SQL Server/T-SQL/Select Query/HAVING
Версия от 13:46, 26 мая 2010; (обсуждение)
Combine two conditions in Having clause
4> create table Billings (
5> BankerID INTEGER,
6> BillingNumber INTEGER,
7> BillingDate datetime,
8> BillingTotal INTEGER,
10> BillingDueDate datetime ,
11> PaymentTotal INTEGER,
12> CreditTotal INTEGER
14> );
15> GO
2> INSERT INTO Billings VALUES (1, 1, "2005-01-22", 165, 1,"2005-04-22",123,321);
3> GO
(1 rows affected)
1> INSERT INTO Billings VALUES (2, 2, "2001-02-21", 165, 1,"2002-02-22",123,321);
2> GO
(1 rows affected)
1> INSERT INTO Billings VALUES (3, 3, "2003-05-02", 165, 1,"2005-04-12",123,321);
2> GO
(1 rows affected)
1> INSERT INTO Billings VALUES (4, 4, "1999-03-12", 165, 1,"2005-04-18",123,321);
2> GO
(1 rows affected)
1> INSERT INTO Billings VALUES (5, 5, "2000-04-23", 165, 1,"2005-04-17",123,321);
2> GO
(1 rows affected)
1> INSERT INTO Billings VALUES (6, 6, "2001-06-14", 165, 1,"2005-04-18",123,321);
2> GO
(1 rows affected)
1> INSERT INTO Billings VALUES (7, 7, "2002-07-15", 165, 1,"2005-04-19",123,321);
2> GO
(1 rows affected)
1> INSERT INTO Billings VALUES (8, 8, "2003-08-16", 165, 1,"2005-04-20",123,321);
2> GO
(1 rows affected)
1> INSERT INTO Billings VALUES (9, 9, "2004-09-17", 165, 1,"2005-04-21",123,321);
2> GO
(1 rows affected)
1> INSERT INTO Billings VALUES (0, 0, "2005-10-18", 165, 1,"2005-04-22",123,321);
2> GO
(1 rows affected)
4> create table Bankers(
5> BankerID Integer,
6> BankerName VARCHAR(20),
7> BankerContactLName VARCHAR(20),
8> BankerContactFName VARCHAR(20),
9> BankerCity VARCHAR(20),
10> BankerState VARCHAR(20),
11> BankerZipCode VARCHAR(20),
12> BankerPhone VARCHAR(20)
13> )
14> GO
2> insert into Bankers values (1, "ABC Inc.","Joe","Smith","Vancouver","BC","11111","111-111-1111");
3> GO
(1 rows affected)
1> insert into Bankers values (2, "DEF Inc.","Red","Rice", "New York", "DE","22222","222-222-2222");
2> GO
(1 rows affected)
1> insert into Bankers values (3, "HJI Inc.","Kit","Cat", "Paris", "CA","33333","333-333-3333");
2> GO
(1 rows affected)
1> insert into Bankers values (4, "QWE Inc.","Git","Black","Regina", "ER","44444","444-444-4444");
2> GO
(1 rows affected)
1> insert into Bankers values (5, "RTY Inc.","Wil","Lee", "Toronto", "YU","55555","555-555-5555");
2> GO
(1 rows affected)
1> insert into Bankers values (6, "YUI Inc.","Ted","Larry","Calgary", "TY","66666","666-666-6666");
2> GO
(1 rows affected)
1> insert into Bankers values (7, "OIP Inc.","Yam","Act", "San Franc","FG","77777","777-777-7777");
2> GO
(1 rows affected)
1> insert into Bankers values (8, "SAD Inc.","Hit","Eat", "Orland", "PO","88888","888-888-8888");
2> GO
(1 rows affected)
1> insert into Bankers values (9, "DFG Inc.","Sad","Lee", "Wisler", "PL","99999","999-999-9999");
2> GO
(1 rows affected)
1> insert into Bankers values (0, "GHJ Inc.","Bit","Lee", "Ticker", "MN","00000","000-000-0000");
2> GO
(1 rows affected)
3> SELECT BillingDate, COUNT(*) AS BillingQty, SUM(BillingTotal) AS BillingSum
4> FROM Billings
5> WHERE BillingDate BETWEEN "2002-05-01" AND "2002-05-31"
6> GROUP BY BillingDate
7> HAVING COUNT(*) > 1
8> AND SUM(BillingTotal) > 100
9> ORDER BY BillingDate DESC
10> GO
BillingDate BillingQty BillingSum
----------------------- ----------- -----------
(0 rows affected)
2> drop table Billings;
3> drop table Bankers;
4> GO
HAVING clause can also be used without aggregates
3> CREATE TABLE works_on (emp_no INTEGER NOT NULL,
4> project_no CHAR(4) NOT NULL,
5> job CHAR (15) NULL,
6> enter_date DATETIME NULL)
7> GO
1> insert into works_on values (1, "p1", "analyst", "1997.10.1")
2> insert into works_on values (1, "p3", "manager", "1999.1.1")
3> insert into works_on values (2, "p2", "clerk", "1998.2.15")
4> insert into works_on values (2, "p2", NULL, "1998.6.1")
5> insert into works_on values (3, "p2", NULL, "1997.12.15")
6> insert into works_on values (4, "p3", "analyst", "1998.10.15")
7> insert into works_on values (5, "p1", "manager", "1998.4.15")
8> insert into works_on values (6, "p1", NULL, "1998.8.1")
9> insert into works_on values (7, "p2", "clerk", "1999.2.1")
10> insert into works_on values (8, "p3", "clerk", "1997.11.15")
11> insert into works_on values (7, "p1", "clerk", "1998.1.4")
12> GO
(1 rows affected)
(1 rows affected)
(1 rows affected)
(1 rows affected)
(1 rows affected)
(1 rows affected)
(1 rows affected)
(1 rows affected)
(1 rows affected)
(1 rows affected)
(1 rows affected)
1> -- HAVING clause can also be used without aggregates
3> SELECT job FROM works_on GROUP BY job HAVING job LIKE "M%"
4> GO
(1 rows affected)
1> drop table works_on
2> GO
HAVING with the aggregate function COUNT(*)
1> CREATE TABLE works_on (emp_no INTEGER NOT NULL,
2> project_no CHAR(4) NOT NULL,
3> job CHAR (15) NULL,
4> enter_date DATETIME NULL)
5> GO
1> insert into works_on values (1, "p1", "analyst", "1997.10.1")
2> insert into works_on values (1, "p3", "manager", "1999.1.1")
3> insert into works_on values (2, "p2", "clerk", "1998.2.15")
4> insert into works_on values (2, "p2", NULL, "1998.6.1")
5> insert into works_on values (3, "p2", NULL, "1997.12.15")
6> insert into works_on values (4, "p3", "analyst", "1998.10.15")
7> insert into works_on values (5, "p1", "manager", "1998.4.15")
8> insert into works_on values (6, "p1", NULL, "1998.8.1")
9> insert into works_on values (7, "p2", "clerk", "1999.2.1")
10> insert into works_on values (8, "p3", "clerk", "1997.11.15")
11> insert into works_on values (7, "p1", "clerk", "1998.1.4")
12> -- HAVING with the aggregate function COUNT(*).
13> GO
(1 rows affected)
(1 rows affected)
(1 rows affected)
(1 rows affected)
(1 rows affected)
(1 rows affected)
(1 rows affected)
(1 rows affected)
(1 rows affected)
(1 rows affected)
(1 rows affected)
1> SELECT project_no FROM works_on GROUP BY project_no HAVING COUNT(*) < 4
2> GO
(1 rows affected)
1> drop table works_on
2> GO
Placing Conditions on Groups with the HAVING Clause
1> create table employee(
2> ID int,
3> name nvarchar (10),
4> salary int,
5> start_date datetime,
6> city nvarchar (10),
7> region char (1))
8> GO
2> insert into employee (ID, name, salary, start_date, city, region)
3> values (1, "Jason", 40420, "02/01/94", "New York", "W")
4> GO
(1 rows affected)
1> insert into employee (ID, name, salary, start_date, city, region)
2> values (2, "Robert",14420, "01/02/95", "Vancouver","N")
3> GO
(1 rows affected)
1> insert into employee (ID, name, salary, start_date, city, region)
2> values (3, "Celia", 24020, "12/03/96", "Toronto", "W")
3> GO
(1 rows affected)
1> insert into employee (ID, name, salary, start_date, city, region)
2> values (4, "Linda", 40620, "11/04/97", "New York", "N")
3> GO
(1 rows affected)
1> insert into employee (ID, name, salary, start_date, city, region)
2> values (5, "David", 80026, "10/05/98", "Vancouver","W")
3> GO
(1 rows affected)
1> insert into employee (ID, name, salary, start_date, city, region)
2> values (6, "James", 70060, "09/06/99", "Toronto", "N")
3> GO
(1 rows affected)
1> insert into employee (ID, name, salary, start_date, city, region)
2> values (7, "Alison",90620, "08/07/00", "New York", "W")
3> GO
(1 rows affected)
1> insert into employee (ID, name, salary, start_date, city, region)
2> values (8, "Chris", 26020, "07/08/01", "Vancouver","N")
3> GO
(1 rows affected)
1> insert into employee (ID, name, salary, start_date, city, region)
2> values (9, "Mary", 60020, "06/09/02", "Toronto", "W")
3> GO
(1 rows affected)
2> select * from employee
3> GO
ID name salary start_date city region
----------- ---------- ----------- ----------------------- ---------- ------
1 Jason 40420 1994-02-01 00:00:00.000 New York W
2 Robert 14420 1995-01-02 00:00:00.000 Vancouver N
3 Celia 24020 1996-12-03 00:00:00.000 Toronto W
4 Linda 40620 1997-11-04 00:00:00.000 New York N
5 David 80026 1998-10-05 00:00:00.000 Vancouver W
6 James 70060 1999-09-06 00:00:00.000 Toronto N
7 Alison 90620 2000-08-07 00:00:00.000 New York W
8 Chris 26020 2001-07-08 00:00:00.000 Vancouver N
9 Mary 60020 2002-06-09 00:00:00.000 Toronto W
(9 rows affected)
2> -- Placing Conditions on Groups with the HAVING Clause
5> SELECT City, COUNT(*) AS Number
6> FROM Employee
7> WHERE ID != 5
8> GROUP BY City
9> GO
City Number
---------- -----------
New York 3
Toronto 3
Vancouver 2
(3 rows affected)
2> SELECT city, COUNT(*) AS Reports
3> FROM Employee
4> GROUP BY City
5> HAVING COUNT(*) > 1
6> GO
city Reports
---------- -----------
New York 3
Toronto 3
Vancouver 3
(3 rows affected)
4> drop table employee
5> GO
Use SUM function with having clause
1> create table employee(
2> ID int,
3> name nvarchar (10),
4> salary int,
5> start_date datetime,
6> city nvarchar (10),
7> region char (1))
8> GO
2> insert into employee (ID, name, salary, start_date, city, region)
3> values (1, "Jason", 40420, "02/01/94", "New York", "W")
4> GO
(1 rows affected)
1> insert into employee (ID, name, salary, start_date, city, region)
2> values (2, "Robert",14420, "01/02/95", "Vancouver","N")
3> GO
(1 rows affected)
1> insert into employee (ID, name, salary, start_date, city, region)
2> values (3, "Celia", 24020, "12/03/96", "Toronto", "W")
3> GO
(1 rows affected)
1> insert into employee (ID, name, salary, start_date, city, region)
2> values (4, "Linda", 40620, "11/04/97", "New York", "N")
3> GO
(1 rows affected)
1> insert into employee (ID, name, salary, start_date, city, region)
2> values (5, "David", 80026, "10/05/98", "Vancouver","W")
3> GO
(1 rows affected)
1> insert into employee (ID, name, salary, start_date, city, region)
2> values (6, "James", 70060, "09/06/99", "Toronto", "N")
3> GO
(1 rows affected)
1> insert into employee (ID, name, salary, start_date, city, region)
2> values (7, "Alison",90620, "08/07/00", "New York", "W")
3> GO
(1 rows affected)
1> insert into employee (ID, name, salary, start_date, city, region)
2> values (8, "Chris", 26020, "07/08/01", "Vancouver","N")
3> GO
(1 rows affected)
1> insert into employee (ID, name, salary, start_date, city, region)
2> values (9, "Mary", 60020, "06/09/02", "Toronto", "W")
3> GO
(1 rows affected)
2> select * from employee
3> GO
ID name salary start_date city region
----------- ---------- ----------- ----------------------- ---------- ------
1 Jason 40420 1994-02-01 00:00:00.000 New York W
2 Robert 14420 1995-01-02 00:00:00.000 Vancouver N
3 Celia 24020 1996-12-03 00:00:00.000 Toronto W
4 Linda 40620 1997-11-04 00:00:00.000 New York N
5 David 80026 1998-10-05 00:00:00.000 Vancouver W
6 James 70060 1999-09-06 00:00:00.000 Toronto N
7 Alison 90620 2000-08-07 00:00:00.000 New York W
8 Chris 26020 2001-07-08 00:00:00.000 Vancouver N
9 Mary 60020 2002-06-09 00:00:00.000 Toronto W
(9 rows affected)
2> SELECT SUM(Salary) AS Total
3> FROM Employee
4> GROUP BY City
5> HAVING SUM(Salary) > 3000
6> GO
(3 rows affected)
2> drop table employee
3> GO
Using HAVING Clause as a where clause
1> create table employee(
2> ID int,
3> name nvarchar (10),
4> salary int,
5> start_date datetime,
6> city nvarchar (10),
7> region char (1))
8> GO
2> insert into employee (ID, name, salary, start_date, city, region)
3> values (1, "Jason", 40420, "02/01/94", "New York", "W")
4> GO
(1 rows affected)
1> insert into employee (ID, name, salary, start_date, city, region)
2> values (2, "Robert",14420, "01/02/95", "Vancouver","N")
3> GO
(1 rows affected)
1> insert into employee (ID, name, salary, start_date, city, region)
2> values (3, "Celia", 24020, "12/03/96", "Toronto", "W")
3> GO
(1 rows affected)
1> insert into employee (ID, name, salary, start_date, city, region)
2> values (4, "Linda", 40620, "11/04/97", "New York", "N")
3> GO
(1 rows affected)
1> insert into employee (ID, name, salary, start_date, city, region)
2> values (5, "David", 80026, "10/05/98", "Vancouver","W")
3> GO
(1 rows affected)
1> insert into employee (ID, name, salary, start_date, city, region)
2> values (6, "James", 70060, "09/06/99", "Toronto", "N")
3> GO
(1 rows affected)
1> insert into employee (ID, name, salary, start_date, city, region)
2> values (7, "Alison",90620, "08/07/00", "New York", "W")
3> GO
(1 rows affected)
1> insert into employee (ID, name, salary, start_date, city, region)
2> values (8, "Chris", 26020, "07/08/01", "Vancouver","N")
3> GO
(1 rows affected)
1> insert into employee (ID, name, salary, start_date, city, region)
2> values (9, "Mary", 60020, "06/09/02", "Toronto", "W")
3> GO
(1 rows affected)
2> select * from employee
3> GO
ID name salary start_date city region
----------- ---------- ----------- ----------------------- ---------- ------
1 Jason 40420 1994-02-01 00:00:00.000 New York W
2 Robert 14420 1995-01-02 00:00:00.000 Vancouver N
3 Celia 24020 1996-12-03 00:00:00.000 Toronto W
4 Linda 40620 1997-11-04 00:00:00.000 New York N
5 David 80026 1998-10-05 00:00:00.000 Vancouver W
6 James 70060 1999-09-06 00:00:00.000 Toronto N
7 Alison 90620 2000-08-07 00:00:00.000 New York W
8 Chris 26020 2001-07-08 00:00:00.000 Vancouver N
9 Mary 60020 2002-06-09 00:00:00.000 Toronto W
(9 rows affected)
3> --The HAVING Clause
5> SELECT SUM(salary) FROM employee
6> HAVING SUM(salary) > 100000
10> drop table employee
11> GO
(1 rows affected)