Oracle PL/SQL/Large Objects/Insert
LOB manipulations using DML statements.
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SQL> SQL> set serveroutput on SQL> SQL> SQL> CREATE TABLE lobdemo (
2 key NUMBER PRIMARY KEY, 3 clob_col CLOB, 4 blob_col BLOB, 5 bfile_col BFILE 6 );
Table created. SQL> SQL> INSERT INTO lobdemo (key, clob_col, blob_col, bfile_col)
2 VALUES (50, "This is a character literal", 3 HEXTORAW("FEFEFEFEFEFEFEFEFEFE"), 4 NULL);
1 row created. SQL> SQL> INSERT INTO lobdemo (key, clob_col, blob_col, bfile_col)
2 VALUES (51, "This is another character literal", 3 HEXTORAW("ABABABABABABABABABAB"), 4 NULL);
1 row created. SQL> SQL> drop table lobdemo; Table dropped. SQL>
Use "Insert ... select" statement with CLOB, BLOB and BFILE
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2 key NUMBER PRIMARY KEY, 3 clob_col CLOB, 4 blob_col BLOB, 5 bfile_col BFILE 6 );
Table created. SQL> SQL> INSERT INTO lobdemo (key, clob_col, blob_col, bfile_col)
2 VALUES (50, "This is a character literal", 3 HEXTORAW("FEFEFEFEFEFEFEFEFEFE"), 4 NULL);
1 row created. SQL> SQL> INSERT INTO lobdemo (key, clob_col, blob_col, bfile_col)
2 VALUES (51, "This is another character literal", 3 HEXTORAW("ABABABABABABABABABAB"), 4 NULL);
1 row created. SQL> SQL> SQL> INSERT INTO lobdemo
2 SELECT key + 10, clob_col, blob_col, NULL 3 FROM lobdemo 4 WHERE key IN (50, 51);
2 rows created. SQL> SQL> drop table lobdemo; Table dropped. SQL>