Oracle PL/SQL Tutorial/Numerical Math Functions/LN
select ln(32)
<source lang="sql">
SQL> SQL> SQL> SQL> select ln(32)
2 from dual; LN(32)
SQL> SQL></source>
SIN(30*3.14159ANH(EXP(4) LOG(LN(32)
<source lang="sql">
SQL> SQL> SQL> select sin(30*3.14159265/180), tanh(0.5)
2 , exp(4), log(2,32), ln(32) 3 from dual;
SIN(30*3.14159265/180) TANH(0.5) EXP(4) LOG(2,32) LN(32)
---------- ---------- ---------- ----------
.499999999 .462117157 54.59815 5 3.4657359
Using the LN function
<source lang="sql">
SQL> -- create demo table SQL> create table myTable(
2 id NUMBER(2), 3 value NUMBER(6,2) 4 ) 5 /
Table created. SQL> SQL> -- prepare data SQL> insert into myTable(ID, value)values (1,9)
2 /
1 row created. SQL> insert into myTable(ID, value)values (2,2.11)
2 /
1 row created. SQL> insert into myTable(ID, value)values (3,3.44)
2 /
1 row created. SQL> insert into myTable(ID, value)values (5,10)
2 /
1 row created. SQL> insert into myTable(ID, value)values (6,3)
2 /
1 row created. SQL> insert into myTable(ID, value)values (8,123.45)
2 /
1 row created. SQL> insert into myTable(ID, value)values (9,98.23)
2 /
1 row created. SQL> SQL> select * from myTable
1 9 2 2.11 3 3.44 5 10 6 3 8 123.45 9 98.23
7 rows selected. SQL> SQL> SQL> SQL> SELECT LN(value) FROM myTable
2.19722458 .746687947 1.23547147 2.30258509 1.09861229 4.81583622 4.58731167 7 rows selected. SQL> SQL> SQL> SQL> SQL> -- clean the table SQL> drop table myTable
2 /
Table dropped. SQL></source>