SQL/MySQL/Data Type/Decimal

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Decimal and Numeric Data Field Syntax When 123.4567 Is Inserted

| Syntax     |Code         | Display |Description                                   |
|DECIMAL(w,d)|DECIMAL(5,2) |123.46   |Number has been rounded up                    |
|NUMERIC(w,d)|NUMERIC(7,4) |123.4567 | Exact fit. (7 digits, 4 decimal places)      |
|DECIMAL(w)  |DECIMAL(9)   |123      |No decimal specified: defaults to 0 decimal.  |
|            |             |         |(9 digits, 6 padded places to left of number) |
|DECIMAL     |DECIMAL      |123      |Default: 10 digits, 0 decimal places.         |    
|            |             |         | (10 digits, 7 padded places to left of number)|