rows affected)
1> INSERT INTO employee VALUES (8, "James" ,  "Cat",    4234,"2007-07-17","West","Regina");
2> GO
(1 rows affected)
1> INSERT INTO employee VALUES (9, "Joan"  ,  "Act",    6123,"2001-04-16","North","Toronto");
2> GO
(1 rows affected)
2> select * from employee;
3> GO
id          first_name last_name  salary       start_Date              region     city
----------- ---------- ---------- ------------ ----------------------- ---------- --------------------
          1 Jason      Martin          5890.00 2005-03-22 00:00:00.000 North      Vancouver
          2 Alison     Mathews         4789.00 2003-07-21 00:00:00.000 South      Utown
          3 James      Smith           6678.00 2001-12-01 00:00:00.000 North      Paris
          4 Celia      Rice            5567.00 2006-03-03 00:00:00.000 South      London
          5 Robert     Black           4467.00 2004-07-02 00:00:00.000 East       Newton
          6 Linda      Green           6456.00 2002-05-19 00:00:00.000 East       Calgary
          7 David      Larry           5345.00 2008-03-18 00:00:00.000 West       New York
          8 James      Cat             4234.00 2007-07-17 00:00:00.000 West       Regina
          9 Joan       Act             6123.00 2001-04-16 00:00:00.000 North      Toronto
(9 rows affected)
4> DECLARE @Percentage float
5> SET @Percentage = 1
6> SELECT TOP (@Percentage) PERCENT
7> first_Name
8> FROM employee
9> ORDER BY first_Name;
10> GO
(1 rows affected)
4> drop table employee;
5> GO

Define variable for query top percent

3> create table Billings (
4>     BankerID           INTEGER,
5>     BillingNumber      INTEGER,
6>     BillingDate        datetime,
7>     BillingTotal       INTEGER,
8>     TermsID            INTEGER,
9>     BillingDueDate     datetime ,
10>     PaymentTotal       INTEGER,
11>     CreditTotal        INTEGER
13> );
14> GO
2> INSERT INTO Billings VALUES (1, 1, "2005-01-22", 165, 1,"2005-04-22",123,321);
3> GO
(1 rows affected)
1> INSERT INTO Billings VALUES (2, 2, "2001-02-21", 165, 1,"2002-02-22",123,321.);
2> GO
(1 rows affected)
1> INSERT INTO Billings VALUES (3, 3, "2003-05-02", 165, 1,"2005-04-12",123,321);
2> GO
(1 rows affected)
1> INSERT INTO Billings VALUES (4, 4, "1999-03-12", 165, 1,"2005-04-18",123,321);
2> GO
(1 rows affected)
1> INSERT INTO Billings VALUES (5, 5, "2000-04-23", 165, 1,"2005-04-17",123,321);
2> GO
(1 rows affected)
1> INSERT INTO Billings VALUES (6, 6, "2001-06-14", 165, 1,"2005-04-18",123,321);
2> GO
(1 rows affected)
1> INSERT INTO Billings VALUES (7, 7, "2002-07-15", 165, 1,"2005-04-19",123,321);
2> GO
(1 rows affected)
1> INSERT INTO Billings VALUES (8, 8, "2003-08-16", 165, 1,"2005-04-20",123,321);
2> GO
(1 rows affected)
1> INSERT INTO Billings VALUES (9, 9, "2004-09-17", 165, 1,"2005-04-21",123,321);
2> GO
(1 rows affected)
1> INSERT INTO Billings VALUES (0, 0, "2005-10-18", 165, 1,"2005-04-22",123,321);
2> GO
(1 rows affected)
3> DECLARE @n int
4> SET @n = 6
6> FROM Billings
7> GO
(1 rows affected)
3> drop table Billings;
4> GO

Top Clause with the UPDATE statement.

6> create table department(
7>    dept_name     char(20)     not null,
8>    emp_cnt       int          not null,
9>    budget        float,
10>    date_month    datetime);
11> GO
2> insert into department values("Research", 5, 50000, "01.01.2002");
3> insert into department values("Research", 10, 70000, "01.02.2002");
4> insert into department values("Research", 5, 65000, "01.07.2002");
5> insert into department values("Accounting", 5, 10000, "01.07.2002");
6> insert into department values("Accounting", 10, 40000, "01.02.2002");
7> insert into department values("Accounting", 6, 30000, "01.01.2002");
8> insert into department values("Accounting", 6, 40000, "01.02.2003");
9> insert into department values("Marketing", 6, 10000, "01.01.2003");
10> insert into department values("Marketing", 10, 40000, "01.02.2003");
11> insert into department values("Marketing", 3, 30000, "01.07.2003");
12> insert into department values("Marketing", 5, 40000, "01.01.2003");
13> GO
(1 rows affected)
(1 rows affected)
(1 rows affected)
(1 rows affected)
(1 rows affected)
(1 rows affected)
(1 rows affected)
(1 rows affected)
(1 rows affected)
(1 rows affected)
(1 rows affected)
2> update top (3) department
3> SET budget = budget * 0.9
4> where budget in (select TOP 3 budget
5> from department
6> order by budget desc);
7> GO
(3 rows affected)
3> drop table department;
4> GO

TOP n Clause

The TOP n clause specifies the first n rows of the query result that are to be retrieved.

6> create table department(
7>    dept_name     char(20)     not null,
8>    emp_cnt       int          not null,
9>    budget        float,
10>    date_month    datetime);
11> GO
2> insert into department values("Research", 5, 50000, "01.01.2002");
3> insert into department values("Research", 10, 70000, "01.02.2002");
4> insert into department values("Research", 5, 65000, "01.07.2002");
5> insert into department values("Accounting", 5, 10000, "01.07.2002");
6> insert into department values("Accounting", 10, 40000, "01.02.2002");
7> insert into department values("Accounting", 6, 30000, "01.01.2002");
8> insert into department values("Accounting", 6, 40000, "01.02.2003");
9> insert into department values("Marketing", 6, 10000, "01.01.2003");
10> insert into department values("Marketing", 10, 40000, "01.02.2003");
11> insert into department values("Marketing", 3, 30000, "01.07.2003");
12> insert into department values("Marketing", 5, 40000, "01.01.2003");
13> GO
(1 rows affected)
(1 rows affected)
(1 rows affected)
(1 rows affected)
(1 rows affected)
(1 rows affected)
(1 rows affected)
(1 rows affected)
(1 rows affected)
(1 rows affected)
(1 rows affected)
2> SELECT TOP 8 dept_name, budget
3> FROM department
4> ORDER BY budget DESC
5> GO
dept_name            budget
-------------------- ------------------------
Research                                70000
Research                                65000
Research                                50000
Accounting                              40000
Marketing                               40000
Accounting                              40000
Marketing                               40000
Accounting                              30000
(8 rows affected)
2> drop table department;
3> GO

TOP n Query with ORDER BY

3> CREATE TABLE employee(
5>    first_name  VARCHAR(10),
6>    last_name   VARCHAR(10),
7>    salary      DECIMAL(10,2),
8>    start_Date  DATETIME,
9>    region      VARCHAR(10),
10>    city        VARCHAR(20),
11>    managerid   INTEGER
12> );
13> GO
1> INSERT INTO employee VALUES (1, "Jason" ,  "Martin", 5890,"2005-03-22","North","Vancouver",3);
2> GO
(1 rows affected)
1> INSERT INTO employee VALUES (2, "Alison",  "Mathews",4789,"2003-07-21","South","Utown",4);
2> GO
(1 rows affected)
1> INSERT INTO employee VALUES (3, "James" ,  "Smith",  6678,"2001-12-01","North","Paris",5);
2> GO
(1 rows affected)
1> INSERT INTO employee VALUES (4, "Celia" ,  "Rice",   5567,"2006-03-03","South","London",6);
2> GO
(1 rows affected)
1> INSERT INTO employee VALUES (5, "Robert",  "Black",  4467,"2004-07-02","East","Newton",7);
2> GO
(1 rows affected)
1> INSERT INTO employee VALUES (6, "Linda" ,  "Green" , 6456,"2002-05-19","East","Calgary",8);
2> GO
(1 rows affected)
1> INSERT INTO employee VALUES (7, "David" ,  "Larry",  5345,"2008-03-18","West","New York",9);
2> GO
(1 rows affected)
1> INSERT INTO employee VALUES (8, "James" ,  "Cat",    4234,"2007-07-17","West","Regina",9);
2> GO
(1 rows affected)
1> INSERT INTO employee VALUES (9, "Joan"  ,  "Act",    6123,"2001-04-16","North","Toronto",10);
2> GO
(1 rows affected)
2> select * from employee;
3> GO
id          first_name last_name  salary       start_Date              region     city                 managerid
----------- ---------- ---------- ------------ ----------------------- ---------- -------------------- -----------
          1 Jason      Martin          5890.00 2005-03-22 00:00:00.000 North      Vancouver                      3
          2 Alison     Mathews         4789.00 2003-07-21 00:00:00.000 South      Utown                          4
          3 James      Smith           6678.00 2001-12-01 00:00:00.000 North      Paris                          5
          4 Celia      Rice            5567.00 2006-03-03 00:00:00.000 South      London                         6
          5 Robert     Black           4467.00 2004-07-02 00:00:00.000 East       Newton                         7
          6 Linda      Green           6456.00 2002-05-19 00:00:00.000 East       Calgary                        8
          7 David      Larry           5345.00 2008-03-18 00:00:00.000 West       New York                       9
          8 James      Cat             4234.00 2007-07-17 00:00:00.000 West       Regina                         9
          9 Joan       Act             6123.00 2001-04-16 00:00:00.000 North      Toronto                       10
(9 rows affected)
5>   *
7>   Employee
9>   salary DESC
13> drop table employee;
14> GO
id          first_name last_name  salary       start_Date              region     city                 managerid
----------- ---------- ---------- ------------ ----------------------- ---------- -------------------- -----------
          3 James      Smith           6678.00 2001-12-01 00:00:00.000 North      Paris                          5
          6 Linda      Green           6456.00 2002-05-19 00:00:00.000 East       Calgary                        8
          9 Joan       Act             6123.00 2001-04-16 00:00:00.000 North      Toronto                       10
          1 Jason      Martin          5890.00 2005-03-22 00:00:00.000 North      Vancouver                      3
          4 Celia      Rice            5567.00 2006-03-03 00:00:00.000 South      London                         6
          7 David      Larry           5345.00 2008-03-18 00:00:00.000 West       New York                       9
(6 rows affected)

Use TOP n clause with the DELETE statement.

4> create table department(
5>    dept_name     char(20)     not null,
6>    emp_cnt       int          not null,
7>    budget        float,
8>    date_month    datetime);
9> GO
2> insert into department values("Research", 5, 50000, "01.01.2002");
3> insert into department values("Research", 10, 70000, "01.02.2002");
4> insert into department values("Research", 5, 65000, "01.07.2002");
5> insert into department values("Accounting", 5, 10000, "01.07.2002");
6> insert into department values("Accounting", 10, 40000, "01.02.2002");
7> insert into department values("Accounting", 6, 30000, "01.01.2002");
8> insert into department values("Accounting", 6, 40000, "01.02.2003");
9> insert into department values("Marketing", 6, 10000, "01.01.2003");
10> insert into department values("Marketing", 10, 40000, "01.02.2003");
11> insert into department values("Marketing", 3, 30000, "01.07.2003");
12> insert into department values("Marketing", 5, 40000, "01.01.2003");
13> GO
(1 rows affected)
(1 rows affected)
(1 rows affected)
(1 rows affected)
(1 rows affected)
(1 rows affected)
(1 rows affected)
(1 rows affected)
(1 rows affected)
(1 rows affected)
(1 rows affected)
3> FROM department
4> WHERE budget IN (select TOP 4 budget from department order by budget asc)
5> GO
(4 rows affected)
3> drop table department;
4> GO