PostgreSQL/Array/Array Column Update

Материал из SQL эксперт
Версия от 13:14, 26 мая 2010; Admin (обсуждение | вклад) (1 версия)
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An array may also be updated at a single element

   <source lang="sql">

postgres=# postgres=# postgres=# CREATE TABLE sal_emp ( postgres(# name text, postgres(# pay_by_quarter integer[], postgres(# schedule text[][] postgres(# ); CREATE TABLE postgres=# postgres=# INSERT INTO sal_emp postgres-# VALUES ("Bill", postgres(# ARRAY[10000, 10000, 10000, 10000], postgres(# ARRAY[["meeting", "lunch"], ["training", "presentation"]]); INSERT 0 1 postgres=# postgres=# INSERT INTO sal_emp postgres-# VALUES ("Carol", postgres(# ARRAY[20000, 25000, 25000, 25000], postgres(# ARRAY[["breakfast", "consulting"], ["meeting", "lunch"]]); INSERT 0 1 postgres=# postgres=# SELECT * FROM sal_emp;

name  |      pay_by_quarter       |                 schedule

Bill  | {10000,10000,10000,10000} | {{meeting,lunch},{training,presentation}}
Carol | {20000,25000,25000,25000} | {{breakfast,consulting},{meeting,lunch}}

(2 rows) postgres=# postgres=# postgres=# -- An array may also be updated at a single element: postgres=# postgres=# UPDATE sal_emp SET pay_by_quarter[4] = 15000 WHERE name = "Bill"; UPDATE 1 postgres=# postgres=# select * from sal_emp;

name  |      pay_by_quarter       |                 schedule

Carol | {20000,25000,25000,25000} | {{breakfast,consulting},{meeting,lunch}}
Bill  | {10000,10000,10000,15000} | {{meeting,lunch},{training,presentation}}

(2 rows) postgres=# postgres=# drop table sal_emp; DROP TABLE postgres=# postgres=#


An array value can be replaced completely

   <source lang="sql">

postgres=# postgres=# postgres=# CREATE TABLE sal_emp ( postgres(# name text, postgres(# pay_by_quarter integer[], postgres(# schedule text[][] postgres(# ); CREATE TABLE postgres=# postgres=# INSERT INTO sal_emp postgres-# VALUES ("Bill", postgres(# ARRAY[10000, 10000, 10000, 10000], postgres(# ARRAY[["meeting", "lunch"], ["training", "presentation"]]); INSERT 0 1 postgres=# postgres=# INSERT INTO sal_emp postgres-# VALUES ("Carol", postgres(# ARRAY[20000, 25000, 25000, 25000], postgres(# ARRAY[["breakfast", "consulting"], ["meeting", "lunch"]]); INSERT 0 1 postgres=# postgres=# SELECT * FROM sal_emp;

name  |      pay_by_quarter       |                 schedule

Bill  | {10000,10000,10000,10000} | {{meeting,lunch},{training,presentation}}
Carol | {20000,25000,25000,25000} | {{breakfast,consulting},{meeting,lunch}}

(2 rows) postgres=# postgres=# -- An array value can be replaced completely: postgres=# postgres=# UPDATE sal_emp SET pay_by_quarter = "{25000,25000,27000,27000}" WHERE name = "Carol"; UPDATE 1 postgres=# postgres=# SELECT * FROM sal_emp;

name  |      pay_by_quarter       |                 schedule

Bill  | {10000,10000,10000,10000} | {{meeting,lunch},{training,presentation}}
Carol | {25000,25000,27000,27000} | {{breakfast,consulting},{meeting,lunch}}

(2 rows) postgres=# postgres=# drop table sal_emp; DROP TABLE postgres=# postgres=#


Modifying an array subscript

   <source lang="sql">

postgres=# postgres=# CREATE TABLE book (id integer,titles text[]); CREATE TABLE postgres=# postgres=# INSERT INTO book VALUES (102, "{"AAA\"s VVVV"}"); INSERT 0 1 postgres=# INSERT INTO book VALUES (103, "{"AAA", "VVVV"}"); INSERT 0 1 postgres=# postgres=# -- Modifying an array subscript postgres=# postgres=# postgres=# UPDATE book postgres-# SET titles[1] = "New\"s New" postgres-# WHERE titles[1] = "AAA"; UPDATE 1 postgres=# postgres=# SELECT titles[1] FROM book;


New"s New

(2 rows) postgres=# postgres=# drop table book; DROP TABLE postgres=# postgres=#


Update array value

   <source lang="sql">

postgres=# CREATE TABLE book (id integer,titles text[]); CREATE TABLE postgres=# postgres=# INSERT INTO book VALUES (102, "{"AAA\"s VVVV"}"); INSERT 0 1 postgres=# INSERT INTO book VALUES (103, "{"AAA", "VVVV"}"); INSERT 0 1 postgres=# postgres=# select * from book;

id  |     titles

102 | {"AAA"s VVVV"}
103 | {AAA,VVVV}

(2 rows) postgres=# postgres=# UPDATE book postgres-# SET titles="{"AAA\"s VVV","ABC"}" postgres-# WHERE id = 102; UPDATE 1 postgres=# postgres=# select * from book;

id  |      titles

103 | {AAA,VVVV}
102 | {"AAA"s VVV",ABC}

(2 rows) postgres=# postgres=# drop table book; DROP TABLE postgres=# postgres=#


Update in a slice

   <source lang="sql">

postgres=# postgres=# postgres=# CREATE TABLE sal_emp ( postgres(# name text, postgres(# pay_by_quarter integer[], postgres(# schedule text[][] postgres(# ); CREATE TABLE postgres=# postgres=# INSERT INTO sal_emp postgres-# VALUES ("Bill", postgres(# ARRAY[10000, 10000, 10000, 10000], postgres(# ARRAY[["meeting", "lunch"], ["training", "presentation"]]); INSERT 0 1 postgres=# postgres=# INSERT INTO sal_emp postgres-# VALUES ("Carol", postgres(# ARRAY[20000, 25000, 25000, 25000], postgres(# ARRAY[["breakfast", "consulting"], ["meeting", "lunch"]]); INSERT 0 1 postgres=# postgres=# SELECT * FROM sal_emp;

name  |      pay_by_quarter       |                 schedule

Bill  | {10000,10000,10000,10000} | {{meeting,lunch},{training,presentation}}
Carol | {20000,25000,25000,25000} | {{breakfast,consulting},{meeting,lunch}}

(2 rows) postgres=# postgres=# -- Update in a slice: postgres=# postgres=# UPDATE sal_emp SET pay_by_quarter[1:2] = "{27000,27000}" WHERE name = "Carol"; UPDATE 1 postgres=# postgres=# select * from sal_emp;

name  |      pay_by_quarter       |                 schedule

Bill  | {10000,10000,10000,10000} | {{meeting,lunch},{training,presentation}}
Carol | {27000,27000,25000,25000} | {{breakfast,consulting},{meeting,lunch}}

(2 rows) postgres=# postgres=# drop table sal_emp; DROP TABLE postgres=#


Using the ARRAY expression syntax

   <source lang="sql">

postgres=# postgres=# postgres=# postgres=# CREATE TABLE sal_emp ( postgres(# name text, postgres(# pay_by_quarter integer[], postgres(# schedule text[][] postgres(# ); CREATE TABLE postgres=# postgres=# INSERT INTO sal_emp postgres-# VALUES ("Bill", postgres(# ARRAY[10000, 10000, 10000, 10000], postgres(# ARRAY[["meeting", "lunch"], ["training", "presentation"]]); INSERT 0 1 postgres=# postgres=# INSERT INTO sal_emp postgres-# VALUES ("Carol", postgres(# ARRAY[20000, 25000, 25000, 25000], postgres(# ARRAY[["breakfast", "consulting"], ["meeting", "lunch"]]); INSERT 0 1 postgres=# postgres=# SELECT * FROM sal_emp;

name  |      pay_by_quarter       |                 schedule

Bill  | {10000,10000,10000,10000} | {{meeting,lunch},{training,presentation}}
Carol | {20000,25000,25000,25000} | {{breakfast,consulting},{meeting,lunch}}

(2 rows) postgres=# postgres=# -- using the ARRAY expression syntax: postgres=# postgres=# UPDATE sal_emp SET pay_by_quarter = ARRAY[25000,25000,27000,27000] WHERE name = "Carol"; UPDATE 1 postgres=# postgres=# select * from sal_emp;

name  |      pay_by_quarter       |                 schedule

Bill  | {10000,10000,10000,10000} | {{meeting,lunch},{training,presentation}}
Carol | {25000,25000,27000,27000} | {{breakfast,consulting},{meeting,lunch}}

(2 rows) postgres=# postgres=# drop table sal_emp; DROP TABLE postgres=# postgres=# postgres=#
