Oracle PL/SQL Tutorial/Query Select/Select clause

Материал из SQL эксперт
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Compare with number

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SQL> SQL> SQL> create table employees(

 2    empno      NUMBER(4)
 3  , ename      VARCHAR2(8)
 4  , init       VARCHAR2(5)
 5  , job        VARCHAR2(8)
 6  , mgr        NUMBER(4)
 7  , bdate      DATE
 8  , msal       NUMBER(6,2)
 9  , comm       NUMBER(6,2)
10  , deptno     NUMBER(2) ) ;

Table created. SQL> SQL> SQL> insert into employees values(1,"Jason", "N", "TRAINER", 2, date "1965-12-18", 800 , NULL, 10); 1 row created. SQL> insert into employees values(2,"Jerry", "J", "SALESREP",3, date "1966-11-19", 1600, 300, 10); 1 row created. SQL> insert into employees values(3,"Jord", "T" , "SALESREP",4, date "1967-10-21", 1700, 500, 20); 1 row created. SQL> insert into employees values(4,"Mary", "J", "MANAGER", 5, date "1968-09-22", 1800, NULL, 20); 1 row created. SQL> insert into employees values(5,"Joe", "P", "SALESREP",6, date "1969-08-23", 1900, 1400, 30); 1 row created. SQL> insert into employees values(6,"Black", "R", "MANAGER", 7, date "1970-07-24", 2000, NULL, 30); 1 row created. SQL> insert into employees values(7,"Red", "A", "MANAGER", 8, date "1971-06-25", 2100, NULL, 40); 1 row created. SQL> insert into employees values(8,"White", "S", "TRAINER", 9, date "1972-05-26", 2200, NULL, 40); 1 row created. SQL> insert into employees values(9,"Yellow", "C", "DIRECTOR",10, date "1973-04-27", 2300, NULL, 20); 1 row created. SQL> insert into employees values(10,"Pink", "J", "SALESREP",null,date "1974-03-28", 2400, 0, 30); 1 row created. SQL> SQL> SQL> select empno, ename, comm

 2  from   employees
 3  where  comm > 400;
    EMPNO ENAME          COMM

-------- ----------
        3 Jord            500
        5 Joe            1400

SQL> SQL> select empno, ename, comm

 2  from   employees
 3  where  comm <= 400;
    EMPNO ENAME          COMM

-------- ----------
        2 Jerry           300
       10 Pink              0

SQL> SQL> SQL> drop table employees; Table dropped. SQL> SQL></source>

Concatenate string

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SQL> SQL> SQL> create table employees(

 2    empno      NUMBER(4)
 3  , ename      VARCHAR2(8)
 4  , init       VARCHAR2(5)
 5  , job        VARCHAR2(8)
 6  , mgr        NUMBER(4)
 7  , bdate      DATE
 8  , msal       NUMBER(6,2)
 9  , comm       NUMBER(6,2)
10  , deptno     NUMBER(2) ) ;

Table created. SQL> SQL> SQL> insert into employees values(1,"Jason", "N", "TRAINER", 2, date "1965-12-18", 800 , NULL, 10); 1 row created. SQL> insert into employees values(2,"Jerry", "J", "SALESREP",3, date "1966-11-19", 1600, 300, 10); 1 row created. SQL> insert into employees values(3,"Jord", "T" , "SALESREP",4, date "1967-10-21", 1700, 500, 20); 1 row created. SQL> insert into employees values(4,"Mary", "J", "MANAGER", 5, date "1968-09-22", 1800, NULL, 20); 1 row created. SQL> insert into employees values(5,"Joe", "P", "SALESREP",6, date "1969-08-23", 1900, 1400, 30); 1 row created. SQL> insert into employees values(6,"Black", "R", "MANAGER", 7, date "1970-07-24", 2000, NULL, 30); 1 row created. SQL> insert into employees values(7,"Red", "A", "MANAGER", 8, date "1971-06-25", 2100, NULL, 40); 1 row created. SQL> insert into employees values(8,"White", "S", "TRAINER", 9, date "1972-05-26", 2200, NULL, 40); 1 row created. SQL> insert into employees values(9,"Yellow", "C", "DIRECTOR",10, date "1973-04-27", 2300, NULL, 20); 1 row created. SQL> insert into employees values(10,"Pink", "J", "SALESREP",null,date "1974-03-28", 2400, 0, 30); 1 row created. SQL> SQL> SQL> select ename ||", "||init

 2         as full_name
 3  from   employees;


Jason, N Jerry, J Jord, T Mary, J Joe, P Black, R Red, A White, S Yellow, C Pink, J 10 rows selected. SQL> SQL> drop table employees; Table dropped.</source>

Don"t Perform the Same Calculation Over and Over

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 2  (income   INTEGER
 3  ,overhead INTEGER);

Table created. SQL> SQL> SQL> INSERT INTO contract VALUES (1000,20); 1 row created. SQL> INSERT INTO contract VALUES (2000,10); 1 row created. SQL> INSERT INTO contract VALUES (1000,50); 1 row created. SQL> SQL> SELECT income,

 2         overhead,
 3         (income-income*overhead/100) AS residual,
 4         0.20*(income-income*overhead/100) AS Est,
 5         0.10*(income-income*overhead/100) AS Admin,
 6         0.05*(income-income*overhead/100) AS Rsrv
 7    FROM contract;

---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ----------
     1000         20        800        160         80         40
     2000         10       1800        360        180         90
     1000         50        500        100         50         25

SQL> SELECT income,

 2         overhead,
 3         residual,
 4         0.20*residual AS Est,
 5         0.10*residual AS Admin,
 6         0.05*residual AS Rsrv
 7    FROM
 8     (SELECT income, overhead, (income-income*overhead/100) AS residual
 9        FROM contract) subquery;

---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ----------
     1000         20        800        160         80         40
     2000         10       1800        360        180         90
     1000         50        500        100         50         25


 2    SELECT income, overhead, (income-income*overhead/100) AS residual
 3      FROM contract;

View created. SQL> SQL> SELECT income,

 2         overhead,
 3         residual,
 4         0.20*residual AS Est,
 5         0.10*residual AS Admin,
 6         0.05*residual AS Rsrv
 7    FROM residual1;

---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ----------
     1000         20        800        160         80         40
     2000         10       1800        360        180         90
     1000         50        500        100         50         25

SQL> SELECT subquery.*,

 2         0.20*residual AS Est,
 3         0.10*residual AS Admin,
 4         0.05*residual AS Rsrv
 5    FROM
 6     (SELECT contract.*, (income-income*overhead/100) AS residual
 7        FROM contract) subquery;

---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ----------
     1000         20        800        160         80         40
     2000         10       1800        360        180         90
     1000         50        500        100         50         25

SQL> SQL> DROP VIEW residual1; View dropped. SQL> DROP TABLE contract; Table dropped. SQL> SQL></source>

List single column from a table

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 2    au_id    CHAR(3)     NOT NULL,
 3    au_fname VARCHAR(15) NOT NULL,
 4    au_lname VARCHAR(15) NOT NULL,
 5    phone    VARCHAR(12) NULL    ,
 6    address  VARCHAR(20) NULL    ,
 7    city     VARCHAR(15) NULL    ,
 8    state    CHAR(2)     NULL    ,
 9    zip      CHAR(5)     NULL
10  );

Table created. SQL> SQL> INSERT INTO employees VALUES("A01","S","B","111-111-1111","75 St","Boston","NY","11111"); 1 row created. SQL> INSERT INTO employees VALUES("A02","W","H","222-222-2222","2922 Rd","Boston","CO","22222"); 1 row created. SQL> INSERT INTO employees VALUES("A03","H","H","333-333-3333","3800 Ave, #14F","San Francisco","CA","33333"); 1 row created. SQL> INSERT INTO employees VALUES("A04","K","H","444-444-4444","3800 Ave, #14F","San Francisco","CA","44444"); 1 row created. SQL> INSERT INTO employees VALUES("A05","C","K","555-555-5555","114 St","New York","NY","55555"); 1 row created. SQL> INSERT INTO employees VALUES("A06"," ","K","666-666-666","390 Mall","Palo Alto","CA","66666"); 1 row created. SQL> INSERT INTO employees VALUES("A07","P","O","777-777-7777","1442 St","Sarasota","FL","77777"); 1 row created. SQL> SQL> SQL> SQL> SQL> SELECT city

 2    FROM employees;


Boston Boston San Francisco San Francisco New York Palo Alto Sarasota 7 rows selected. SQL> SQL> drop table employees; Table dropped.</source>

Math calculation in select statement

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SQL> SQL> SQL> SQL> SELECT 2 + 3 * 4 AS "2+3*4",

 2         (2 + 3) * 4 AS "(2+3)*4",
 3         6 / 2 * 3   AS "6/2*3",
 4         6 / (2 * 3) AS "6/(2*3)" from dual;
    2+3*4    (2+3)*4      6/2*3    6/(2*3)

---------- ---------- ----------
       14         20          9          1</source>

Negate a column value

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 2    title_id     CHAR(3)      NOT NULL,
 3    advance      DECIMAL(9,2) NULL    ,
 4    royalty_rate DECIMAL(5,2) NULL);

Table created. SQL> SQL> SQL> INSERT INTO promotion VALUES("T01",10000,0.05); 1 row created. SQL> INSERT INTO promotion VALUES("T02",1000,0.06); 1 row created. SQL> INSERT INTO promotion VALUES("T03",15000,0.07); 1 row created. SQL> INSERT INTO promotion VALUES("T04",20000,0.08); 1 row created. SQL> INSERT INTO promotion VALUES("T05",100000,0.09); 1 row created. SQL> INSERT INTO promotion VALUES("T06",20000,0.08); 1 row created. SQL> INSERT INTO promotion VALUES("T07",1000000,0.11); 1 row created. SQL> INSERT INTO promotion VALUES("T08",0,0.04); 1 row created. SQL> INSERT INTO promotion VALUES("T09",0,0.05); 1 row created. SQL> INSERT INTO promotion VALUES("T10",NULL,NULL); 1 row created. SQL> INSERT INTO promotion VALUES("T11",100000,0.07); 1 row created. SQL> INSERT INTO promotion VALUES("T12",50000,0.09); 1 row created. SQL> INSERT INTO promotion VALUES("T13",20000,0.06); 1 row created. SQL> SQL> SQL> SELECT title_id,

 2         -advance AS "Advance"
 3    FROM promotion;

TIT Advance --- ---------- T01 -10000 T02 -1000 T03 -15000 T04 -20000 T05 -100000 T06 -20000 T07 -1000000 T08 0 T09 0 T10 T11 -100000 TIT Advance --- ---------- T12 -50000 T13 -20000 13 rows selected. SQL> SQL> SQL> drop table promotion; Table dropped. SQL> SQL></source>

NO_INDEX function in select statement

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 2  (employee_id         NUMBER(7),
 3   last_name           VARCHAR2(25),
 4   first_name          VARCHAR2(25),
 5   userid              VARCHAR2(8),
 6   start_date          DATE,
 7   comments            VARCHAR2(255),
 8   manager_id          NUMBER(7),
 9   title               VARCHAR2(25),
10   department_id       NUMBER(7),
11   salary              NUMBER(11, 2),
12   commission_pct      NUMBER(4, 2)
13  );

Table created. SQL> SQL> INSERT INTO employee VALUES (1, "V", "Ben", "cv",to_date("03-MAR-90 8:30", "dd-mon-yy hh24:mi"),NULL, NULL, "PRESIDENT", 50, 2500, NULL); 1 row created. SQL> INSERT INTO employee VALUES (2, "N", "Haidy", "ln", "08-MAR-90", NULL,1, "VP, OPERATIONS", 41, 1450, NULL); 1 row created. SQL> INSERT INTO employee VALUES (3, "N", "Molly", "mn", "17-JUN-91",NULL, 1, "VP, SALES", 31, 1400, NULL); 1 row created. SQL> INSERT INTO employee VALUES (4, "S", "Mark", "mq", "07-APR-90",NULL, 1, "VP, FINANCE", 10, 1450, NULL); 1 row created. SQL> INSERT INTO employee VALUES (5, "R", "AUDRY", "ar", "04-MAR-90",NULL, 1, "VP, ADMINISTRATION", 50, 1550, NULL); 1 row created. SQL> INSERT INTO employee VALUES (6, "U", "MOLLY", "mu", "18-JAN-91",NULL, 2, "WAREHOUSE MANAGER", 41, 1200, NULL); 1 row created. SQL> INSERT INTO employee VALUES (7, "M", "ROBERTA", "rm", "14-MAY-90",NULL, 2, "WAREHOUSE MANAGER", 41, 1250, NULL); 1 row created. SQL> INSERT INTO employee VALUES (8, "B", "BEN", "ry", "07-APR-90", NULL, 2,"WAREHOUSE MANAGER", 41, 1100, NULL); 1 row created. SQL> INSERT INTO employee VALUES (9, "C", "Jane", "ac", "09-FEB-92",NULL, 2, "WAREHOUSE MANAGER", 41, 1300, NULL); 1 row created. SQL> INSERT INTO employee VALUES (10, "H", "Mart", "mh", "27-FEB-91", NULL, 2,"WAREHOUSE MANAGER", 41, 1307, NULL); 1 row created. SQL> SQL> SQL> SQL> SELECT /*+ NO_INDEX (employee employee_id_pk) */

 2         first_name, last_name
 3  FROM   employee
 4  WHERE  employee_id = 25;

no rows selected SQL> SQL> SQL> drop table employee; Table dropped.</source>

Performing Single Table SELECT Statements

  1. The SELECT statement retrieves information from tables.
  2. The SELECT statement specifies the table and a list of column names.
  3. After the SELECT keyword, you supply the column names.
  4. After the FROM keyword, you supply the table name.
  5. The SQL statement is ended using a semicolon (;).
  6. The items that immediately follow the SELECT statement can be any valid expressions.
  7. The rows returned by the database are known as a result set.
  8. Oracle database converts the column names into their uppercase equivalents.
  9. Character and date columns are left-justified.
  10. Number columns are right-justified.

By default, the Oracle database displays dates in the format DD-MON-YY, where

  1. DD is the day number,
  2. MON is the first three characters of the month (in uppercase), and
  3. YY is the last two digits of the year.

The clauses of a SELECT statement are:

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Search for String Across Columns

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 2  (name   VARCHAR(10)
 3  ,floorcolor VARCHAR(10)
 4  ,ceilingcolor VARCHAR(10)
 5  ,wallcolor VARCHAR(10)
 6  );

Table created. SQL> INSERT INTO myRoom VALUES ("Jim","RED","GREEN","YELLOW"); 1 row created. SQL> INSERT INTO myRoom VALUES ("Bob","YELLOW","BLUE","BLACK"); 1 row created. SQL> INSERT INTO myRoom VALUES ("Allan","BLUE","PINK","BLACK"); 1 row created. SQL> INSERT INTO myRoom VALUES ("George","BLUE","GREEN","OAK"); 1 row created. SQL> SQL> SELECT name FROM myRoom

 2  WHERE floorcolor = "YELLOW"
 3  OR    ceilingcolor = "YELLOW"
 4  OR    wallcolor = "YELLOW";


Jim Bob SQL> SQL> DROP TABLE myRoom; Table dropped. SQL></source>

Select constant as a column

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 2    title_id   CHAR(3)      NOT NULL,
 3    title_name VARCHAR(40)  NOT NULL,
 4    type       VARCHAR(10)  NULL    ,
 5    pub_id     CHAR(3)      NOT NULL,
 6    pages      INTEGER      NULL    ,
 7    price      DECIMAL(5,2) NULL    ,
 8    sales      INTEGER      NULL    ,
 9    pubdate    DATE         NULL    ,
10    contract   SMALLINT     NOT NULL
11  );

Table created. SQL> SQL> SQL> SQL> SQL> INSERT INTO book VALUES("T01","Java","history","P01",111,21.99,566,DATE "2000-08-01",1); 1 row created. SQL> INSERT INTO book VALUES("T02","Oracle","history","P03", 114,19.95,9566,DATE "1998-04-01",1); 1 row created. SQL> INSERT INTO book VALUES("T03","SQL","computer","P02", 122,39.95,25667,DATE "2000-09-01",1); 1 row created. SQL> INSERT INTO book VALUES("T04","C++","psychology","P04", 511,12.99,13001,DATE "1999-05-31",1); 1 row created. SQL> INSERT INTO book VALUES("T05","Python","psychology","P04", 101,6.95,201440,DATE "2001-01-01",1); 1 row created. SQL> INSERT INTO book VALUES("T06","JavaScript","biography","P01", 173,19.95,11320,DATE "2000-07-31",1); 1 row created. SQL> INSERT INTO book VALUES("T07","LINQ","biography","P03", 331,23.95,1500200,DATE "1999-10-01",1); 1 row created. SQL> INSERT INTO book VALUES("T08","C#","children","P04", 861,10.00,4095,DATE "2001-06-01",1); 1 row created. SQL> INSERT INTO book VALUES("T09","SQL Server","children","P04", 212,13.95,5000,DATE "2002-05-31",1); 1 row created. SQL> INSERT INTO book VALUES("T10","AJAX","biography","P01", NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,0); 1 row created. SQL> INSERT INTO book VALUES("T11","VB","psychology","P04", 821,7.99,94123,DATE "2000-11-30",1); 1 row created. SQL> INSERT INTO book VALUES("T12","Office","biography","P01", 507,12.99,100001,DATE "2000-08-31",1); 1 row created. SQL> INSERT INTO book VALUES("T13","VBA","history","P03", 812,29.99,10467,DATE "1999-05-31",1); 1 row created. SQL> SQL> SQL> SQL> SELECT title_id,

 2         price,
 3         0.10 AS "Discount",
 4         price * (1 - 0.10) AS "New price"
 5    FROM book;

TIT PRICE Discount New price --- ---------- ---------- ---------- T01 21.99 .1 19.791 T02 19.95 .1 17.955 T03 39.95 .1 35.955 T04 12.99 .1 11.691 T05 6.95 .1 6.255 T06 19.95 .1 17.955 T07 23.95 .1 21.555 T08 10 .1 9 T09 13.95 .1 12.555 T10 .1 T11 7.99 .1 7.191 TIT PRICE Discount New price --- ---------- ---------- ---------- T12 12.99 .1 11.691 T13 29.99 .1 26.991 13 rows selected. SQL> SQL> drop table book; Table dropped. SQL></source>

Select employee first and last and sort by last name

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SQL> SQL> CREATE TABLE employees (

 2    au_id    CHAR(3)     NOT NULL,
 3    au_fname VARCHAR(15) NOT NULL,
 4    au_lname VARCHAR(15) NOT NULL,
 5    phone    VARCHAR(12) NULL    ,
 6    address  VARCHAR(20) NULL    ,
 7    city     VARCHAR(15) NULL    ,
 8    state    CHAR(2)     NULL    ,
 9    zip      CHAR(5)     NULL
10  );

Table created. SQL> SQL> INSERT INTO employees VALUES("A01","S","B","111-111-1111","75 St","Boston","NY","11111"); 1 row created. SQL> INSERT INTO employees VALUES("A02","W","H","222-222-2222","2922 Rd","Boston","CO","22222"); 1 row created. SQL> INSERT INTO employees VALUES("A03","H","H","333-333-3333","3800 Ave, #14F","San Francisco","CA","33333"); 1 row created. SQL> INSERT INTO employees VALUES("A04","K","H","444-444-4444","3800 Ave, #14F","San Francisco","CA","44444"); 1 row created. SQL> INSERT INTO employees VALUES("A05","C","K","555-555-5555","114 St","New York","NY","55555"); 1 row created. SQL> INSERT INTO employees VALUES("A06"," ","K","666-666-666","390 Mall","Palo Alto","CA","66666"); 1 row created. SQL> INSERT INTO employees VALUES("A07","P","O","777-777-7777","1442 St","Sarasota","FL","77777"); 1 row created. SQL> SQL> SQL> SQL> SELECT au_fname, au_lname

 2    FROM employees
 3    ORDER BY au_lname;





P O 7 rows selected. SQL> SQL> drop table employees; Table dropped. SQL></source>

Select from a Subquery

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SQL> SQL> SQL> SQL> create table history

 2  ( empno      NUMBER(4)
 3  , beginyear  NUMBER(4)
 4  , begindate  DATE
 5  , enddate    DATE
 6  , deptno     NUMBER(2)
 7  , msal       NUMBER(6,2)
 8  , comments   VARCHAR2(60)
 9  ) ;

Table created. SQL> SQL> SQL> SQL> insert into history values (9,2000,date "2000-01-01",date "2002-01-02",40, 950,"history for 9"); 1 row created. SQL> insert into history values (8,2000,date "2000-01-02", NULL ,20, 800,""); 1 row created. SQL> insert into history values (7,1988,date "2000-01-06",date "2002-01-07",30,1000,""); 1 row created. SQL> insert into history values (6,1989,date "2000-01-07",date "2002-01-12",30,1300,""); 1 row created. SQL> insert into history values (5,1993,date "2000-01-12",date "2002-01-10",30,1500,"history for 5"); 1 row created. SQL> insert into history values (4,1995,date "2000-01-10",date "2002-01-11",30,1700,""); 1 row created. SQL> insert into history values (3,1999,date "2000-01-11", NULL ,30,1600,""); 1 row created. SQL> insert into history values (2,1986,date "2000-01-10",date "2002-01-08",20,1000,"history for 2"); 1 row created. SQL> insert into history values (1,1987,date "2000-01-08",date "2002-01-01",30,1000,"history for 1"); 1 row created. SQL> insert into history values (7,1989,date "2000-01-01",date "2002-05-12",30,1150,"history for 7"); 1 row created. SQL> SQL> SQL> SQL> select *

 2  from  (select empno, msal
 3         from   history
 4         order  by msal desc)
 5  where  rownum <= 3;

    4   1700
    3   1600
    5   1500

3 rows selected. SQL> SQL> drop table history; Table dropped. SQL> SQL></source>

Use as to specify the alias name

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SQL> SQL> CREATE TABLE employees (

 2    au_id    CHAR(3)     NOT NULL,
 3    au_fname VARCHAR(15) NOT NULL,
 4    au_lname VARCHAR(15) NOT NULL,
 5    phone    VARCHAR(12) NULL    ,
 6    address  VARCHAR(20) NULL    ,
 7    city     VARCHAR(15) NULL    ,
 8    state    CHAR(2)     NULL    ,
 9    zip      CHAR(5)     NULL
10  );

Table created. SQL> SQL> INSERT INTO employees VALUES("A01","S","B","111-111-1111","75 St","Boston","NY","11111"); 1 row created. SQL> INSERT INTO employees VALUES("A02","W","H","222-222-2222","2922 Rd","Boston","CO","22222"); 1 row created. SQL> INSERT INTO employees VALUES("A03","H","H","333-333-3333","3800 Ave, #14F","San Francisco","CA","33333"); 1 row created. SQL> INSERT INTO employees VALUES("A04","K","H","444-444-4444","3800 Ave, #14F","San Francisco","CA","44444"); 1 row created. SQL> INSERT INTO employees VALUES("A05","C","K","555-555-5555","114 St","New York","NY","55555"); 1 row created. SQL> INSERT INTO employees VALUES("A06"," ","K","666-666-666","390 Mall","Palo Alto","CA","66666"); 1 row created. SQL> INSERT INTO employees VALUES("A07","P","O","777-777-7777","1442 St","Sarasota","FL","77777"); 1 row created. SQL> SQL> SQL> SQL> SELECT au_fname AS "First name",

 2         au_lname AS "Last name",
 3         city AS "City",
 4         state,
 5         zip AS "Postal code"
 6  FROM employees;

First name Last name City ST Posta

--------------- --------------- -- -----

S B Boston NY 11111 W H Boston CO 22222 H H San Francisco CA 33333 K H San Francisco CA 44444 C K New York NY 55555

               K               Palo Alto       CA 66666

P O Sarasota FL 77777 7 rows selected. SQL> SQL> SQL> drop table employees; Table dropped.</source>

Use function in select clause

The following example displays the absolute value of subtracting 8000 from the salary column.

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SQL> -- create demo table SQL> create table Employee(

 2    ID                 VARCHAR2(4 BYTE)         NOT NULL,
 3    First_Name         VARCHAR2(10 BYTE),
 4    Last_Name          VARCHAR2(10 BYTE),
 5    Start_Date         DATE,
 6    End_Date           DATE,
 7    Salary             Number(8,2),
 8    City               VARCHAR2(10 BYTE),
 9    Description        VARCHAR2(15 BYTE)
10  )
11  /

Table created. SQL> SQL> -- prepare data SQL> insert into Employee(ID, First_Name, Last_Name, Start_Date, End_Date, Salary, City, Description)

 2               values ("01","Jason",    "Martin",  to_date("19960725","YYYYMMDD"), to_date("20060725","YYYYMMDD"), 1234.56, "Toronto",  "Programmer")
 3  /

1 row created. SQL> insert into Employee(ID, First_Name, Last_Name, Start_Date, End_Date, Salary, City, Description)

 2                values("02","Alison",   "Mathews", to_date("19760321","YYYYMMDD"), to_date("19860221","YYYYMMDD"), 6661.78, "Vancouver","Tester")
 3  /

1 row created. SQL> insert into Employee(ID, First_Name, Last_Name, Start_Date, End_Date, Salary, City, Description)

 2                values("03","James",    "Smith",   to_date("19781212","YYYYMMDD"), to_date("19900315","YYYYMMDD"), 6544.78, "Vancouver","Tester")
 3  /

1 row created. SQL> insert into Employee(ID, First_Name, Last_Name, Start_Date, End_Date, Salary, City, Description)

 2                values("04","Celia",    "Rice",    to_date("19821024","YYYYMMDD"), to_date("19990421","YYYYMMDD"), 2344.78, "Vancouver","Manager")
 3  /

1 row created. SQL> insert into Employee(ID, First_Name, Last_Name, Start_Date, End_Date, Salary, City, Description)

 2                values("05","Robert",   "Black",   to_date("19840115","YYYYMMDD"), to_date("19980808","YYYYMMDD"), 2334.78, "Vancouver","Tester")
 3  /

1 row created. SQL> insert into Employee(ID, First_Name, Last_Name, Start_Date, End_Date, Salary, City, Description)

 2                values("06","Linda",    "Green",   to_date("19870730","YYYYMMDD"), to_date("19960104","YYYYMMDD"), 4322.78,"New York",  "Tester")
 3  /

1 row created. SQL> insert into Employee(ID, First_Name, Last_Name, Start_Date, End_Date, Salary, City, Description)

 2                values("07","David",    "Larry",   to_date("19901231","YYYYMMDD"), to_date("19980212","YYYYMMDD"), 7897.78,"New York",  "Manager")
 3  /

1 row created. SQL> insert into Employee(ID, First_Name, Last_Name, Start_Date, End_Date, Salary, City, Description)

 2                values("08","James",    "Cat",     to_date("19960917","YYYYMMDD"), to_date("20020415","YYYYMMDD"), 1232.78,"Vancouver", "Tester")
 3  /

1 row created. SQL> SQL> SQL> SQL> -- display data in the table SQL> select * from Employee

 2  /


---------- ---------- --------- --------- ---------- ---------- ---------------

01 Jason Martin 25-JUL-96 25-JUL-06 1234.56 Toronto Programmer 02 Alison Mathews 21-MAR-76 21-FEB-86 6661.78 Vancouver Tester 03 James Smith 12-DEC-78 15-MAR-90 6544.78 Vancouver Tester 04 Celia Rice 24-OCT-82 21-APR-99 2344.78 Vancouver Manager 05 Robert Black 15-JAN-84 08-AUG-98 2334.78 Vancouver Tester 06 Linda Green 30-JUL-87 04-JAN-96 4322.78 New York Tester 07 David Larry 31-DEC-90 12-FEB-98 7897.78 New York Manager 08 James Cat 17-SEP-96 15-APR-02 1232.78 Vancouver Tester 8 rows selected. SQL> SQL> SQL> SQL> SELECT id, salary, salary - 80000, ABS(salary - 80000) FROM employee; ID SALARY SALARY-80000 ABS(SALARY-80000)

---------- ------------ -----------------

01 1234.56 -78765.44 78765.44 02 6661.78 -73338.22 73338.22 03 6544.78 -73455.22 73455.22 04 2344.78 -77655.22 77655.22 05 2334.78 -77665.22 77665.22 06 4322.78 -75677.22 75677.22 07 7897.78 -72102.22 72102.22 08 1232.78 -78767.22 78767.22 8 rows selected. SQL> SQL> SQL> SQL> -- clean the table SQL> drop table Employee

 2  /

Table dropped.</source>

Use more than one aggregate functions in a select statement

   <source lang="sql">

SQL> SQL> SQL> SQL> -- create demo table SQL> create table Employee(

 2    ID                 VARCHAR2(4 BYTE)         NOT NULL primary key,
 3    First_Name         VARCHAR2(10 BYTE),
 4    Last_Name          VARCHAR2(10 BYTE),
 5    Start_Date         DATE,
 6    End_Date           DATE,
 7    Salary             Number(8,2),
 8    City               VARCHAR2(10 BYTE),
 9    Description        VARCHAR2(15 BYTE)
10  )
11  /

Table created. SQL> SQL> -- prepare data SQL> insert into Employee(ID, First_Name, Last_Name, Start_Date, End_Date, Salary, City, Description)

 2               values ("01","Jason",    "Martin",  to_date("19960725","YYYYMMDD"), to_date("20060725","YYYYMMDD"), 1234.56, "Toronto",  "Programmer")
 3  /

1 row created. SQL> insert into Employee(ID, First_Name, Last_Name, Start_Date, End_Date, Salary, City, Description)

 2                values("02","Alison",   "Mathews", to_date("19760321","YYYYMMDD"), to_date("19860221","YYYYMMDD"), 6661.78, "Vancouver","Tester")
 3  /

1 row created. SQL> insert into Employee(ID, First_Name, Last_Name, Start_Date, End_Date, Salary, City, Description)

 2                values("03","James",    "Smith",   to_date("19781212","YYYYMMDD"), to_date("19900315","YYYYMMDD"), 6544.78, "Vancouver","Tester")
 3  /

1 row created. SQL> insert into Employee(ID, First_Name, Last_Name, Start_Date, End_Date, Salary, City, Description)

 2                values("04","Celia",    "Rice",    to_date("19821024","YYYYMMDD"), to_date("19990421","YYYYMMDD"), 2344.78, "Vancouver","Manager")
 3  /

1 row created. SQL> insert into Employee(ID, First_Name, Last_Name, Start_Date, End_Date, Salary, City, Description)

 2                values("05","Robert",   "Black",   to_date("19840115","YYYYMMDD"), to_date("19980808","YYYYMMDD"), 2334.78, "Vancouver","Tester")
 3  /

1 row created. SQL> insert into Employee(ID, First_Name, Last_Name, Start_Date, End_Date, Salary, City, Description)

 2                values("06","Linda",    "Green",   to_date("19870730","YYYYMMDD"), to_date("19960104","YYYYMMDD"), 4322.78,"New York",  "Tester")
 3  /

1 row created. SQL> insert into Employee(ID, First_Name, Last_Name, Start_Date, End_Date, Salary, City, Description)

 2                values("07","David",    "Larry",   to_date("19901231","YYYYMMDD"), to_date("19980212","YYYYMMDD"), 7897.78,"New York",  "Manager")
 3  /

1 row created. SQL> insert into Employee(ID, First_Name, Last_Name, Start_Date, End_Date, Salary, City, Description)

 2                values("08","James",    "Cat",     to_date("19960917","YYYYMMDD"), to_date("20020415","YYYYMMDD"), 1232.78,"Vancouver", "Tester")
 3  /

1 row created. SQL> SQL> SQL> SQL> -- display data in the table SQL> select * from Employee

 2  /


-------------------- -------------------- --------- --------- ---------- ---------- ---------------

01 Jason Martin 25-JUL-96 25-JUL-06 1234.56 Toronto Programmer 02 Alison Mathews 21-MAR-76 21-FEB-86 6661.78 Vancouver Tester 03 James Smith 12-DEC-78 15-MAR-90 6544.78 Vancouver Tester 04 Celia Rice 24-OCT-82 21-APR-99 2344.78 Vancouver Manager 05 Robert Black 15-JAN-84 08-AUG-98 2334.78 Vancouver Tester 06 Linda Green 30-JUL-87 04-JAN-96 4322.78 New York Tester 07 David Larry 31-DEC-90 12-FEB-98 7897.78 New York Manager 08 James Cat 17-SEP-96 15-APR-02 1232.78 Vancouver Tester 8 rows selected. SQL> SQL> SQL> select city, avg(salary), sum(salary), max(salary), count(*)

 2  from employee
 3  group by city;


----------- ----------- ----------- ----------

New York 6110.28 12220.56 7897.78 2 Toronto 1234.56 1234.56 1234.56 1 Vancouver 3823.78 19118.9 6661.78 5 3 rows selected. SQL> SQL> SQL> SQL> -- clean the table SQL> drop table Employee

 2  /

Table dropped.</source>

where clause

   <source lang="sql">

SQL> SQL> SQL> SQL> -- create demo table SQL> create table Employee(

 2    ID                 VARCHAR2(4 BYTE)         NOT NULL primary key,
 3    First_Name         VARCHAR2(10 BYTE),
 4    Last_Name          VARCHAR2(10 BYTE),
 5    Start_Date         DATE,
 6    End_Date           DATE,
 7    Salary             Number(8,2),
 8    City               VARCHAR2(10 BYTE),
 9    Description        VARCHAR2(15 BYTE)
10  )
11  /

Table created. SQL> SQL> -- prepare data SQL> insert into Employee(ID, First_Name, Last_Name, Start_Date, End_Date, Salary, City, Description)

 2               values ("01","Jason",    "Martin",  to_date("19960725","YYYYMMDD"), to_date("20060725","YYYYMMDD"), 1234.56, "Toronto",  "Programmer")
 3  /

1 row created. SQL> insert into Employee(ID, First_Name, Last_Name, Start_Date, End_Date, Salary, City, Description)

 2                values("02","Alison",   "Mathews", to_date("19760321","YYYYMMDD"), to_date("19860221","YYYYMMDD"), 6661.78, "Vancouver","Tester")
 3  /

1 row created. SQL> insert into Employee(ID, First_Name, Last_Name, Start_Date, End_Date, Salary, City, Description)

 2                values("03","James",    "Smith",   to_date("19781212","YYYYMMDD"), to_date("19900315","YYYYMMDD"), 6544.78, "Vancouver","Tester")
 3  /

1 row created. SQL> insert into Employee(ID, First_Name, Last_Name, Start_Date, End_Date, Salary, City, Description)

 2                values("04","Celia",    "Rice",    to_date("19821024","YYYYMMDD"), to_date("19990421","YYYYMMDD"), 2344.78, "Vancouver","Manager")
 3  /

1 row created. SQL> insert into Employee(ID, First_Name, Last_Name, Start_Date, End_Date, Salary, City, Description)

 2                values("05","Robert",   "Black",   to_date("19840115","YYYYMMDD"), to_date("19980808","YYYYMMDD"), 2334.78, "Vancouver","Tester")
 3  /

1 row created. SQL> insert into Employee(ID, First_Name, Last_Name, Start_Date, End_Date, Salary, City, Description)

 2                values("06","Linda",    "Green",   to_date("19870730","YYYYMMDD"), to_date("19960104","YYYYMMDD"), 4322.78,"New York",  "Tester")
 3  /

1 row created. SQL> insert into Employee(ID, First_Name, Last_Name, Start_Date, End_Date, Salary, City, Description)

 2                values("07","David",    "Larry",   to_date("19901231","YYYYMMDD"), to_date("19980212","YYYYMMDD"), 7897.78,"New York",  "Manager")
 3  /

1 row created. SQL> insert into Employee(ID, First_Name, Last_Name, Start_Date, End_Date, Salary, City, Description)

 2                values("08","James",    "Cat",     to_date("19960917","YYYYMMDD"), to_date("20020415","YYYYMMDD"), 1232.78,"Vancouver", "Tester")
 3  /

1 row created. SQL> SQL> SQL> SQL> -- display data in the table SQL> select * from Employee

 2  /


-------------------- -------------------- --------- --------- ---------- ---------- ---------------

01 Jason Martin 25-JUL-96 25-JUL-06 1234.56 Toronto Programmer 02 Alison Mathews 21-MAR-76 21-FEB-86 6661.78 Vancouver Tester 03 James Smith 12-DEC-78 15-MAR-90 6544.78 Vancouver Tester 04 Celia Rice 24-OCT-82 21-APR-99 2344.78 Vancouver Manager 05 Robert Black 15-JAN-84 08-AUG-98 2334.78 Vancouver Tester 06 Linda Green 30-JUL-87 04-JAN-96 4322.78 New York Tester 07 David Larry 31-DEC-90 12-FEB-98 7897.78 New York Manager


-------------------- -------------------- --------- --------- ---------- ---------- ---------------

08 James Cat 17-SEP-96 15-APR-02 1232.78 Vancouver Tester 8 rows selected. SQL> SQL> select * from employee

 2       where first_name like "J%";


-------------------- -------------------- --------- --------- ---------- ---------- ---------------

01 Jason Martin 25-JUL-96 25-JUL-06 1234.56 Toronto Programmer 03 James Smith 12-DEC-78 15-MAR-90 6544.78 Vancouver Tester 08 James Cat 17-SEP-96 15-APR-02 1232.78 Vancouver Tester 3 rows selected. SQL> select * from employee where id = 5 and salary > 0

 2      /


-------------------- -------------------- --------- --------- ---------- ---------- ---------------

05 Robert Black 15-JAN-84 08-AUG-98 2334.78 Vancouver Tester SQL> /


-------------------- -------------------- --------- --------- ---------- ---------- ---------------

05 Robert Black 15-JAN-84 08-AUG-98 2334.78 Vancouver Tester SQL> SQL> SQL> SQL> -- clean the table SQL> drop table Employee

 2  /

Table dropped.</source>