Oracle PL/SQL Tutorial/Table/comment

Материал из SQL эксперт
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Add comment to a column

   <source lang="sql">

SQL> SQL> create table salgrades

 2  ( grade      NUMBER(2)
 3  , lowerlimit NUMBER(6,2)
 4  , upperlimit NUMBER(6,2)
 5  , bonus      NUMBER(6,2)
 6  ) ;

Table created. SQL> SQL> SQL> comment on column salgrades.lowerlimit

 2  is     "For sales reps only";

Comment created. SQL> SQL> drop table salgrades; Table dropped. SQL></source>

Create comment for a table

   <source lang="sql">

SQL> SQL> create table salgrades

 2  ( grade      NUMBER(2)
 3  , lowerlimit NUMBER(6,2)
 4  , upperlimit NUMBER(6,2)
 5  , bonus      NUMBER(6,2)
 6  ) ;

Table created. SQL> SQL> SQL> SQL> comment on table salgrades

 2  is     "Salary grades and net bonuses";

Comment created. SQL> SQL> drop table salgrades; Table dropped.</source>

Query column comments through user_col_comments

   <source lang="sql">

SQL> SQL> create table salgrades

 2  ( grade      NUMBER(2)
 3  , lowerlimit NUMBER(6,2)
 4  , upperlimit NUMBER(6,2)
 5  , bonus      NUMBER(6,2)
 6  ) ;

Table created. SQL> SQL> SQL> comment on column salgrades.bonus

 2  is     "For sales reps only";

Comment created. SQL> SQL> SQL> SQL> select comments

 2  from   user_col_comments
 3  where  table_name  = "SALGRADES"
 4  and    column_name = "COMM";

no rows selected SQL> SQL> drop table salgrades; Table dropped. SQL> SQL></source>

Query user_tab_comments to check the table comment

   <source lang="sql">

SQL> SQL> create table salgrades

 2  ( grade      NUMBER(2)
 3  , lowerlimit NUMBER(6,2)
 4  , upperlimit NUMBER(6,2)
 5  , bonus      NUMBER(6,2)
 6  ) ;

Table created. SQL> SQL> SQL> comment on column salgrades.bonus

 2  is     "For sales reps only";

Comment created. SQL> SQL> SQL> select comments

 2  from   user_tab_comments
 3  where  table_name  = "SALGRADES";


SQL> SQL> drop table salgrades; Table dropped. SQL></source>