SQL Server/T-SQL Tutorial/Procedure Function/Procedure — различия между версиями

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calls the procedure

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10> create table Billings ( 11> BankerID INTEGER, 12> BillingNumber INTEGER, 13> BillingDate datetime, 14> BillingTotal INTEGER, 15> TermsID INTEGER, 16> BillingDueDate datetime , 17> PaymentTotal INTEGER, 18> CreditTotal INTEGER 19> 20> ); 21> GO 1> 2> INSERT INTO Billings VALUES (1, 1, "2005-01-22", 165, 1,"2005-04-22",123,321); 3> GO (1 rows affected) 1> INSERT INTO Billings VALUES (2, 2, "2001-02-21", 165, 1,"2002-02-22",123,321.); 2> GO (1 rows affected) 1> INSERT INTO Billings VALUES (3, 3, "2003-05-02", 165, 1,"2005-04-12",123,321); 2> GO (1 rows affected) 1> INSERT INTO Billings VALUES (4, 4, "1999-03-12", 165, 1,"2005-04-18",123,321); 2> GO (1 rows affected) 1> INSERT INTO Billings VALUES (5, 5, "2000-04-23", 165, 1,"2005-04-17",123,321); 2> GO (1 rows affected) 1> INSERT INTO Billings VALUES (6, 6, "2001-06-14", 165, 1,"2005-04-18",123,321); 2> GO (1 rows affected) 1> INSERT INTO Billings VALUES (7, 7, "2002-07-15", 165, 1,"2005-04-19",123,321); 2> GO (1 rows affected) 1> INSERT INTO Billings VALUES (8, 8, "2003-08-16", 165, 1,"2005-04-20",123,321); 2> GO (1 rows affected) 1> INSERT INTO Billings VALUES (9, 9, "2004-09-17", 165, 1,"2005-04-21",123,321); 2> GO (1 rows affected) 1> INSERT INTO Billings VALUES (0, 0, "2005-10-18", 165, 1,"2005-04-22",123,321); 2> GO (1 rows affected) 1> 2> 3> CREATE PROC spInsertBilling 4> @BankerID int, @BillingNumber varchar(50), 5> @BillingDate smalldatetime, @BillingTotal money, 6> @TermsID int, @BillingDueDate smalldatetime 7> AS 8> IF EXISTS(SELECT * FROM Billings WHERE BankerID = @BankerID) 9> BEGIN 10> INSERT Billings (BankerID) 11> VALUES (@BankerID) 12> END 13> ELSE 14> BEGIN 15> RAISERROR("Not a valid BankerID!",1,1) 16> RETURN -100 17> END 18> GO 1> 2> 3> DECLARE @ReturnVar int 4> EXEC @ReturnVar = spInsertBilling 5> 799,"ZXK-799","2002-07-01",299.95,1,"2001-08-01" 6> PRINT "Return code was: " + CONVERT(varchar,@ReturnVar) 7> GO Not a valid BankerID! Return code was: -100 1> 2> drop PROC spInsertBilling; 3> GO 1> 2> 3> drop table Billings; 4> GO 1></source>

Declare a variable in a procedure

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4> CREATE TABLE Product( 5> ProductID int NOT NULL, 6> Name nvarchar(25) NOT NULL, 7> ProductNumber nvarchar(25) , 8> Color nvarchar(15) NULL, 9> StandardCost money NOT NULL, 10> Size nvarchar(5) NULL, 11> Weight decimal(8, 2) NULL, 12> ProductLine nchar(20) NULL, 13> SellStartDate datetime NOT NULL, 14> SellEndDate datetime NULL 15> ) 16> GO 1> insert into Product values(1,"Product A", "1","Red",123.123,"1",1,"ProductLine A","1999-03-22","2000-03-22"); 2> GO (1 rows affected) 1> 2> 3> insert into Product values(2,"Product B", "2","Yellow",234.234,"1",3,"ProductLine B","2000-03-22","2001-03-22"); 4> GO (1 rows affected) 1> 2> 3> insert into Product values(3,"Product C", "3","Pink",345.345,"1",3,"ProductLine V","2001-09-22","2006-02-22"); 4> GO (1 rows affected) 1> 2> 3> insert into Product values(4,"Product D", "4","White",456.456,"1",4,"ProductLine D","2002-08-22","2006-03-22"); 4> GO (1 rows affected) 1> 2> 3> insert into Product values(5,"Product E", "5","Black",567.567,"1",5,"ProductLine E","2003-01-22","2003-04-22"); 4> GO (1 rows affected) 1> 2> 3> insert into Product values(6,"Product F", "6","Blue",678.678,"1",6,"ProductLine W","2004-02-22","2005-05-22"); 4> GO (1 rows affected) 1> 2> 3> insert into Product values(7,"Product G", "7","Drak",789.789,"1",7,"ProductLine Q","2005-03-22","2006-03-22"); 4> GO (1 rows affected) 1> 2> 3> insert into Product values(8,"Product H", "8","Gray",234.123,"1",8,"ProductLine F","2006-04-22","2006-09-22"); 4> GO (1 rows affected) 1> 2> 3> insert into Product values(9,"Product I", "9","Red",543.123,"1",9,"ProductLine R","2007-05-22","2008-03-22"); 4> GO (1 rows affected) 1> 2> 3> insert into Product values(0,"Product J", "0","Gold",765.123,"1",0,"ProductLine J","2008-06-22","2009-03-22"); 4> GO (1 rows affected) 1> 2> 3> 4> 5> CREATE PROCEDURE spProductCountBySubCategory 6> @SubID Int 7> AS 8> DECLARE @Out Int 9> SELECT @Out = Count(*) 10> FROM Product 11> WHERE ProductID = @SubID 12> RETURN @Out 13> GO 1> 2> 3> 4> 5> drop PROCEDURE spProductCountBySubCategory; 6> GO 1> 2> 3> drop table Product; 4> GO 1></source>

Encrypting a Stored Procedure

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4> 5> CREATE TABLE employee( 6> id INTEGER NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, 7> first_name VARCHAR(10), 8> last_name VARCHAR(10), 9> salary DECIMAL(10,2), 10> start_Date DATETIME, 11> region VARCHAR(10), 12> city VARCHAR(20), 13> managerid INTEGER 14> ); 15> GO 1> INSERT INTO employee VALUES (1, "Jason" , "Martin", 5890,"2005-03-22","North","Vancouver",3); 2> GO 1> INSERT INTO employee VALUES (2, "Alison", "Mathews",4789,"2003-07-21","South","Utown",4); 2> GO 1> INSERT INTO employee VALUES (3, "James" , "Smith", 6678,"2001-12-01","North","Paris",5); 2> GO 1> INSERT INTO employee VALUES (4, "Celia" , "Rice", 5567,"2006-03-03","South","London",6); 2> GO 1> INSERT INTO employee VALUES (5, "Robert", "Black", 4467,"2004-07-02","East","Newton",7); 2> GO 1> INSERT INTO employee VALUES (6, "Linda" , "Green" , 6456,"2002-05-19","East","Calgary",8); 2> GO 1> INSERT INTO employee VALUES (7, "David" , "Larry", 5345,"2008-03-18","West","New York",9); 2> GO 1> INSERT INTO employee VALUES (8, "James" , "Cat", 4234,"2007-07-17","West","Regina",9); 2> GO 1> INSERT INTO employee VALUES (9, "Joan" , "Act", 6123,"2001-04-16","North","Toronto",10); 2> GO 1> 2> select * from employee; 3> GO id first_name last_name salary start_Date region city managerid

---------- ---------- ------------ ----------------------- ---------- -------------------- -----------
         1 Jason      Martin          5890.00 2005-03-22 00:00:00.000 North      Vancouver                      3
         2 Alison     Mathews         4789.00 2003-07-21 00:00:00.000 South      Utown                          4
         3 James      Smith           6678.00 2001-12-01 00:00:00.000 North      Paris                          5
         4 Celia      Rice            5567.00 2006-03-03 00:00:00.000 South      London                         6
         5 Robert     Black           4467.00 2004-07-02 00:00:00.000 East       Newton                         7
         6 Linda      Green           6456.00 2002-05-19 00:00:00.000 East       Calgary                        8
         7 David      Larry           5345.00 2008-03-18 00:00:00.000 West       New York                       9
         8 James      Cat             4234.00 2007-07-17 00:00:00.000 West       Regina                         9
         9 Joan       Act             6123.00 2001-04-16 00:00:00.000 North      Toronto                       10

1> 2> 3> CREATE PROCEDURE usp_employee 4> WITH ENCRYPTION 5> AS 6> SELECT ID, first_name 7> FROM employee 8> GO 1> 2> exec usp_employee 3> GO ID first_name

         1 Jason
         2 Alison
         3 James
         4 Celia
         5 Robert
         6 Linda
         7 David
         8 James
         9 Joan

1> 2> drop procedure usp_employee 3> GO 1> 2> drop table employee; 3> GO</source>

Filtering for Null Values with a Stored Procedure

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4> 5> create table Bankers( 6> BankerID Integer, 7> BankerName VARCHAR(20), 8> BankerContactLName VARCHAR(20), 9> BankerContactFName VARCHAR(20), 10> BankerCity VARCHAR(20), 11> BankerState VARCHAR(20), 12> BankerZipCode VARCHAR(20), 13> BankerPhone VARCHAR(20) 14> ) 15> GO 1> 2> insert into Bankers values (1, "ABC Inc.","Joe","Smith","Vancouver","BC","11111","111-111-1111"); 3> GO (1 rows affected) 1> insert into Bankers values (2, "DEF Inc.","Red","Rice", "New York", "DE","22222","222-222-2222"); 2> GO (1 rows affected) 1> insert into Bankers values (3, "HJI Inc.","Kit","Cat", "Paris", "CA","33333","333-333-3333"); 2> GO (1 rows affected) 1> insert into Bankers values (4, "QWE Inc.","Git","Black","Regina", "ER","44444","444-444-4444"); 2> GO (1 rows affected) 1> insert into Bankers values (5, "RTY Inc.","Wil","Lee", "Toronto", "YU","55555","555-555-5555"); 2> GO (1 rows affected) 1> insert into Bankers values (6, "YUI Inc.","Ted","Larry","Calgary", "TY","66666","666-666-6666"); 2> GO (1 rows affected) 1> insert into Bankers values (7, "OIP Inc.","Yam","Act", "San Franc","FG","77777","777-777-7777"); 2> GO (1 rows affected) 1> insert into Bankers values (8, "SAD Inc.","Hit","Eat", "Orland", "PO","88888","888-888-8888"); 2> GO (1 rows affected) 1> insert into Bankers values (9, "DFG Inc.","Sad","Lee", "Wisler", "PL","99999","999-999-9999"); 2> GO (1 rows affected) 1> insert into Bankers values (0, "GHJ Inc.","Bit","Lee", "Ticker", "MN","00000","000-000-0000"); 2> GO (1 rows affected) 1> 2> 3> CREATE PROCEDURE usp_SalesPersonInATerritoryOrNot 4> @TID int = NULL 5> AS 6> IF @TID IS NOT NULL 7> SELECT BankerName 8> FROM Bankers 9> WHERE BankerID = @TID 10> ELSE 11> SELECT BankerName 12> FROM Bankers 13> WHERE BankerID IS NULL 14> GO 1> 2> EXEC usp_SalesPersonInATerritoryOrNot 1 3> GO BankerName

ABC Inc. (1 rows affected) 1> EXEC usp_SalesPersonInATerritoryOrNot NULL 2> GO BankerName

(0 rows affected) 1> EXEC usp_SalesPersonInATerritoryOrNot 2> GO BankerName

(0 rows affected) 1> 2> drop PROCEDURE usp_SalesPersonInATerritoryOrNot; 3> GO 1> 2> drop table Bankers; 3> GO 1></source>

Managing a Transaction Inside a Stored Procedure

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11> CREATE PROC usp_MyProc 12> AS 13> DECLARE 14> @TranCount int 15> SET 16> @TranCount = @@TRANCOUNT 17> IF @TranCount > 0 18> SAVE TRAN usp_MyProc -- No existing transaction 19> ELSE 20> BEGIN TRAN usp_MyProc -- Transaction in progress 21> --do work here ... 22> IF @@ERROR > 0 23> BEGIN -- Failure 24> RAISERROR ("usp_MyProc - Bailing out. ", 16, 1) 25> ROLLBACK TRAN usp_MyProc 26> RETURN 27> END 28> ELSE IF @Trancount = 0 -- Started our own transaction 29> COMMIT TRAN usp_MyProc -- Success 30> GO 1> 2> drop procedure usp_MyProc 3> GO</source>

PRINT information out of a PROCEDURE

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1> CREATE TABLE Orders ( 2> OrderID int NOT NULL , 3> CustomerID nchar (5) NULL , 4> EmployeeID int NULL , 5> OrderDate datetime NULL , 6> RequiredDate datetime NULL , 7> ShippedDate datetime NULL , 8> ShipVia int NULL , 9> Freight money NULL DEFAULT (0), 10> ShipName nvarchar (40) NULL , 11> ShipAddress nvarchar (60) NULL , 12> ShipCity nvarchar (15) NULL , 13> ShipRegion nvarchar (15) NULL , 14> ShipPostalCode nvarchar (10) NULL , 15> ShipCountry nvarchar (15) NULL 16> ) 17> GO 1> 2> 3> INSERT INTO Orders VALUES (10248,"1",5,"7/4/1996","8/1/2001","7/16/2001",3,32.38,"V","A","R", NULL,N"51100","France") 9> go 1> 2> 3> create PROCEDURE spCursorScope 4> AS 5> DECLARE @Counter int, 6> @OrderID int, 7> @CustomerID varchar(5) 8> DECLARE CursorTest cursor 9> LOCAL 10> FOR 11> SELECT OrderID, CustomerID 12> FROM Orders 13> 14> SELECT @Counter = 1 15> OPEN CursorTest 16> FETCH NEXT FROM CursorTest INTO @OrderID, @CustomerID 17> PRINT "Row " + CONVERT(varchar,@Counter) + " has an OrderID of " + 18> CONVERT(varchar,@OrderID) + " and a CustomerID of " + @CustomerID 19> 20> WHILE (@Counter<=5) AND (@@FETCH_STATUS=0) 21> BEGIN 22> SELECT @Counter = @Counter + 1 23> FETCH NEXT FROM CursorTest INTO @OrderID, @CustomerID 24> PRINT "Row " + CONVERT(varchar,@Counter) + " has an OrderID of " + 25> CONVERT(varchar,@OrderID) + " and a CustomerID of " + @CustomerID 26> END 27> GO 1> 2> drop PROCEDURE spCursorScope; 3> GO 1> 2> drop table Orders; 3> GO</source>

Procedure as a view

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6> CREATE TABLE Shippers ( 7> ShipperID int NOT NULL , 8> CompanyName nvarchar (40) NOT NULL , 9> Phone nvarchar (24) NULL 10> ) 11> GO 1> 2> 3> INSERT Shippers VALUES(1,"Express","(503) 555-9831") 4> INSERT Shippers VALUES(2,"Package","(503) 555-3199") 5> INSERT Shippers VALUES(3,"Shipping","(503) 555-9931") 6> go (1 rows affected) (1 rows affected) (1 rows affected) 1> CREATE PROC spShippers 2> AS 3> SELECT * FROM Shippers 4> GO 1> EXEC spShippers 2> GO ShipperID CompanyName Phone

---------------------------------------- ------------------------
         1 Express                                  (503) 555-9831
         2 Package                                  (503) 555-3199
         3 Shipping                                 (503) 555-9931

(3 rows affected) 1> drop PROC spShippers; 2> GO 1> 2> drop table Shippers; 3> GO</source>

Return a value out of a procedure

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3> 4> 5> 6> CREATE TABLE Product( 7> ProductID int NOT NULL, 8> Name nvarchar(25) NOT NULL, 9> ProductNumber nvarchar(25) , 10> Color nvarchar(15) NULL, 11> StandardCost money NOT NULL, 12> Size nvarchar(5) NULL, 13> Weight decimal(8, 2) NULL, 14> ProductLine nchar(20) NULL, 15> SellStartDate datetime NOT NULL, 16> SellEndDate datetime NULL 17> ) 18> GO 1> insert into Product values(1,"Product A", "1","Red",123.123,"1",1,"ProductLine A","1999-03-22","2000-03-22"); 2> GO (1 rows affected) 1> insert into Product values(2,"Product B", "2","Yellow",234.234,"1",3,"ProductLine B","2000-03-22","2001-03-22"); 2> GO (1 rows affected) 1> insert into Product values(3,"Product C", "3","Pink",345.345,"1",3,"ProductLine V","2001-09-22","2006-02-22"); 2> GO (1 rows affected) 1> insert into Product values(4,"Product D", "4","White",456.456,"1",4,"ProductLine D","2002-08-22","2006-03-22"); 2> GO (1 rows affected) 1> insert into Product values(5,"Product E", "5","Black",567.567,"1",5,"ProductLine E","2003-01-22","2003-04-22"); 2> GO (1 rows affected) 1> insert into Product values(6,"Product F", "6","Blue",678.678,"1",6,"ProductLine W","2004-02-22","2005-05-22"); 2> GO (1 rows affected) 1> insert into Product values(7,"Product G", "7","Drak",789.789,"1",7,"ProductLine Q","2005-03-22","2006-03-22"); 2> GO (1 rows affected) 1> insert into Product values(8,"Product H", "8","Gray",234.123,"1",8,"ProductLine F","2006-04-22","2006-09-22"); 2> GO (1 rows affected) 1> insert into Product values(9,"Product I", "9","Red",543.123,"1",9,"ProductLine R","2007-05-22","2008-03-22"); 2> GO (1 rows affected) 1> insert into Product values(0,"Product J", "0","Gold",765.123,"1",0,"ProductLine J","2008-06-22","2009-03-22"); 2> GO (1 rows affected) 1> 2> 3> CREATE PROCEDURE spProductCountBySubCategory 4> @SubID Int 5> AS 6> DECLARE @Out Int 7> SELECT @Out = Count(*) 8> FROM Product 9> WHERE ProductID = @SubID 10> RETURN @Out 11> GO 1> 2> 3> 4> 5> drop PROCEDURE spProductCountBySubCategory; 6> GO 1> 2> 3> drop table Product; 4> GO 1></source>

Returning Values from a View as Stored Procedure Output Parameters

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4> create table Billings ( 5> BankerID INTEGER, 6> BillingNumber INTEGER, 7> BillingDate datetime, 8> BillingTotal INTEGER, 9> TermsID INTEGER, 10> BillingDueDate datetime , 11> PaymentTotal INTEGER, 12> CreditTotal INTEGER 13> 14> ); 15> GO 1> 2> INSERT INTO Billings VALUES (1, 1, "2005-01-22", 165, 1,"2005-04-22",123,321); 3> GO (1 rows affected) 1> INSERT INTO Billings VALUES (2, 2, "2001-02-21", 165, 1,"2002-02-22",123,321.); 2> GO (1 rows affected) 1> INSERT INTO Billings VALUES (3, 3, "2003-05-02", 165, 1,"2005-04-12",123,321); 2> GO (1 rows affected) 1> INSERT INTO Billings VALUES (4, 4, "1999-03-12", 165, 1,"2005-04-18",123,321); 2> GO (1 rows affected) 1> INSERT INTO Billings VALUES (5, 5, "2000-04-23", 165, 1,"2005-04-17",123,321); 2> GO (1 rows affected) 1> INSERT INTO Billings VALUES (6, 6, "2001-06-14", 165, 1,"2005-04-18",123,321); 2> GO (1 rows affected) 1> INSERT INTO Billings VALUES (7, 7, "2002-07-15", 165, 1,"2005-04-19",123,321); 2> GO (1 rows affected) 1> INSERT INTO Billings VALUES (8, 8, "2003-08-16", 165, 1,"2005-04-20",123,321); 2> GO (1 rows affected) 1> INSERT INTO Billings VALUES (9, 9, "2004-09-17", 165, 1,"2005-04-21",123,321); 2> GO (1 rows affected) 1> INSERT INTO Billings VALUES (0, 0, "2005-10-18", 165, 1,"2005-04-22",123,321); 2> GO (1 rows affected) 1> 2> 3> 4> CREATE PROCEDURE usp_MinMaxSubTotal 5> @minSubTotal money OUTPUT, 6> @maxSubTotal money OUTPUT 7> AS 8> SET @minSubTotal = 9> (SELECT TOP 1 BillingTotal 10> FROM Billings ORDER BY BillingTotal) 11> SET @maxSubTotal = 12> (SELECT TOP 1 BillingTotal 13> FROM Billings ORDER BY BillingTotal DESC) 14> GO 1> 2> DECLARE @lclmin money, @lclmax money 3> EXEC usp_MinMaxSubTotal @minSubTotal = @lclmin OUTPUT, 4> @maxSubTotal = @lclmax OUTPUT 5> SELECT @lclmin "Min. SubTotal", @lclmax "Max. SubTotal" 6> GO Min. SubTotal Max. SubTotal

            165.0000              165.0000

(1 rows affected) 1> 2> drop PROCEDURE usp_MinMaxSubTotal ; 3> GO 1> 2> 3> drop table Billings; 4> GO</source>

Stored Procedures as Parameterized Views

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3> 4> 5> 6> CREATE TABLE Product( 7> ProductID int NOT NULL, 8> Name nvarchar(25) NOT NULL, 9> ProductNumber nvarchar(25) , 10> Color nvarchar(15) NULL, 11> StandardCost money NOT NULL, 12> Size nvarchar(5) NULL, 13> Weight decimal(8, 2) NULL, 14> ProductLine nchar(20) NULL, 15> SellStartDate datetime NOT NULL, 16> SellEndDate datetime NULL 17> ) 18> GO 1> insert into Product values(1,"Product A", "1","Red",123.123,"1",1,"ProductLine A","1999-03-22","2000-03-22"); 2> GO (1 rows affected) 1> 2> 3> insert into Product values(2,"Product B", "2","Yellow",234.234,"1",3,"ProductLine B","2000-03-22","2001-03-22"); 4> GO (1 rows affected) 1> 2> 3> insert into Product values(3,"Product C", "3","Pink",345.345,"1",3,"ProductLine V","2001-09-22","2006-02-22"); 4> GO (1 rows affected) 1> 2> 3> insert into Product values(4,"Product D", "4","White",456.456,"1",4,"ProductLine D","2002-08-22","2006-03-22"); 4> GO (1 rows affected) 1> 2> 3> insert into Product values(5,"Product E", "5","Black",567.567,"1",5,"ProductLine E","2003-01-22","2003-04-22"); 4> GO (1 rows affected) 1> 2> 3> insert into Product values(6,"Product F", "6","Blue",678.678,"1",6,"ProductLine W","2004-02-22","2005-05-22"); 4> GO (1 rows affected) 1> 2> 3> insert into Product values(7,"Product G", "7","Drak",789.789,"1",7,"ProductLine Q","2005-03-22","2006-03-22"); 4> GO (1 rows affected) 1> 2> 3> insert into Product values(8,"Product H", "8","Gray",234.123,"1",8,"ProductLine F","2006-04-22","2006-09-22"); 4> GO (1 rows affected) 1> 2> 3> insert into Product values(9,"Product I", "9","Red",543.123,"1",9,"ProductLine R","2007-05-22","2008-03-22"); 4> GO (1 rows affected) 1> 2> 3> insert into Product values(0,"Product J", "0","Gold",765.123,"1",0,"ProductLine J","2008-06-22","2009-03-22"); 4> GO (1 rows affected) 1> 2> 3> 4> 5> 6> CREATE VIEW vProductCosts 7> AS 8> SELECT ProductID, Name, ProductNumber, StandardCost 9> FROM Product 10> GO 1> 2> CREATE PROCEDURE spProductCosts 3> AS 4> SELECT ProductID, Name, ProductNumber, StandardCost 5> FROM Product 6> GO 1> 2> EXECUTE spProductCosts 3> GO ProductID Name ProductNumber StandardCost

------------------------- ------------------------- ---------------------
         1 Product A                 1                                      123.1230
         2 Product B                 2                                      234.2340
         3 Product C                 3                                      345.3450
         4 Product D                 4                                      456.4560
         5 Product E                 5                                      567.5670
         6 Product F                 6                                      678.6780
         7 Product G                 7                                      789.7890
         8 Product H                 8                                      234.1230
         9 Product I                 9                                      543.1230
         0 Product J                 0                                      765.1230

(10 rows affected) 1> 2> drop PROCEDURE spProductCosts; 3> GO 1> 2> drop VIEW vProductCosts; 3> GO 1> 2> drop table Product; 3> GO</source>