Oracle PL/SQL/User Previliege/System Privileges

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Common System Privileges

Privilege                  Description
CREATE SESSION             Enables a user to connect to the database instance. 

CREATE TABLE               Enables a user to create a table in his or her schema.
CREATE VIEW                Enables a user to create a view in his or her schema.
CREATE SYNONYM             Enables a user to create a private synonym in his or her schema.
CREATE PUBLIC SYNONYM      Enables a user to create a synonym in the SYS schema that can be used by 
                           any user in the database.
CREATE PROCEDURE           Enables a user to create a stored procedure or function is his or her 
CREATE SEQUENCE            Enables a user to create a sequence in his or her schema.
CREATE TRIGGER             Enables a user to create a trigger in his or her schema on a table in his 
                           or her schema.
CREATE USER                Enables a user to create another user in the database and specify the 
                           password and other settings at creation time.
ALTER USER                 Enables a user to modify the user information of another user in the 
                           database, including changing the user"s password.
DROP ANY TABLE             Enables a user to drop any table in any schema in the database.
ALTER ANY TABLE            Enables a user to alter any table in any schema in the database.
BACKUP ANY TABLE           Enables a user to make a copy of any table in the database using the 
                           Export utility (exp).
SELECT ANY TABLE           Enables a user to issue a SELECT statement against any table 
                           in the database.
INSERT ANY TABLE           Enables a user to issue an INSERT statement against any table in 
                           the database.
UPDATE ANY TABLE           Enables a user to issue an UPDATE statement against any table in the 
DELETE ANY TABLE           Enables a user to issue a DELETE statement against any table in the 

Grant create related permission

GRANT create session
     , create table
     , create procedure
     , create view
     , create synonym
     , create public synonym
     , drop public synonym
     , alter session
TO ppl;

Grant permissions and then check the dba_col_privs table

grant references ( employee_id ),update( first_name,last_name,job_id,manager_id,department_id )
on hr.employees to scott;
select *
from dba_col_privs