Oracle PL/SQL Tutorial/System Tables Data Dictionary/user col privs recd

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Get Object privileges a user has received by querying user_col_privs_recd

SQL> desc user_col_privs_recd;
 Name             Null?    Type
 OWNER            NOT NULL VARCHAR2(30)  --User who owns the object.
 TABLE_NAME       NOT NULL VARCHAR2(30)  --Name of the table on which the privilege was granted.
 COLUMN_NAME      NOT NULL VARCHAR2(30)  --Name of the column on which privilege was granted.
 GRANTOR          NOT NULL VARCHAR2(30)  --User who granted the privilege.
 PRIVILEGE        NOT NULL VARCHAR2(40)  --Privilege on the object.
 GRANTABLE                 VARCHAR2(3)   --Whether the grantee can grant the privilege to another. Equal to YES or NO.

SELECT * FROM user_col_privs_recd;