Oracle PL/SQL/Select Query/GROUP BY

Материал из SQL эксперт
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Column sequence in the group by impacts the ordering

   <source lang="sql">

SQL> -- create demo table SQL> create table Employee(

 2    ID                 VARCHAR2(4 BYTE)         NOT NULL,
 3    First_Name         VARCHAR2(10 BYTE),
 4    Last_Name          VARCHAR2(10 BYTE),
 5    Start_Date         DATE,
 6    End_Date           DATE,
 7    Salary             Number(8,2),
 8    City               VARCHAR2(10 BYTE),
 9    Description        VARCHAR2(15 BYTE)
10  )
11  /

Table created. SQL> SQL> -- prepare data SQL> insert into Employee(ID, First_Name, Last_Name, Start_Date, End_Date, Salary, City, Description)

 2               values ("01","Jason",    "Martin",  to_date("19960725","YYYYMMDD"), to_date("20060725","YYYYMMDD"), 1234.56, "Toronto",  "Programmer")
 3  /

1 row created. SQL> insert into Employee(ID, First_Name, Last_Name, Start_Date, End_Date, Salary, City, Description)

 2                values("02","Alison",   "Mathews", to_date("19760321","YYYYMMDD"), to_date("19860221","YYYYMMDD"), 6661.78, "Vancouver","Tester")
 3  /

1 row created. SQL> insert into Employee(ID, First_Name, Last_Name, Start_Date, End_Date, Salary, City, Description)

 2                values("03","James",    "Smith",   to_date("19781212","YYYYMMDD"), to_date("19900315","YYYYMMDD"), 6544.78, "Vancouver","Tester")
 3  /

1 row created. SQL> insert into Employee(ID, First_Name, Last_Name, Start_Date, End_Date, Salary, City, Description)

 2                values("04","Celia",    "Rice",    to_date("19821024","YYYYMMDD"), to_date("19990421","YYYYMMDD"), 2344.78, "Vancouver","Manager")
 3  /

1 row created. SQL> insert into Employee(ID, First_Name, Last_Name, Start_Date, End_Date, Salary, City, Description)

 2                values("05","Robert",   "Black",   to_date("19840115","YYYYMMDD"), to_date("19980808","YYYYMMDD"), 2334.78, "Vancouver","Tester")
 3  /

1 row created. SQL> insert into Employee(ID, First_Name, Last_Name, Start_Date, End_Date, Salary, City, Description)

 2                values("06","Linda",    "Green",   to_date("19870730","YYYYMMDD"), to_date("19960104","YYYYMMDD"), 4322.78,"New York",  "Tester")
 3  /

1 row created. SQL> insert into Employee(ID, First_Name, Last_Name, Start_Date, End_Date, Salary, City, Description)

 2                values("07","David",    "Larry",   to_date("19901231","YYYYMMDD"), to_date("19980212","YYYYMMDD"), 7897.78,"New York",  "Manager")
 3  /

1 row created. SQL> insert into Employee(ID, First_Name, Last_Name, Start_Date, End_Date, Salary, City, Description)

 2                values("08","James",    "Cat",     to_date("19960917","YYYYMMDD"), to_date("20020415","YYYYMMDD"), 1232.78,"Vancouver", "Tester")
 3  /

1 row created. SQL> SQL> SQL> SQL> -- display data in the table SQL> select * from Employee

 2  /


---------- ---------- --------- --------- ---------- ---------- ---------------

01 Jason Martin 25-JUL-96 25-JUL-06 1234.56 Toronto Programmer 02 Alison Mathews 21-MAR-76 21-FEB-86 6661.78 Vancouver Tester 03 James Smith 12-DEC-78 15-MAR-90 6544.78 Vancouver Tester 04 Celia Rice 24-OCT-82 21-APR-99 2344.78 Vancouver Manager 05 Robert Black 15-JAN-84 08-AUG-98 2334.78 Vancouver Tester 06 Linda Green 30-JUL-87 04-JAN-96 4322.78 New York Tester 07 David Larry 31-DEC-90 12-FEB-98 7897.78 New York Manager 08 James Cat 17-SEP-96 15-APR-02 1232.78 Vancouver Tester 8 rows selected. SQL> SQL> SQL> SQL> SQL> -- Because we used the GROUP BY ordering of certified and region, the result is ordered SQL> --in that way. SQL> SQL> SELECT count(*), city, description

 2  FROM employee
 3  GROUP BY description, city;

---------- ---------------
        1 Toronto    Programmer
        4 Vancouver  Tester
        1 Vancouver  Manager
        1 New York   Manager
        1 New York   Tester

SQL> SQL> SQL> SQL> SELECT count(*), city, description

 2  FROM employee
 3  GROUP BY  city, description;

---------- ---------------
        1 New York   Manager
        4 Vancouver  Tester
        1 Toronto    Programmer
        1 Vancouver  Manager
        1 New York   Tester

SQL> SQL> SQL> SQL> -- clean the table SQL> drop table Employee

 2  /

Table dropped. SQL> SQL> SQL> SQL>


Count all employees by even/odd employee id

   <source lang="sql">

SQL> SQL> create table emp

 2  ( empno      NUMBER(4)    constraint E_PK primary key
 3  , ename      VARCHAR2(8)
 4  , init       VARCHAR2(5)
 5  , job        VARCHAR2(8)
 6  , mgr        NUMBER(4)
 7  , bdate      DATE
 8  , sal        NUMBER(6,2)
 9  , comm       NUMBER(6,2)
10  , deptno     NUMBER(2)    default 10
11  ) ;

Table created. SQL> insert into emp values(1,"Tom","N", "TRAINER", 13,date "1965-12-17", 800 , NULL, 20); 1 row created. SQL> insert into emp values(2,"Jack","JAM", "Tester",6,date "1961-02-20", 1600, 300, 30); 1 row created. SQL> insert into emp values(3,"Wil","TF" , "Tester",6,date "1962-02-22", 1250, 500, 30); 1 row created. SQL> insert into emp values(4,"Jane","JM", "Designer", 9,date "1967-04-02", 2975, NULL, 20); 1 row created. SQL> insert into emp values(5,"Mary","P", "Tester",6,date "1956-09-28", 1250, 1400, 30); 1 row created. SQL> insert into emp values(6,"Black","R", "Designer", 9,date "1963-11-01", 2850, NULL, 30); 1 row created. SQL> insert into emp values(7,"Chris","AB", "Designer", 9,date "1965-06-09", 2450, NULL, 10); 1 row created. SQL> insert into emp values(8,"Smart","SCJ", "TRAINER", 4,date "1959-11-26", 3000, NULL, 20); 1 row created. SQL> insert into emp values(9,"Peter","CC", "Designer",NULL,date "1952-11-17", 5000, NULL, 10); 1 row created. SQL> insert into emp values(10,"Take","JJ", "Tester",6,date "1968-09-28", 1500, 0, 30); 1 row created. SQL> insert into emp values(11,"Ana","AA", "TRAINER", 8,date "1966-12-30", 1100, NULL, 20); 1 row created. SQL> insert into emp values(12,"Jane","R", "Manager", 6,date "1969-12-03", 800 , NULL, 30); 1 row created. SQL> insert into emp values(13,"Fake","MG", "TRAINER", 4,date "1959-02-13", 3000, NULL, 20); 1 row created. SQL> insert into emp values(14,"Mike","TJA","Manager", 7,date "1962-01-23", 1300, NULL, 10); 1 row created. SQL> SQL> select case mod(empno,2)

 2              when 0 then "EVEN "
 3                     else "ODD  "
 4         end  as empno
 5  ,      sum(sal)
 6  from   emp
 7  group  by mod(empno,2);



EVEN 14025 ODD 14850 SQL> SQL> drop table emp; Table dropped.


Group and count employeem and display only if its count is more than 4

   <source lang="sql">

SQL> create table emp

 2  ( empno      NUMBER(4)    constraint E_PK primary key
 3  , ename      VARCHAR2(8)
 4  , init       VARCHAR2(5)
 5  , job        VARCHAR2(8)
 6  , mgr        NUMBER(4)
 7  , bdate      DATE
 8  , sal        NUMBER(6,2)
 9  , comm       NUMBER(6,2)
10  , deptno     NUMBER(2)    default 10
11  ) ;

Table created. SQL> insert into emp values(1,"Tom","N", "TRAINER", 13,date "1965-12-17", 800 , NULL, 20); 1 row created. SQL> insert into emp values(2,"Jack","JAM", "Tester",6,date "1961-02-20", 1600, 300, 30); 1 row created. SQL> insert into emp values(3,"Wil","TF" , "Tester",6,date "1962-02-22", 1250, 500, 30); 1 row created. SQL> insert into emp values(4,"Jane","JM", "Designer", 9,date "1967-04-02", 2975, NULL, 20); 1 row created. SQL> insert into emp values(5,"Mary","P", "Tester",6,date "1956-09-28", 1250, 1400, 30); 1 row created. SQL> insert into emp values(6,"Black","R", "Designer", 9,date "1963-11-01", 2850, NULL, 30); 1 row created. SQL> insert into emp values(7,"Chris","AB", "Designer", 9,date "1965-06-09", 2450, NULL, 10); 1 row created. SQL> insert into emp values(8,"Smart","SCJ", "TRAINER", 4,date "1959-11-26", 3000, NULL, 20); 1 row created. SQL> insert into emp values(9,"Peter","CC", "Designer",NULL,date "1952-11-17", 5000, NULL, 10); 1 row created. SQL> insert into emp values(10,"Take","JJ", "Tester",6,date "1968-09-28", 1500, 0, 30); 1 row created. SQL> insert into emp values(11,"Ana","AA", "TRAINER", 8,date "1966-12-30", 1100, NULL, 20); 1 row created. SQL> insert into emp values(12,"Jane","R", "Manager", 6,date "1969-12-03", 800 , NULL, 30); 1 row created. SQL> insert into emp values(13,"Fake","MG", "TRAINER", 4,date "1959-02-13", 3000, NULL, 20); 1 row created. SQL> insert into emp values(14,"Mike","TJA","Manager", 7,date "1962-01-23", 1300, NULL, 10); 1 row created. SQL> SQL> select deptno, count(empno)

 2  from   emp
 3  group  by deptno
 4  having count(*) >= 4;

       20            5
       30            6

SQL> SQL> drop table emp; Table dropped.


GROUP BY and HAVING clauses

   <source lang="sql">

SQL> SQL> -- create demo table SQL> create table Employee(

 2    ID                 VARCHAR2(4 BYTE)         NOT NULL,
 3    First_Name         VARCHAR2(10 BYTE),
 4    Last_Name          VARCHAR2(10 BYTE),
 5    Start_Date         DATE,
 6    End_Date           DATE,
 7    Salary             Number(8,2),
 8    City               VARCHAR2(10 BYTE),
 9    Description        VARCHAR2(15 BYTE)
10  )
11  /

Table created. SQL> SQL> -- prepare data SQL> insert into Employee(ID, First_Name, Last_Name, Start_Date, End_Date, Salary, City, Description)

 2               values ("01","Jason",    "Martin",  to_date("19960725","YYYYMMDD"), to_date("20060725","YYYYMMDD"), 1234.56, "Toronto",  "Programmer")
 3  /

1 row created. SQL> insert into Employee(ID, First_Name, Last_Name, Start_Date, End_Date, Salary, City, Description)

 2                values("02","Alison",   "Mathews", to_date("19760321","YYYYMMDD"), to_date("19860221","YYYYMMDD"), 6661.78, "Vancouver","Tester")
 3  /

1 row created. SQL> insert into Employee(ID, First_Name, Last_Name, Start_Date, End_Date, Salary, City, Description)

 2                values("03","James",    "Smith",   to_date("19781212","YYYYMMDD"), to_date("19900315","YYYYMMDD"), 6544.78, "Vancouver","Tester")
 3  /

1 row created. SQL> insert into Employee(ID, First_Name, Last_Name, Start_Date, End_Date, Salary, City, Description)

 2                values("04","Celia",    "Rice",    to_date("19821024","YYYYMMDD"), to_date("19990421","YYYYMMDD"), 2344.78, "Vancouver","Manager")
 3  /

1 row created. SQL> insert into Employee(ID, First_Name, Last_Name, Start_Date, End_Date, Salary, City, Description)

 2                values("05","Robert",   "Black",   to_date("19840115","YYYYMMDD"), to_date("19980808","YYYYMMDD"), 2334.78, "Vancouver","Tester")
 3  /

1 row created. SQL> insert into Employee(ID, First_Name, Last_Name, Start_Date, End_Date, Salary, City, Description)

 2                values("06","Linda",    "Green",   to_date("19870730","YYYYMMDD"), to_date("19960104","YYYYMMDD"), 4322.78,"New York",  "Tester")
 3  /

1 row created. SQL> insert into Employee(ID, First_Name, Last_Name, Start_Date, End_Date, Salary, City, Description)

 2                values("07","David",    "Larry",   to_date("19901231","YYYYMMDD"), to_date("19980212","YYYYMMDD"), 7897.78,"New York",  "Manager")
 3  /

1 row created. SQL> insert into Employee(ID, First_Name, Last_Name, Start_Date, End_Date, Salary, City, Description)

 2                values("08","James",    "Cat",     to_date("19960917","YYYYMMDD"), to_date("20020415","YYYYMMDD"), 1232.78,"Vancouver", "Tester")
 3  /

1 row created. SQL> SQL> SQL> SQL> -- display data in the table SQL> select * from Employee

 2  /


---------- ---------- --------- --------- ---------- ---------- ---------------

01 Jason Martin 25-JUL-96 25-JUL-06 1234.56 Toronto Programmer 02 Alison Mathews 21-MAR-76 21-FEB-86 6661.78 Vancouver Tester 03 James Smith 12-DEC-78 15-MAR-90 6544.78 Vancouver Tester 04 Celia Rice 24-OCT-82 21-APR-99 2344.78 Vancouver Manager 05 Robert Black 15-JAN-84 08-AUG-98 2334.78 Vancouver Tester 06 Linda Green 30-JUL-87 04-JAN-96 4322.78 New York Tester 07 David Larry 31-DEC-90 12-FEB-98 7897.78 New York Manager 08 James Cat 17-SEP-96 15-APR-02 1232.78 Vancouver Tester 8 rows selected. SQL> SQL> SQL> SQL> --GROUP BY and HAVING clauses SQL> SQL> SELECT city, AVG(salary)

 2  FROM employee
 3  GROUP BY city
 4  HAVING AVG(salary) > 3000;



New York 6110.28 Vancouver 3823.78 SQL> SQL> SQL> SQL> SQL> SQL> -- clean the table SQL> drop table Employee

 2  /

Table dropped. SQL> SQL> SQL>


Group by case

   <source lang="sql">

SQL> create table emp(

 2           emp_no                 integer         primary key,
 3           lastname               varchar2(20)    not null,
 4           firstname              varchar2(15)    not null,
 5           midinit                varchar2(1),
 6           street                 varchar2(30),
 7           city                   varchar2(20),
 8           state                  varchar2(2),
 9           zip                    varchar2(5),
10           shortZipCode                   varchar2(4),
11           area_code              varchar2(3),
12           phone                  varchar2(8),
13           salary                 number(5,2),
14           birthdate              date,
15           startDate              date,
16           title                  varchar2(20),
17           dept_no                integer,
18           mgr                    integer,
19           region                 number,
20           division               number,
21           total_sales            number
22  );

Table created. SQL> -- emp Table Inserts: SQL> insert into emp(emp_no, lastname, firstname, midinit, street, city, state, zip,shortZipCode, area_code, phone, birthdate, title)values

 2                      (1,"Z","Joy","R","1 Ave","New York","NY","12122","2333","212","200-1111","12-nov-1976","President");

1 row created. SQL> insert into emp(emp_no, lastname, firstname, midinit, street, city, state, zip,shortZipCode, area_code, phone, salary, birthdate, startDate,title, dept_no, mgr, region, division, total_sales)valu es

 2                      (2,"X","Lucy","J","1 Street","New York","NY","43552","6633","212","234-4444",7.75,"21-mar-1976","1-feb-1994","Sales Manager",2,1,100,10,40000);

1 row created. SQL> insert into emp(emp_no, lastname, firstname, midinit, street, city, state, zip,shortZipCode, area_code, phone, salary, birthdate, startDate,title, dept_no, mgr, region, division, total_sales)valu es

 2                      (3,"Y","Jordan","E","1 Drive","New York","NY","76822","8763","212","222-2222",7.75,"14-feb-1963","15-mar-1995","Sales Clerk",2,2,100,10,10000);

1 row created. SQL> SQL> select

 2  case when salary between 6 and 10 then "Salary 06-10"
 3       when salary between 11 and 15 then "Salary 11-15"
 4       when salary between 16 and 20 then "Salary 16-20"
 5       when salary between 21 and 25 then "Salary 21-25"
 6       else "Salary OOR"
 7       end
 8       AS bucket,
 9  count(*) num_emps
10  from emp
11  group by
12  case when salary between 6 and 10 then "Salary 06-10"
13       when salary between 11 and 15 then "Salary 11-15"
14       when salary between 16 and 20 then "Salary 16-20"
15       when salary between 21 and 25 then "Salary 21-25"
16       else "Salary OOR"
17       end
18  /



Salary 06-10 2 Salary OOR 1 2 rows selected. SQL> SQL> drop table emp; Table dropped. SQL>


Group by course name then by begin date

   <source lang="sql">

SQL> create table registrations

 2  ( attendee    NUMBER(4)
 3  , course      VARCHAR2(6)
 4  , begindate   DATE
 5  , evaluation  NUMBER(1)
 6  , constraint  R_PK        primary key (attendee,course,begindate)
 7  ) ;

Table created. SQL> SQL> insert into registrations values (2,"SQL",date "2009-04-12",4 ); 1 row created. SQL> insert into registrations values (14,"SQL",date "2009-04-12",5 ); 1 row created. SQL> insert into registrations values (6,"SQL",date "2009-04-12",4 ); 1 row created. SQL> insert into registrations values (11,"SQL",date "2009-04-12",2 ); 1 row created. SQL> insert into registrations values (8,"SQL",date "2009-10-04",NULL); 1 row created. SQL> insert into registrations values (9,"SQL",date "2009-10-04",3 ); 1 row created. SQL> insert into registrations values (13,"SQL",date "2009-10-04",4 ); 1 row created. SQL> insert into registrations values (13,"SQL",date "2009-12-13",NULL); 1 row created. SQL> insert into registrations values (6,"SQL",date "2009-12-13",NULL); 1 row created. SQL> insert into registrations values (3,"OAU",date "2009-08-10",4 ); 1 row created. SQL> insert into registrations values (12,"OAU",date "2009-08-10",4 ); 1 row created. SQL> insert into registrations values (13,"OAU",date "2009-08-10",5 ); 1 row created. SQL> SQL> select r.course, r.begindate

 2  ,      count(r.attendee) as attendees
 3  from   registrations r
 4  group  by r.course, r.begindate;


---------- ----------

OAU 10-08-2009 3 SQL 12-04-2009 4 SQL 04-10-2009 3 SQL 13-12-2009 2 SQL> SQL> drop table registrations; Table dropped.


GROUP BY may be used on a column without the column name appearing in the result set

   <source lang="sql">

SQL> -- create demo table SQL> create table Employee(

 2    ID                 VARCHAR2(4 BYTE)         NOT NULL,
 3    First_Name         VARCHAR2(10 BYTE),
 4    Last_Name          VARCHAR2(10 BYTE),
 5    Start_Date         DATE,
 6    End_Date           DATE,
 7    Salary             Number(8,2),
 8    City               VARCHAR2(10 BYTE),
 9    Description        VARCHAR2(15 BYTE)
10  )
11  /

Table created. SQL> SQL> -- prepare data SQL> insert into Employee(ID, First_Name, Last_Name, Start_Date, End_Date, Salary, City, Description)

 2               values ("01","Jason",    "Martin",  to_date("19960725","YYYYMMDD"), to_date("20060725","YYYYMMDD"), 1234.56, "Toronto",  "Programmer")
 3  /

1 row created. SQL> insert into Employee(ID, First_Name, Last_Name, Start_Date, End_Date, Salary, City, Description)

 2                values("02","Alison",   "Mathews", to_date("19760321","YYYYMMDD"), to_date("19860221","YYYYMMDD"), 6661.78, "Vancouver","Tester")
 3  /

1 row created. SQL> insert into Employee(ID, First_Name, Last_Name, Start_Date, End_Date, Salary, City, Description)

 2                values("03","James",    "Smith",   to_date("19781212","YYYYMMDD"), to_date("19900315","YYYYMMDD"), 6544.78, "Vancouver","Tester")
 3  /

1 row created. SQL> insert into Employee(ID, First_Name, Last_Name, Start_Date, End_Date, Salary, City, Description)

 2                values("04","Celia",    "Rice",    to_date("19821024","YYYYMMDD"), to_date("19990421","YYYYMMDD"), 2344.78, "Vancouver","Manager")
 3  /

1 row created. SQL> insert into Employee(ID, First_Name, Last_Name, Start_Date, End_Date, Salary, City, Description)

 2                values("05","Robert",   "Black",   to_date("19840115","YYYYMMDD"), to_date("19980808","YYYYMMDD"), 2334.78, "Vancouver","Tester")
 3  /

1 row created. SQL> insert into Employee(ID, First_Name, Last_Name, Start_Date, End_Date, Salary, City, Description)

 2                values("06","Linda",    "Green",   to_date("19870730","YYYYMMDD"), to_date("19960104","YYYYMMDD"), 4322.78,"New York",  "Tester")
 3  /

1 row created. SQL> insert into Employee(ID, First_Name, Last_Name, Start_Date, End_Date, Salary, City, Description)

 2                values("07","David",    "Larry",   to_date("19901231","YYYYMMDD"), to_date("19980212","YYYYMMDD"), 7897.78,"New York",  "Manager")
 3  /

1 row created. SQL> insert into Employee(ID, First_Name, Last_Name, Start_Date, End_Date, Salary, City, Description)

 2                values("08","James",    "Cat",     to_date("19960917","YYYYMMDD"), to_date("20020415","YYYYMMDD"), 1232.78,"Vancouver", "Tester")
 3  /

1 row created. SQL> SQL> SQL> SQL> -- display data in the table SQL> select * from Employee

 2  /


---------- ---------- --------- --------- ---------- ---------- ---------------

01 Jason Martin 25-JUL-96 25-JUL-06 1234.56 Toronto Programmer 02 Alison Mathews 21-MAR-76 21-FEB-86 6661.78 Vancouver Tester 03 James Smith 12-DEC-78 15-MAR-90 6544.78 Vancouver Tester 04 Celia Rice 24-OCT-82 21-APR-99 2344.78 Vancouver Manager 05 Robert Black 15-JAN-84 08-AUG-98 2334.78 Vancouver Tester 06 Linda Green 30-JUL-87 04-JAN-96 4322.78 New York Tester 07 David Larry 31-DEC-90 12-FEB-98 7897.78 New York Manager 08 James Cat 17-SEP-96 15-APR-02 1232.78 Vancouver Tester 8 rows selected. SQL> SQL> SQL> -- An aggregate with the GROUP BY clause to count by region: SQL> SQL> SELECT count(*), city

 2  FROM employee
 3  GROUP BY city;

        2 New York
        1 Toronto
        5 Vancouver

SQL> SQL> SQL> SQL> -- clean the table SQL> drop table Employee

 2  /

Table dropped. SQL> SQL>


Grouping at Multiple Levels: group by more than one column

   <source lang="sql">

SQL> -- create demo table SQL> create table Employee(

 2    ID                 VARCHAR2(4 BYTE)         NOT NULL,
 3    First_Name         VARCHAR2(10 BYTE),
 4    Last_Name          VARCHAR2(10 BYTE),
 5    Start_Date         DATE,
 6    End_Date           DATE,
 7    Salary             Number(8,2),
 8    City               VARCHAR2(10 BYTE),
 9    Description        VARCHAR2(15 BYTE)
10  )
11  /

Table created. SQL> SQL> -- prepare data SQL> insert into Employee(ID, First_Name, Last_Name, Start_Date, End_Date, Salary, City, Description)

 2               values ("01","Jason",    "Martin",  to_date("19960725","YYYYMMDD"), to_date("20060725","YYYYMMDD"), 1234.56, "Toronto",  "Programmer")
 3  /

1 row created. SQL> insert into Employee(ID, First_Name, Last_Name, Start_Date, End_Date, Salary, City, Description)

 2                values("02","Alison",   "Mathews", to_date("19760321","YYYYMMDD"), to_date("19860221","YYYYMMDD"), 6661.78, "Vancouver","Tester")
 3  /

1 row created. SQL> insert into Employee(ID, First_Name, Last_Name, Start_Date, End_Date, Salary, City, Description)

 2                values("03","James",    "Smith",   to_date("19781212","YYYYMMDD"), to_date("19900315","YYYYMMDD"), 6544.78, "Vancouver","Tester")
 3  /

1 row created. SQL> insert into Employee(ID, First_Name, Last_Name, Start_Date, End_Date, Salary, City, Description)

 2                values("04","Celia",    "Rice",    to_date("19821024","YYYYMMDD"), to_date("19990421","YYYYMMDD"), 2344.78, "Vancouver","Manager")
 3  /

1 row created. SQL> insert into Employee(ID, First_Name, Last_Name, Start_Date, End_Date, Salary, City, Description)

 2                values("05","Robert",   "Black",   to_date("19840115","YYYYMMDD"), to_date("19980808","YYYYMMDD"), 2334.78, "Vancouver","Tester")
 3  /

1 row created. SQL> insert into Employee(ID, First_Name, Last_Name, Start_Date, End_Date, Salary, City, Description)

 2                values("06","Linda",    "Green",   to_date("19870730","YYYYMMDD"), to_date("19960104","YYYYMMDD"), 4322.78,"New York",  "Tester")
 3  /

1 row created. SQL> insert into Employee(ID, First_Name, Last_Name, Start_Date, End_Date, Salary, City, Description)

 2                values("07","David",    "Larry",   to_date("19901231","YYYYMMDD"), to_date("19980212","YYYYMMDD"), 7897.78,"New York",  "Manager")
 3  /

1 row created. SQL> insert into Employee(ID, First_Name, Last_Name, Start_Date, End_Date, Salary, City, Description)

 2                values("08","James",    "Cat",     to_date("19960917","YYYYMMDD"), to_date("20020415","YYYYMMDD"), 1232.78,"Vancouver", "Tester")
 3  /

1 row created. SQL> SQL> SQL> SQL> -- display data in the table SQL> select * from Employee

 2  /


---------- ---------- --------- --------- ---------- ---------- ---------------

01 Jason Martin 25-JUL-96 25-JUL-06 1234.56 Toronto Programmer 02 Alison Mathews 21-MAR-76 21-FEB-86 6661.78 Vancouver Tester 03 James Smith 12-DEC-78 15-MAR-90 6544.78 Vancouver Tester 04 Celia Rice 24-OCT-82 21-APR-99 2344.78 Vancouver Manager 05 Robert Black 15-JAN-84 08-AUG-98 2334.78 Vancouver Tester 06 Linda Green 30-JUL-87 04-JAN-96 4322.78 New York Tester 07 David Larry 31-DEC-90 12-FEB-98 7897.78 New York Manager 08 James Cat 17-SEP-96 15-APR-02 1232.78 Vancouver Tester 8 rows selected. SQL> SQL> SQL> SQL> -- Grouping at Multiple Levels SQL> SQL> SQL> SELECT count(*), city, description

 2  FROM employee
 3  GROUP BY city, description;

---------- ---------------
        1 New York   Manager
        4 Vancouver  Tester
        1 Toronto    Programmer
        1 Vancouver  Manager
        1 New York   Tester

SQL> SQL> -- clean the table SQL> drop table Employee

 2  /

Table dropped. SQL> SQL> SQL> SQL>


Group joined tables

   <source lang="sql">

SQL> create table offerings

 2  ( course     VARCHAR2(6)
 3  , begindate  DATE
 4  , trainer    NUMBER(4)
 5  , location   VARCHAR2(8)
 6  ) ;

Table created. SQL> insert into offerings values ("SQL",date "2009-04-12",13,"DALLAS" ); 1 row created. SQL> insert into offerings values ("OAU",date "2009-08-10",4,"CHICAGO"); 1 row created. SQL> insert into offerings values ("SQL",date "2009-10-04",1,"SEATTLE"); 1 row created. SQL> insert into offerings values ("SQL",date "2009-12-13",1,"DALLAS" ); 1 row created. SQL> insert into offerings values ("JAV",date "2009-12-13",4,"SEATTLE"); 1 row created. SQL> insert into offerings values ("XML",date "2000-02-03",1,"DALLAS" ); 1 row created. SQL> insert into offerings values ("JAV",date "2000-02-01",11,"DALLAS" ); 1 row created. SQL> insert into offerings values ("PLS",date "2000-09-11",8,"DALLAS" ); 1 row created. SQL> insert into offerings values ("XML",date "2000-09-18",NULL,"SEATTLE"); 1 row created. SQL> insert into offerings values ("OAU",date "2000-09-27",13,"DALLAS" ); 1 row created. SQL> insert into offerings values ("ERM",date "2001-01-15",NULL, NULL ); 1 row created. SQL> insert into offerings values ("PRO",date "2001-02-19",NULL,"DALLAS" ); 1 row created. SQL> insert into offerings values ("RSD",date "2001-02-24",8,"CHICAGO"); 1 row created. SQL> SQL> create table registrations

 2  ( attendee    NUMBER(4)
 3  , course      VARCHAR2(6)
 4  , begindate   DATE
 5  , evaluation  NUMBER(1)
 6  , constraint  R_PK        primary key(attendee,course,begindate)
 7  ) ;

Table created. SQL> SQL> insert into registrations values (2,"SQL",date "2009-04-12",4 ); 1 row created. SQL> insert into registrations values (14,"SQL",date "2009-04-12",5 ); 1 row created. SQL> insert into registrations values (6,"SQL",date "2009-04-12",4 ); 1 row created. SQL> insert into registrations values (11,"SQL",date "2009-04-12",2 ); 1 row created. SQL> insert into registrations values (8,"SQL",date "2009-10-04",NULL); 1 row created. SQL> insert into registrations values (9,"SQL",date "2009-10-04",3 ); 1 row created. SQL> insert into registrations values (13,"SQL",date "2009-10-04",4 ); 1 row created. SQL> insert into registrations values (13,"SQL",date "2009-12-13",NULL); 1 row created. SQL> insert into registrations values (12,"XML",date "2000-02-03",4 ); 1 row created. SQL> insert into registrations values (2,"XML",date "2000-02-03",5 ); 1 row created. SQL> insert into registrations values (4,"PLS",date "2000-09-11",NULL); 1 row created. SQL> insert into registrations values (2,"PLS",date "2000-09-11",NULL); 1 row created. SQL> insert into registrations values (11,"PLS",date "2000-09-11",NULL); 1 row created. SQL> SQL> SQL> select o.trainer, avg(r.evaluation)

 2  from   offerings o
 3         join
 4         registrations r
 5         using (course,begindate)
 6  group  by o.trainer;

        1                 4
       13              3.75

SQL> SQL> drop table registrations; Table dropped. SQL> SQL> drop table offerings; Table dropped.


Must include a nonaggregate column in the SELECT list in the GROUP BY clause

   <source lang="sql">

SQL> -- create demo table SQL> create table Employee(

 2    ID                 VARCHAR2(4 BYTE)         NOT NULL,
 3    First_Name         VARCHAR2(10 BYTE),
 4    Last_Name          VARCHAR2(10 BYTE),
 5    Start_Date         DATE,
 6    End_Date           DATE,
 7    Salary             Number(8,2),
 8    City               VARCHAR2(10 BYTE),
 9    Description        VARCHAR2(15 BYTE)
10  )
11  /

Table created. SQL> SQL> -- prepare data SQL> insert into Employee(ID, First_Name, Last_Name, Start_Date, End_Date, Salary, City, Description)

 2               values ("01","Jason",    "Martin",  to_date("19960725","YYYYMMDD"), to_date("20060725","YYYYMMDD"), 1234.56, "Toronto",  "Programmer")
 3  /

1 row created. SQL> insert into Employee(ID, First_Name, Last_Name, Start_Date, End_Date, Salary, City, Description)

 2                values("02","Alison",   "Mathews", to_date("19760321","YYYYMMDD"), to_date("19860221","YYYYMMDD"), 6661.78, "Vancouver","Tester")
 3  /

1 row created. SQL> insert into Employee(ID, First_Name, Last_Name, Start_Date, End_Date, Salary, City, Description)

 2                values("03","James",    "Smith",   to_date("19781212","YYYYMMDD"), to_date("19900315","YYYYMMDD"), 6544.78, "Vancouver","Tester")
 3  /

1 row created. SQL> insert into Employee(ID, First_Name, Last_Name, Start_Date, End_Date, Salary, City, Description)

 2                values("04","Celia",    "Rice",    to_date("19821024","YYYYMMDD"), to_date("19990421","YYYYMMDD"), 2344.78, "Vancouver","Manager")
 3  /

1 row created. SQL> insert into Employee(ID, First_Name, Last_Name, Start_Date, End_Date, Salary, City, Description)

 2                values("05","Robert",   "Black",   to_date("19840115","YYYYMMDD"), to_date("19980808","YYYYMMDD"), 2334.78, "Vancouver","Tester")
 3  /

1 row created. SQL> insert into Employee(ID, First_Name, Last_Name, Start_Date, End_Date, Salary, City, Description)

 2                values("06","Linda",    "Green",   to_date("19870730","YYYYMMDD"), to_date("19960104","YYYYMMDD"), 4322.78,"New York",  "Tester")
 3  /

1 row created. SQL> insert into Employee(ID, First_Name, Last_Name, Start_Date, End_Date, Salary, City, Description)

 2                values("07","David",    "Larry",   to_date("19901231","YYYYMMDD"), to_date("19980212","YYYYMMDD"), 7897.78,"New York",  "Manager")
 3  /

1 row created. SQL> insert into Employee(ID, First_Name, Last_Name, Start_Date, End_Date, Salary, City, Description)

 2                values("08","James",    "Cat",     to_date("19960917","YYYYMMDD"), to_date("20020415","YYYYMMDD"), 1232.78,"Vancouver", "Tester")
 3  /

1 row created. SQL> SQL> SQL> SQL> -- display data in the table SQL> select * from Employee

 2  /


---------- ---------- --------- --------- ---------- ---------- ---------------

01 Jason Martin 25-JUL-96 25-JUL-06 1234.56 Toronto Programmer 02 Alison Mathews 21-MAR-76 21-FEB-86 6661.78 Vancouver Tester 03 James Smith 12-DEC-78 15-MAR-90 6544.78 Vancouver Tester 04 Celia Rice 24-OCT-82 21-APR-99 2344.78 Vancouver Manager 05 Robert Black 15-JAN-84 08-AUG-98 2334.78 Vancouver Tester 06 Linda Green 30-JUL-87 04-JAN-96 4322.78 New York Tester 07 David Larry 31-DEC-90 12-FEB-98 7897.78 New York Manager 08 James Cat 17-SEP-96 15-APR-02 1232.78 Vancouver Tester 8 rows selected. SQL> SQL> SQL> SQL> --Must include a nonaggregate column in the SELECT list in the GROUP BY clause. SQL> SQL> SELECT City, MAX(Salary) AS "Highest Cost"

 2  FROM Employee
 3  GROUP BY City;

CITY Highest Cost


New York 7897.78 Toronto 1234.56 Vancouver 6661.78 SQL> SQL> SQL> SQL> -- clean the table SQL> drop table Employee

 2  /

Table dropped. SQL>


timing and auto tracing a select statement with group

   <source lang="sql">


 2  ( employee_id          number(10)      not null,
 3    last_name            varchar2(50)      not null,
 4    email                varchar2(30),
 5    hire_date            date,
 6    job_id               varchar2(30),
 7    department_id        number(10),
 8    salary               number(6),
 9    manager_id           number(6)
10  );

Table created. SQL> SQL> SQL> insert into employees( employee_id, last_name, email, hire_date, job_id, salary,department_id ,manager_id)

 2                values ( 1001, "Lawson", "", "01-JAN-2002","MGR", 30000,1 ,1004);

1 row created. SQL> SQL> insert into employees( employee_id, last_name, email, hire_date, job_id, salary, department_id ,manager_id)

 2                values ( 1002, "Wells", "", "01-JAN-2002", "DBA", 20000,2, 1005 );

1 row created. SQL> SQL> insert into employees( employee_id, last_name, email, hire_date, job_id, salary, department_id ,manager_id)

 2                 values( 1003, "Bliss", "", "01-JAN-2002", "PROG", 24000,3 ,1004);

1 row created. SQL> SQL> insert into employees( employee_id, last_name, email, hire_date, job_id, salary, department_id, manager_id)

 2                 values( 1004,  "Kyte", "", SYSDATE-3650, "MGR",25000 ,4, 1005);

1 row created. SQL> SQL> insert into employees( employee_id, last_name, email, hire_date, job_id, salary, department_id, manager_id)

 2                 values( 1005, "Viper", "sdillon@a .ru", SYSDATE, "PROG", 20000, 1, 1006);

1 row created. SQL> SQL> insert into employees( employee_id, last_name, email, hire_date, job_id, salary, department_id,manager_id)

 2                 values( 1006, "Beck", "", SYSDATE, "PROG", 20000, 2, null);

1 row created. SQL> SQL> insert into employees( employee_id, last_name, email, hire_date, job_id, salary, department_id, manager_id)

 2                 values( 1007, "Java", "", SYSDATE, "PROG", 20000, 3, 1006);

1 row created. SQL> SQL> insert into employees( employee_id, last_name, email, hire_date, job_id, salary, department_id, manager_id)

 2                 values( 1008, "Oracle", "", SYSDATE, "DBA", 20000, 4, 1006);

1 row created. SQL> SQL> SQL> set autotrace on SQL> set timing on SQL> SQL> select employee_id,

 2           count(*) total_orders
 3      from employees
 4      group by employee_id
 5    /


      1003            1
      1006            1
      1001            1
      1002            1
      1007            1
      1004            1
      1005            1
      1008            1

8 rows selected. Elapsed: 00:00:00.11 Execution Plan

Plan hash value: 1192169904

| Id | Operation | Name | Rows | Bytes | Cost (%CPU)| Time |

| 0 | SELECT STATEMENT | | 8 | 104 | 3 (34)| 00:00:01 | | 1 | HASH GROUP BY | | 8 | 104 | 3 (34)| 00:00:01 | | 2 | TABLE ACCESS FULL| EMPLOYEES | 8 | 104 | 2 (0)| 00:00:01 |


  - dynamic sampling used for this statement


        28  recursive calls
         0  db block gets
         9  consistent gets
         0  physical reads
         0  redo size
       574  bytes sent via SQL*Net to client
       380  bytes received via SQL*Net from client
         2  SQL*Net roundtrips to/from client
         0  sorts (memory)
         0  sorts (disk)
         8  rows processed

SQL> set autotrace off SQL> set timing off SQL> SQL> drop table employees; Table dropped. SQL>


Use avg, sum, max and count functions with group

   <source lang="sql">


 2  ( employee_id          number(10)      not null,
 3    last_name            varchar2(50)      not null,
 4    email                varchar2(30),
 5    hire_date            date,
 6    job_id               varchar2(30),
 7    department_id        number(10),
 8    salary               number(6),
 9    manager_id           number(6)
10  );

Table created. SQL> SQL> SQL> insert into employees( employee_id, last_name, email, hire_date, job_id, salary,department_id ,manager_id)

 2                values ( 1001, "Lawson", "", "01-JAN-2002","MGR", 30000,1 ,1004);

1 row created. SQL> SQL> insert into employees( employee_id, last_name, email, hire_date, job_id, salary, department_id ,manager_id)

 2                values ( 1002, "Wells", "", "01-JAN-2002", "DBA", 20000,2, 1005 );

1 row created. SQL> SQL> insert into employees( employee_id, last_name, email, hire_date, job_id, salary, department_id ,manager_id)

 2                 values( 1003, "Bliss", "", "01-JAN-2002", "PROG", 24000,3 ,1004);

1 row created. SQL> SQL> insert into employees( employee_id, last_name, email, hire_date, job_id, salary, department_id, manager_id)

 2                 values( 1004,  "Kyte", "", SYSDATE-3650, "MGR",25000 ,4, 1005);

1 row created. SQL> SQL> insert into employees( employee_id, last_name, email, hire_date, job_id, salary, department_id, manager_id)

 2                 values( 1005, "Dillon", "sdillon@a .ru", SYSDATE, "PROG", 20000, 1, 1006);

1 row created. SQL> SQL> insert into employees( employee_id, last_name, email, hire_date, job_id, salary, department_id,manager_id)

 2                 values( 1006, "Beck", "", SYSDATE, "PROG", 20000, 2, null);

1 row created. SQL> SQL> insert into employees( employee_id, last_name, email, hire_date, job_id, salary, department_id, manager_id)

 2                 values( 1007, "Java", "", SYSDATE, "PROG", 20000, 3, 1006);

1 row created. SQL> SQL> insert into employees( employee_id, last_name, email, hire_date, job_id, salary, department_id, manager_id)

 2                 values( 1008, "Oracle", "", SYSDATE, "DBA", 20000, 4, 1006);


-------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------ --------- ------------------------------ ------------- ---------- ----------
      1001 Lawson                                                      01-JAN-02 MGR                                        1      30000       1004
      1002 Wells                                                        01-JAN-02 DBA                                        2      20000       1005
      1003 Bliss                                                        01-JAN-02 PROG                                       3      24000       1004
      1004 Kyte                                                      13-JUN-98 MGR                                        4      25000       1005
      1005 Dillon                                             sdillon@a .ru                 10-JUN-08 PROG                                       1      20000       1006
      1006 Beck                                                        10-JUN-08 PROG                                       2      20000
      1007 Java                                                        10-JUN-08 PROG                                       3      20000       1006


-------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------ --------- ------------------------------ ------------- ---------- ----------
      1008 Oracle                                                     10-JUN-08 DBA                                        4      20000       1006

8 rows selected. SQL> SQL> select job_id, avg(salary), sum(salary), max(salary), count(*)

 2        from employees
 3       group by job_id
 4      /


----------- ----------- ----------- ----------

PROG 21000 84000 24000 4 DBA 20000 40000 20000 2 MGR 27500 55000 30000 2 3 rows selected. SQL> SQL> drop table employees; Table dropped. SQL>


Use group by and avg

   <source lang="sql">

SQL> SQL> -- create demo table SQL> create table Employee(

 2    ID                 VARCHAR2(4 BYTE)         NOT NULL,
 3    First_Name         VARCHAR2(10 BYTE),
 4    Last_Name          VARCHAR2(10 BYTE),
 5    Start_Date         DATE,
 6    End_Date           DATE,
 7    Salary             Number(8,2),
 8    City               VARCHAR2(10 BYTE),
 9    Description        VARCHAR2(15 BYTE)
10  )
11  /

Table created. SQL> SQL> -- prepare data SQL> insert into Employee(ID, First_Name, Last_Name, Start_Date, End_Date, Salary, City, Description)

 2               values ("01","Jason",    "Martin",  to_date("19960725","YYYYMMDD"), to_date("20060725","YYYYMMDD"), 1234.56, "Toronto",  "Programmer")
 3  /

1 row created. SQL> insert into Employee(ID, First_Name, Last_Name, Start_Date, End_Date, Salary, City, Description)

 2                values("02","Alison",   "Mathews", to_date("19760321","YYYYMMDD"), to_date("19860221","YYYYMMDD"), 6661.78, "Vancouver","Tester")
 3  /

1 row created. SQL> insert into Employee(ID, First_Name, Last_Name, Start_Date, End_Date, Salary, City, Description)

 2                values("03","James",    "Smith",   to_date("19781212","YYYYMMDD"), to_date("19900315","YYYYMMDD"), 6544.78, "Vancouver","Tester")
 3  /

1 row created. SQL> insert into Employee(ID, First_Name, Last_Name, Start_Date, End_Date, Salary, City, Description)

 2                values("04","Celia",    "Rice",    to_date("19821024","YYYYMMDD"), to_date("19990421","YYYYMMDD"), 2344.78, "Vancouver","Manager")
 3  /

1 row created. SQL> insert into Employee(ID, First_Name, Last_Name, Start_Date, End_Date, Salary, City, Description)

 2                values("05","Robert",   "Black",   to_date("19840115","YYYYMMDD"), to_date("19980808","YYYYMMDD"), 2334.78, "Vancouver","Tester")
 3  /

1 row created. SQL> insert into Employee(ID, First_Name, Last_Name, Start_Date, End_Date, Salary, City, Description)

 2                values("06","Linda",    "Green",   to_date("19870730","YYYYMMDD"), to_date("19960104","YYYYMMDD"), 4322.78,"New York",  "Tester")
 3  /

1 row created. SQL> insert into Employee(ID, First_Name, Last_Name, Start_Date, End_Date, Salary, City, Description)

 2                values("07","David",    "Larry",   to_date("19901231","YYYYMMDD"), to_date("19980212","YYYYMMDD"), 7897.78,"New York",  "Manager")
 3  /

1 row created. SQL> insert into Employee(ID, First_Name, Last_Name, Start_Date, End_Date, Salary, City, Description)

 2                values("08","James",    "Cat",     to_date("19960917","YYYYMMDD"), to_date("20020415","YYYYMMDD"), 1232.78,"Vancouver", "Tester")
 3  /

1 row created. SQL> SQL> SQL> SQL> -- display data in the table SQL> select * from Employee

 2  /


---------- ---------- --------- --------- ------------------------ ---------- ---------------

01 Jason Martin 25-JUL-96 25-JUL-06 1234.56 Toronto Programmer 02 Alison Mathews 21-MAR-76 21-FEB-86 6661.78 Vancouver Tester 03 James Smith 12-DEC-78 15-MAR-90 6544.78 Vancouver Tester 04 Celia Rice 24-OCT-82 21-APR-99 2344.78 Vancouver Manager 05 Robert Black 15-JAN-84 08-AUG-98 2334.78 Vancouver Tester 06 Linda Green 30-JUL-87 04-JAN-96 4322.78 New York Tester 07 David Larry 31-DEC-90 12-FEB-98 7897.78 New York Manager 08 James Cat 17-SEP-96 15-APR-02 1232.78 Vancouver Tester 8 rows selected. SQL> SQL> SQL> SQL> SQL> SQL> select id, avg(salary) avg_salary from Employee group by id order by avg(salary) desc; ID AVG_SALARY


07 7897.78 02 6661.78 03 6544.78 06 4322.78 04 2344.78 05 2334.78 01 1234.56 08 1232.78 8 rows selected. SQL> SQL> SQL> -- clean the table SQL> drop table Employee

 2  /

Table dropped. SQL> SQL>


Using a Column Multiple Times in a GROUP BY Clause

   <source lang="sql">


 2    employee_id INTEGER,
 3    division_id CHAR(3),
 4    job_id CHAR(3),
 5    first_name VARCHAR2(10) NOT NULL,
 6    last_name VARCHAR2(10) NOT NULL,
 7    salary NUMBER(6, 0)
 8  );

Table created. SQL> SQL> insert into employee (EMPLOYEE_ID,division_id,JOB_ID,FIRST_NAME,LAST_NAME,SALARY)

 2                 values(1, "BUS","PRE","James","Smith","800000");

1 row created. SQL> insert into employee (EMPLOYEE_ID,division_id,JOB_ID,FIRST_NAME,LAST_NAME,SALARY)

 2                 values(2, "SAL","MGR","Ron","Johnson","350000");

1 row created. SQL> insert into employee (EMPLOYEE_ID,division_id,JOB_ID,FIRST_NAME,LAST_NAME,SALARY)

 2                 values(3, "SAL","WOR","Fred","Hobbs","140000");

1 row created. SQL> insert into employee (EMPLOYEE_ID,division_id,JOB_ID,FIRST_NAME,LAST_NAME,SALARY)

 2                 values(4, "SUP","MGR","Susan","Jones","200000");

1 row created. SQL> insert into employee (EMPLOYEE_ID,division_id,JOB_ID,FIRST_NAME,LAST_NAME,SALARY)

 2                 values(5, "SAL","WOR","Rob","Green","350000");

1 row created. SQL> SQL> select * from employee; EMPLOYEE_ID DIV JOB FIRST_NAME LAST_NAME SALARY

--- --- ---------- ---------- ----------
         1 BUS PRE James      Smith          800000
         2 SAL MGR Ron        Johnson        350000
         3 SAL WOR Fred       Hobbs          140000
         4 SUP MGR Susan      Jones          200000
         5 SAL WOR Rob        Green          350000

SQL> SQL> SQL> --Using a Column Multiple Times in a GROUP BY Clause SQL> SQL> --You can use a column multiple times in a GROUP BY clause, which can enable you to reorganize your data or report on different groupings of data. For example, the following query contains a GROUP BY clause that uses division_id twice, once to group by division_id and the second in a ROLLUP: SQL> SQL> SELECT division_id, job_id, SUM(salary)

 2  FROM employee
 3  GROUP BY division_id, ROLLUP(division_id, job_id);

DIV JOB SUM(SALARY) --- --- ----------- BUS PRE 800000 SAL MGR 350000 SAL WOR 490000 SUP MGR 200000 BUS 800000 SAL 840000 SUP 200000 BUS 800000 SAL 840000 SUP 200000 10 rows selected. SQL> SQL> SQL> SQL> drop table employee; Table dropped. SQL>


Using the GROUP BY Clause

   <source lang="sql">

SQL> -- create demo table SQL> create table Employee(

 2    ID                 VARCHAR2(4 BYTE)         NOT NULL,
 3    First_Name         VARCHAR2(10 BYTE),
 4    Last_Name          VARCHAR2(10 BYTE),
 5    Start_Date         DATE,
 6    End_Date           DATE,
 7    Salary             Number(8,2),
 8    City               VARCHAR2(10 BYTE),
 9    Description        VARCHAR2(15 BYTE)
10  )
11  /

Table created. SQL> SQL> -- prepare data SQL> insert into Employee(ID, First_Name, Last_Name, Start_Date, End_Date, Salary, City, Description)

 2               values ("01","Jason",    "Martin",  to_date("19960725","YYYYMMDD"), to_date("20060725","YYYYMMDD"), 1234.56, "Toronto",  "Programmer")
 3  /

1 row created. SQL> insert into Employee(ID, First_Name, Last_Name, Start_Date, End_Date, Salary, City, Description)

 2                values("02","Alison",   "Mathews", to_date("19760321","YYYYMMDD"), to_date("19860221","YYYYMMDD"), 6661.78, "Vancouver","Tester")
 3  /

1 row created. SQL> insert into Employee(ID, First_Name, Last_Name, Start_Date, End_Date, Salary, City, Description)

 2                values("03","James",    "Smith",   to_date("19781212","YYYYMMDD"), to_date("19900315","YYYYMMDD"), 6544.78, "Vancouver","Tester")
 3  /

1 row created. SQL> insert into Employee(ID, First_Name, Last_Name, Start_Date, End_Date, Salary, City, Description)

 2                values("04","Celia",    "Rice",    to_date("19821024","YYYYMMDD"), to_date("19990421","YYYYMMDD"), 2344.78, "Vancouver","Manager")
 3  /

1 row created. SQL> insert into Employee(ID, First_Name, Last_Name, Start_Date, End_Date, Salary, City, Description)

 2                values("05","Robert",   "Black",   to_date("19840115","YYYYMMDD"), to_date("19980808","YYYYMMDD"), 2334.78, "Vancouver","Tester")
 3  /

1 row created. SQL> insert into Employee(ID, First_Name, Last_Name, Start_Date, End_Date, Salary, City, Description)

 2                values("06","Linda",    "Green",   to_date("19870730","YYYYMMDD"), to_date("19960104","YYYYMMDD"), 4322.78,"New York",  "Tester")
 3  /

1 row created. SQL> insert into Employee(ID, First_Name, Last_Name, Start_Date, End_Date, Salary, City, Description)

 2                values("07","David",    "Larry",   to_date("19901231","YYYYMMDD"), to_date("19980212","YYYYMMDD"), 7897.78,"New York",  "Manager")
 3  /

1 row created. SQL> insert into Employee(ID, First_Name, Last_Name, Start_Date, End_Date, Salary, City, Description)

 2                values("08","James",    "Cat",     to_date("19960917","YYYYMMDD"), to_date("20020415","YYYYMMDD"), 1232.78,"Vancouver", "Tester")
 3  /

1 row created. SQL> SQL> SQL> SQL> -- display data in the table SQL> select * from Employee

 2  /


---------- ---------- --------- --------- ---------- ---------- ---------------

01 Jason Martin 25-JUL-96 25-JUL-06 1234.56 Toronto Programmer 02 Alison Mathews 21-MAR-76 21-FEB-86 6661.78 Vancouver Tester 03 James Smith 12-DEC-78 15-MAR-90 6544.78 Vancouver Tester 04 Celia Rice 24-OCT-82 21-APR-99 2344.78 Vancouver Manager 05 Robert Black 15-JAN-84 08-AUG-98 2334.78 Vancouver Tester 06 Linda Green 30-JUL-87 04-JAN-96 4322.78 New York Tester 07 David Larry 31-DEC-90 12-FEB-98 7897.78 New York Manager 08 James Cat 17-SEP-96 15-APR-02 1232.78 Vancouver Tester 8 rows selected. SQL> SQL> SQL> --Using the GROUP BY Clause SQL> SQL> SELECT City, AVG(Salary) AS "Average Salary" FROM Employee GROUP BY City; CITY Average Salary


New York 6110.28 Toronto 1234.56 Vancouver 3823.78 SQL> SQL> -- clean the table SQL> drop table Employee

 2  /

Table dropped. SQL>


Using the ORDER BY Clause to Sort Groups

   <source lang="sql">

SQL> SQL> -- create demo table SQL> create table Employee(

 2    ID                 VARCHAR2(4 BYTE)         NOT NULL,
 3    First_Name         VARCHAR2(10 BYTE),
 4    Last_Name          VARCHAR2(10 BYTE),
 5    Start_Date         DATE,
 6    End_Date           DATE,
 7    Salary             Number(8,2),
 8    City               VARCHAR2(10 BYTE),
 9    Description        VARCHAR2(15 BYTE)
10  )
11  /

Table created. SQL> SQL> -- prepare data SQL> insert into Employee(ID, First_Name, Last_Name, Start_Date, End_Date, Salary, City, Description)

 2               values ("01","Jason",    "Martin",  to_date("19960725","YYYYMMDD"), to_date("20060725","YYYYMMDD"), 1234.56, "Toronto",  "Programmer")
 3  /

1 row created. SQL> insert into Employee(ID, First_Name, Last_Name, Start_Date, End_Date, Salary, City, Description)

 2                values("02","Alison",   "Mathews", to_date("19760321","YYYYMMDD"), to_date("19860221","YYYYMMDD"), 6661.78, "Vancouver","Tester")
 3  /

1 row created. SQL> insert into Employee(ID, First_Name, Last_Name, Start_Date, End_Date, Salary, City, Description)

 2                values("03","James",    "Smith",   to_date("19781212","YYYYMMDD"), to_date("19900315","YYYYMMDD"), 6544.78, "Vancouver","Tester")
 3  /

1 row created. SQL> insert into Employee(ID, First_Name, Last_Name, Start_Date, End_Date, Salary, City, Description)

 2                values("04","Celia",    "Rice",    to_date("19821024","YYYYMMDD"), to_date("19990421","YYYYMMDD"), 2344.78, "Vancouver","Manager")
 3  /

1 row created. SQL> insert into Employee(ID, First_Name, Last_Name, Start_Date, End_Date, Salary, City, Description)

 2                values("05","Robert",   "Black",   to_date("19840115","YYYYMMDD"), to_date("19980808","YYYYMMDD"), 2334.78, "Vancouver","Tester")
 3  /

1 row created. SQL> insert into Employee(ID, First_Name, Last_Name, Start_Date, End_Date, Salary, City, Description)

 2                values("06","Linda",    "Green",   to_date("19870730","YYYYMMDD"), to_date("19960104","YYYYMMDD"), 4322.78,"New York",  "Tester")
 3  /

1 row created. SQL> insert into Employee(ID, First_Name, Last_Name, Start_Date, End_Date, Salary, City, Description)

 2                values("07","David",    "Larry",   to_date("19901231","YYYYMMDD"), to_date("19980212","YYYYMMDD"), 7897.78,"New York",  "Manager")
 3  /

1 row created. SQL> insert into Employee(ID, First_Name, Last_Name, Start_Date, End_Date, Salary, City, Description)

 2                values("08","James",    "Cat",     to_date("19960917","YYYYMMDD"), to_date("20020415","YYYYMMDD"), 1232.78,"Vancouver", "Tester")
 3  /

1 row created. SQL> SQL> SQL> SQL> -- display data in the table SQL> select * from Employee

 2  /


---------- ---------- --------- --------- ---------- ---------- ---------------

01 Jason Martin 25-JUL-96 25-JUL-06 1234.56 Toronto Programmer 02 Alison Mathews 21-MAR-76 21-FEB-86 6661.78 Vancouver Tester 03 James Smith 12-DEC-78 15-MAR-90 6544.78 Vancouver Tester 04 Celia Rice 24-OCT-82 21-APR-99 2344.78 Vancouver Manager 05 Robert Black 15-JAN-84 08-AUG-98 2334.78 Vancouver Tester 06 Linda Green 30-JUL-87 04-JAN-96 4322.78 New York Tester 07 David Larry 31-DEC-90 12-FEB-98 7897.78 New York Manager 08 James Cat 17-SEP-96 15-APR-02 1232.78 Vancouver Tester 8 rows selected. SQL> SQL> SQL> SQL> -- Using the ORDER BY Clause to Sort Groups SQL> SQL> SELECT city, COUNT(city)

 2  FROM employee
 3  GROUP BY city
 4  ORDER BY COUNT(city);



Toronto 1 New York 2 Vancouver 5 SQL> SQL> SQL> SQL> -- clean the table SQL> drop table Employee

 2  /

Table dropped. SQL> SQL>


You don"t have to include the columns used in the GROUP BY clause in your SELECT clause

   <source lang="sql">

SQL> SQL> -- create demo table SQL> create table Employee(

 2    ID                 VARCHAR2(4 BYTE)         NOT NULL,
 3    First_Name         VARCHAR2(10 BYTE),
 4    Last_Name          VARCHAR2(10 BYTE),
 5    Start_Date         DATE,
 6    End_Date           DATE,
 7    Salary             Number(8,2),
 8    City               VARCHAR2(10 BYTE),
 9    Description        VARCHAR2(15 BYTE)
10  )
11  /

Table created. SQL> SQL> -- prepare data SQL> insert into Employee(ID, First_Name, Last_Name, Start_Date, End_Date, Salary, City, Description)

 2               values ("01","Jason",    "Martin",  to_date("19960725","YYYYMMDD"), to_date("20060725","YYYYMMDD"), 1234.56, "Toronto",  "Programmer")
 3  /

1 row created. SQL> insert into Employee(ID, First_Name, Last_Name, Start_Date, End_Date, Salary, City, Description)

 2                values("02","Alison",   "Mathews", to_date("19760321","YYYYMMDD"), to_date("19860221","YYYYMMDD"), 6661.78, "Vancouver","Tester")
 3  /

1 row created. SQL> insert into Employee(ID, First_Name, Last_Name, Start_Date, End_Date, Salary, City, Description)

 2                values("03","James",    "Smith",   to_date("19781212","YYYYMMDD"), to_date("19900315","YYYYMMDD"), 6544.78, "Vancouver","Tester")
 3  /

1 row created. SQL> insert into Employee(ID, First_Name, Last_Name, Start_Date, End_Date, Salary, City, Description)

 2                values("04","Celia",    "Rice",    to_date("19821024","YYYYMMDD"), to_date("19990421","YYYYMMDD"), 2344.78, "Vancouver","Manager")
 3  /

1 row created. SQL> insert into Employee(ID, First_Name, Last_Name, Start_Date, End_Date, Salary, City, Description)

 2                values("05","Robert",   "Black",   to_date("19840115","YYYYMMDD"), to_date("19980808","YYYYMMDD"), 2334.78, "Vancouver","Tester")
 3  /

1 row created. SQL> insert into Employee(ID, First_Name, Last_Name, Start_Date, End_Date, Salary, City, Description)

 2                values("06","Linda",    "Green",   to_date("19870730","YYYYMMDD"), to_date("19960104","YYYYMMDD"), 4322.78,"New York",  "Tester")
 3  /

1 row created. SQL> insert into Employee(ID, First_Name, Last_Name, Start_Date, End_Date, Salary, City, Description)

 2                values("07","David",    "Larry",   to_date("19901231","YYYYMMDD"), to_date("19980212","YYYYMMDD"), 7897.78,"New York",  "Manager")
 3  /

1 row created. SQL> insert into Employee(ID, First_Name, Last_Name, Start_Date, End_Date, Salary, City, Description)

 2                values("08","James",    "Cat",     to_date("19960917","YYYYMMDD"), to_date("20020415","YYYYMMDD"), 1232.78,"Vancouver", "Tester")
 3  /

1 row created. SQL> SQL> SQL> SQL> -- display data in the table SQL> select * from Employee

 2  /


---------- ---------- --------- --------- ---------- ---------- ---------------

01 Jason Martin 25-JUL-96 25-JUL-06 1234.56 Toronto Programmer 02 Alison Mathews 21-MAR-76 21-FEB-86 6661.78 Vancouver Tester 03 James Smith 12-DEC-78 15-MAR-90 6544.78 Vancouver Tester 04 Celia Rice 24-OCT-82 21-APR-99 2344.78 Vancouver Manager 05 Robert Black 15-JAN-84 08-AUG-98 2334.78 Vancouver Tester 06 Linda Green 30-JUL-87 04-JAN-96 4322.78 New York Tester 07 David Larry 31-DEC-90 12-FEB-98 7897.78 New York Manager 08 James Cat 17-SEP-96 15-APR-02 1232.78 Vancouver Tester 8 rows selected. SQL> SQL> SQL> SQL> --You don"t have to include the columns used in the GROUP BY clause in your SELECT clause. SQL> SQL> SELECT COUNT(description)

 2  FROM employee
 3  GROUP BY city



SQL> SQL> SQL> SQL> -- clean the table SQL> drop table Employee

 2  /

Table dropped. SQL> SQL> SQL>
