PostgreSQL/Postgre SQL/Postgre SQL Command

Материал из SQL эксперт
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Command can be used to view all sequences in the currently connected database

   <source lang="sql">

postgres=# postgres=# -- \ds command can be used to view all sequences in the currently connected database postgres=# postgres=# CREATE SEQUENCE myseq MINVALUE 0; CREATE SEQUENCE postgres=# postgres=# \ds

         List of relations
Schema | Name  |   Type   |  Owner

public | myseq | sequence | postgres

(1 row) postgres=# postgres=# postgres=# drop sequence myseq; DROP SEQUENCE postgres=# postgres=#


Displays all database objects in the connected database, with comments

   <source lang="sql">

postgres=# postgres=# postgres=# --Displays all database objects in the connected database, with comments. postgres=# \d+

                         List of relations
Schema |          Name          |   Type   |  Owner   | Description

public | auto_identified        | table    | postgres |
public | auto_identified_id_seq | sequence | postgres |
public | subjects               | table    | postgres |
public | tasklog                | table    | postgres |

(4 rows) postgres=#


Displays all database objects, with comments

   <source lang="sql">

-- Displays all database objects, with comments. \dd pg_catalog | tintervalle | function | less-than-or-equal pg_catalog | tintervalleneq | function | length equal pg_catalog | tintervallenge | function | length greater-than-or-equal pg_catalog | tintervallengt | function | length greater-than pg_catalog | tintervallenle | function | length less-than-or-equal pg_catalog | tintervallenlt | function | length less-than pg_catalog | tintervallenne | function | length not equal to pg_catalog | tintervallt | function | less-than pg_catalog | tintervalne | function | not equal pg_catalog | tintervalov | function | overlaps pg_catalog | tintervalrecv | function | I/O pg_catalog | tintervalrel | function | tinterval to reltime pg_catalog | tintervalsame | function | same as? pg_catalog | tintervalsend | function | I/O pg_catalog | tintervalstart | function | start of interval pg_catalog | to_ascii | function | encode text from DB encoding to ASCII text pg_catalog | to_ascii | function | encode text from encoding to ASCII text pg_catalog | to_char | function | format float4 to text pg_catalog | to_char | function | format float8 to text pg_catalog | to_char | function | format int4 to text pg_catalog | to_char | function | format int8 to text pg_catalog | to_char | function | format interval to text pg_catalog | to_char | function | format numeric to text pg_catalog | to_char | function | format timestamp to text pg_catalog | to_char | function | format timestamp with time zone to text pg_catalog | to_date | function | convert text to date pg_catalog | to_hex | function | convert int4 number to hex pg_catalog | to_hex | function | convert int8 number to hex pg_catalog | to_number | function | convert text to numeric pg_catalog | to_timestamp | function | convert UNIX epoch to timestamptz pg_catalog | to_timestamp | function | convert text to timestamp with time zone pg_catalog | translate | function | map a set of character appearing in string pg_catalog | trunc | function | MAC manufacturer fields pg_catalog | trunc | function | truncate to integer pg_catalog | trunc | function | value truncated to "scale" pg_catalog | trunc | function | value truncated to "scale" of zero pg_catalog | unknownrecv | function | I/O pg_catalog | unknownsend | function | I/O pg_catalog | upper | function | uppercase pg_catalog | varbit | function | adjust varbit() to typmod length pg_catalog | varbit_recv | function | I/O pg_catalog | varbit_send | function | I/O pg_catalog | varbitcmp | function | compare pg_catalog | varbiteq | function | equal pg_catalog | varbitge | function | greater than or equal pg_catalog | varbitgt | function | greater than pg_catalog | varbitle | function | less than or equal pg_catalog | varbitlt | function | less than pg_catalog | varbitne | function | not equal pg_catalog | varchar | function | adjust varchar() to typmod length pg_catalog | varchar | function | convert name to varchar pg_catalog | varcharrecv | function | I/O pg_catalog | varcharsend | function | I/O pg_catalog | version | function | PostgreSQL version string pg_catalog | width | function | box width pg_catalog | width_bucket | function | bucket number of operand in equidepth histogram pg_catalog | xid | data type | transaction id pg_catalog | xideq | function | equal pg_catalog | xideqint4 | function | equal pg_catalog | xidrecv | function | I/O pg_catalog | xidsend | function | I/O 1459 rows)


Displays all databases available, with comments

   <source lang="sql">

postgres=# postgres=# -- Displays all databases available, with comments postgres=# \l+

                     List of databases
  Name    |  Owner   | Encoding  |        Description

postgres  | postgres | SQL_ASCII |
template0 | postgres | SQL_ASCII |
template1 | postgres | SQL_ASCII | Default template database

(3 rows) postgres=# postgres=#


Displays all data types in the connected database, with comments

   <source lang="sql">

postgres=# postgres=# --Displays all data types in the connected database, with comments. postgres=# \dT+

                                                          List of data types
  Schema   |            Name             |  Internal name   | Size |                            Description

pg_catalog | "any"                       | any              | 4    |
pg_catalog | "char"                      | char             | 1    | single character
pg_catalog | "trigger"                   | trigger          | 4    |
pg_catalog | "unknown"                   | unknown          | var  |
pg_catalog | abstime                     | abstime          | 4    | absolute, limited-range date and time (Unix system time)
pg_catalog | aclitem                     | aclitem          | 12   | access control list
pg_catalog | anyarray                    | anyarray         | var  |
pg_catalog | anyelement                  | anyelement       | 4    |
pg_catalog | bigint                      | int8             | 8    | ~18 digit integer, 8-byte storage
pg_catalog | bit                         | bit              | var  | fixed-length bit string
pg_catalog | bit varying                 | varbit           | var  | variable-length bit string
pg_catalog | boolean                     | bool             | 1    | boolean, "true"/"false"
pg_catalog | box                         | box              | 32   | geometric box "(lower left,upper right)"
pg_catalog | bytea                       | bytea            | var  | variable-length string, binary values escaped
pg_catalog | character                   | bpchar           | var  | char(length), blank-padded string, fixed storage length
pg_catalog | character varying           | varchar          | var  | varchar(length), non-blank-padded string, variable storage length
pg_catalog | cid                         | cid              | 4    | command identifier type, sequence in transaction id
pg_catalog | cidr                        | cidr             | var  | network IP address/netmask, network address
pg_catalog | circle                      | circle           | 24   | geometric circle "(center,radius)"
pg_catalog | cstring                     | cstring          | var  |
pg_catalog | date                        | date             | 4    | ANSI SQL date
pg_catalog | double precision            | float8           | 8    | double-precision floating point number, 8-byte storage
pg_catalog | inet                        | inet             | var  | IP address/netmask, host address, netmask optional
pg_catalog | int2vector                  | int2vector       | var  | array of int2, used in system tables
pg_catalog | integer                     | int4             | 4    | -2 billion to 2 billion integer, 4-byte storage
pg_catalog | internal                    | internal         | 4    |
pg_catalog | interval                    | interval         | 16   | @ <number> <units>, time interval
pg_catalog | language_handler            | language_handler | 4    |
pg_catalog | line                        | line             | 32   | geometric line (not implemented)"
pg_catalog | lseg                        | lseg             | 32   | geometric line segment "(pt1,pt2)"
pg_catalog | macaddr                     | macaddr          | 6    | XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX, MAC address
pg_catalog | money                       | money            | 4    | monetary amounts, $d,
pg_catalog | name                        | name             | 64   | 63-character type for storing system identifiers
pg_catalog | numeric                     | numeric          | var  | numeric(precision, decimal), arbitrary precision number
pg_catalog | oid                         | oid              | 4    | object identifier(oid), maximum 4 billion
pg_catalog | oidvector                   | oidvector        | var  | array of oids, used in system tables
pg_catalog | opaque                      | opaque           | 4    |
pg_catalog | path                        | path             | var  | geometric path "(pt1,...)"
pg_catalog | point                       | point            | 16   | geometric point "(x, y)"
pg_catalog | polygon                     | polygon          | var  | geometric polygon "(pt1,...)"
pg_catalog | real                        | float4           | 4    | single-precision floating point number, 4-byte storage
pg_catalog | record                      | record           | var  |
pg_catalog | refcursor                   | refcursor        | var  | reference cursor (portal name)
pg_catalog | regclass                    | regclass         | 4    | registered class
pg_catalog | regoper                     | regoper          | 4    | registered operator
pg_catalog | regoperator                 | regoperator      | 4    | registered operator (with args)
pg_catalog | regproc                     | regproc          | 4    | registered procedure
pg_catalog | regprocedure                | regprocedure     | 4    | registered procedure (with args)
pg_catalog | regtype                     | regtype          | 4    | registered type
pg_catalog | reltime                     | reltime          | 4    | relative, limited-range time interval (Unix delta time)
pg_catalog | smallint                    | int2             | 2    | -32 thousand to 32 thousand, 2-byte storage
pg_catalog | smgr                        | smgr             | 2    | storage manager
pg_catalog | text                        | text             | var  | variable-length string, no limit specified
pg_catalog | tid                         | tid              | 6    | (Block, offset), physical location of tuple

-- More --


Displays all functions in the connected database, with comments

   <source lang="sql">

postgres=# postgres=# --Displays all functions in the connected database, with comments. postgres=# \df+

                                                                                                                                                                                       List of functions
  Schema   |                Name                |      Result data type       |                                                Argument data types                                                 |  Owner   | Language |
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Source code


pg_catalog | RI_FKey_cascade_del                | "trigger"                   |                                                                                                                    | postgres | internal | RI_FKey_cascade_del
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              | referential
pg_catalog | RI_FKey_cascade_upd                | "trigger"                   |                                                                                                                    | postgres | internal | RI_FKey_cascade_upd
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              | referential
pg_catalog | RI_FKey_check_ins                  | "trigger"                   |                                                                                                                    | postgres | internal | RI_FKey_check_ins
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              | referential
pg_catalog | RI_FKey_check_upd                  | "trigger"                   |                                                                                                                    | postgres | internal | RI_FKey_check_upd
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              | referential
pg_catalog | RI_FKey_noaction_del               | "trigger"                   |                                                                                                                    | postgres | internal | RI_FKey_noaction_del
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              | referential
pg_catalog | RI_FKey_noaction_upd               | "trigger"                   |                                                                                                                    | postgres | internal | RI_FKey_noaction_upd
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              | referential
pg_catalog | RI_FKey_restrict_del               | "trigger"                   |                                                                                                                    | postgres | internal | RI_FKey_restrict_del
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              | referential
pg_catalog | RI_FKey_restrict_upd               | "trigger"                   |                                                                                                                    | postgres | internal | RI_FKey_restrict_upd
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              | referential
pg_catalog | RI_FKey_setdefault_del             | "trigger"                   |                                                                                                                    | postgres | internal | RI_FKey_setdefault_del
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              | referential
pg_catalog | RI_FKey_setdefault_upd             | "trigger"                   |                                                                                                                    | postgres | internal | RI_FKey_setdefault_upd
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              | referential
pg_catalog | RI_FKey_setnull_del                | "trigger"                   |                                                                                                                    | postgres | internal | RI_FKey_setnull_del
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              | referential
pg_catalog | RI_FKey_setnull_upd                | "trigger"                   |                                                                                                                    | postgres | internal | RI_FKey_setnull_upd
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              | referential

-- More --


Displays all indices in the connected database, with comments

   <source lang="sql">

postgres=# --Displays all indices in the connected database, with comments. postgres=# \di+

                        List of relations
Schema |     Name      | Type  |  Owner   |  Table   | Description

public | subjects_pkey | index | postgres | subjects |

(1 row) postgres=#


Displays all operators in the connected database, with comments

   <source lang="sql">

postgres=# --Displays all operators in the connected database, with comments. postgres=# \do+

                                                                              List of operators
  Schema   | Name |        Left arg type        |       Right arg type        |         Result type         |                           Description

pg_catalog | !    | bigint                      |                             | numeric                     |
pg_catalog | !!   |                             | bigint                      | numeric                     |
pg_catalog | !!=  | integer                     | text                        | boolean                     | not in
pg_catalog | !!=  | oid                         | text                        | boolean                     | not in
pg_catalog | !~   | character                   | text                        | boolean                     | does not match regex., case-sensitive
pg_catalog | !~   | name                        | text                        | boolean                     | does not match regex., case-sensitive
pg_catalog | !~   | text                        | text                        | boolean                     | does not match regex., case-sensitive
pg_catalog | !~*  | character                   | text                        | boolean                     | does not match regex., case-insensitive
pg_catalog | !~*  | name                        | text                        | boolean                     | does not match regex., case-insensitive
pg_catalog | !~*  | text                        | text                        | boolean                     | does not match regex., case-insensitive
pg_catalog | !~~  | bytea                       | bytea                       | boolean                     | does not match LIKE expression
pg_catalog | !~~  | character                   | text                        | boolean                     | does not match LIKE expression
pg_catalog | !~~  | name                        | text                        | boolean                     | does not match LIKE expression
pg_catalog | !~~  | text                        | text                        | boolean                     | does not match LIKE expression
pg_catalog | !~~* | character                   | text                        | boolean                     | does not match LIKE expression, case-insensitive
pg_catalog | !~~* | name                        | text                        | boolean                     | does not match LIKE expression, case-insensitive
pg_catalog | !~~* | text                        | text                        | boolean                     | does not match LIKE expression, case-insensitive
pg_catalog | #    | bigint                      | bigint                      | bigint                      | binary xor
pg_catalog | #    | bit                         | bit                         | bit                         | bitwise exclusive or
pg_catalog | #    | box                         | box                         | box                         | box intersection (another box)
pg_catalog | #    | integer                     | integer                     | integer                     | binary xor
pg_catalog | #    | line                        | line                        | point                       | intersection point
pg_catalog | #    | lseg                        | lseg                        | point                       | intersection point
pg_catalog | #    | smallint                    | smallint                    | smallint                    | binary xor
pg_catalog | #    |                             | path                        | integer                     | number of points in path
pg_catalog | #    |                             | polygon                     | integer                     | number of points in polygon
pg_catalog | ##   | line                        | box                         | point                       | closest point to line on box
pg_catalog | ##   | line                        | lseg                        | point                       | closest point to line on line segment
pg_catalog | ##   | lseg                        | box                         | point                       | closest point to line segment on box
pg_catalog | ##   | lseg                        | line                        | point                       | closest point to line segment on line
pg_catalog | ##   | lseg                        | lseg                        | point                       | closest point to line segment on line segment
pg_catalog | ##   | point                       | box                         | point                       | closest point on box
pg_catalog | ##   | point                       | line                        | point                       | closest point on line
pg_catalog | ##   | point                       | lseg                        | point                       | closest point on line segment
pg_catalog | #<   | tinterval                   | reltime                     | boolean                     | length less-than
pg_catalog | #<=  | tinterval                   | reltime                     | boolean                     | length less-than-or-equal
pg_catalog | #<>  | tinterval                   | reltime                     | boolean                     | length not equal to
pg_catalog | #=   | tinterval                   | reltime                     | boolean                     | length equal
pg_catalog | #>   | tinterval                   | reltime                     | boolean                     | length greater-than
pg_catalog | #>=  | tinterval                   | reltime                     | boolean                     | length greater-than-or-equal
pg_catalog | %    | bigint                      | bigint                      | bigint                      | modulus
pg_catalog | %    | integer                     | integer                     | integer                     | modulus
pg_catalog | %    | integer                     | smallint                    | integer                     | modulus
pg_catalog | %    | numeric                     | numeric                     | numeric                     | modulus
pg_catalog | %    | smallint                    | integer                     | integer                     | modulus
pg_catalog | %    | smallint                    | smallint                    | smallint                    | modulus
pg_catalog | &    | bigint                      | bigint                      | bigint                      | binary and
pg_catalog | &    | bit                         | bit                         | bit                         | bitwise and
pg_catalog | &    | integer                     | integer                     | integer                     | binary and
pg_catalog | &    | smallint                    | smallint                    | smallint                    | binary and
pg_catalog | &&   | box                         | box                         | boolean                     | overlaps
pg_catalog | &&   | circle                      | circle                      | boolean                     | overlaps
pg_catalog | &&   | polygon                     | polygon                     | boolean                     | overlaps
pg_catalog | &&   | tinterval                   | tinterval                   | boolean                     | overlaps

-- More --


Displays all sequences in the connected database, with comments

   <source lang="sql">

postgres=# --Displays all sequences in the connected database, with comments. postgres=# \ds+

                         List of relations
Schema |          Name          |   Type   |  Owner   | Description

public | auto_identified_id_seq | sequence | postgres |

(1 row) postgres=#


Displays all tables in the connected database, with comments

   <source lang="sql">

postgres=# --Displays all tables in the connected database, with comments. postgres=# \dt+

                    List of relations
Schema |      Name       | Type  |  Owner   | Description

public | auto_identified | table | postgres |
public | subjects        | table | postgres |
public | tasklog         | table | postgres |

(3 rows) postgres=#


Displays all views in the connected database, with comments

   <source lang="sql">

postgres=# --Displays all views in the connected database, with comments. postgres=# \dv+ No relations found. postgres=#


Listing psql slash commands

   <source lang="sql">

postgres=# postgres=# postgres=# -- Listing psql slash commands postgres=# postgres=# \? General

 \c[onnect] [DBNAME|- [USER]]
                connect to new database (currently "postgres")
 \cd [DIR]      change the current working directory
 \copyright     show PostgreSQL usage and distribution terms
 \encoding [ENCODING]
                show or set client encoding
 \h [NAME]      help on syntax of SQL commands, * for all commands
 \q             quit psql
 \set [NAME [VALUE]]
                set internal variable, or list all if no parameters
 \timing        toggle timing of commands (currently off)
 \unset NAME    unset (delete) internal variable
 \! [COMMAND]   execute command in shell or start interactive shell

Query Buffer

 \e [FILE]      edit the query buffer (or file) with external editor
 \g [FILE]      send query buffer to server (and results to file or |pipe)
 \p             show the contents of the query buffer
 \r             reset (clear) the query buffer
 \w FILE        write query buffer to file


 \echo [STRING] write string to standard output
 \i FILE        execute commands from file
 \o [FILE]      send all query results to file or |pipe
 \qecho [STRING]
                write string to query output stream (see \o)


 \d [NAME]      describe table, index, sequence, or view
 \d{t|i|s|v|S} [PATTERN] (add "+" for more detail)
                list tables/indexes/sequences/views/system tables
 \da [PATTERN]  list aggregate functions
 \db [PATTERN]  list tablespaces (add "+" for more detail)
 \dc [PATTERN]  list conversions
 \dC            list casts
 \dd [PATTERN]  show comment for object
 \dD [PATTERN]  list domains
 \df [PATTERN]  list functions (add "+" for more detail)
 \dg [PATTERN]  list groups
 \dn [PATTERN]  list schemas (add "+" for more detail)
 \do [NAME]     list operators
 \dl            list large objects, same as \lo_list
 \dp [PATTERN]  list table, view, and sequence access privileges
 \dT [PATTERN]  list data types (add "+" for more detail)
 \du [PATTERN]  list users
 \l             list all databases (add "+" for more detail)
 \z [PATTERN]   list table, view, and sequence access privileges (same as \dp)


 \a             toggle between unaligned and aligned output mode
 \C [STRING]    set table title, or unset if none
 \f [STRING]    show or set field separator for unaligned query output
 \H             toggle HTML output mode (currently off)
 \pset NAME [VALUE]
                set table output option
                (NAME := {format|border|expanded|fieldsep|footer|null|
 \t             show only rows (currently off)
\T [STRING] set HTML tag attributes, or unset if none \x toggle expanded output (currently off) Copy, Large Object \copy ... perform SQL COPY with data stream to the client host \lo_export LOBOID FILE \lo_import FILE [COMMENT] \lo_list \lo_unlink LOBOID large object operations postgres=# </source>

The variable list

   <source lang="sql">

postgres=# postgres=# -- The variable list postgres=# postgres=# \set VERSION = "PostgreSQL 8.1.4 on i686-pc-mingw32, compiled by GCC gcc.exe (GCC) 3.4.2 (mingw-special)" AUTOCOMMIT = "on" VERBOSITY = "default" PROMPT1 = "%/%R%# " PROMPT2 = "%/%R%# " PROMPT3 = ">> " DBNAME = "postgres" USER = "postgres" HOST = "localhost" PORT = "5432" ENCODING = "SQL_ASCII" LASTOID = "0" data = "cat tabledata" postgres=# postgres=#


timestamp with time zone postmaster start time

   <source lang="sql">

postgres=# postgres=# -- timestamp with time zone postmaster start time postgres=# select pg_postmaster_start_time() ;


2006-10-12 07:48:20.453-07

(1 row) postgres=#


To get out of psql

   <source lang="sql">

-- To get out of psql, type

