Oracle PL/SQL Tutorial/System Tables Data Dictionary/user varrays

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30. Get information on your varrays from the user_varrays view

SQL> desc user_varrays;
 Name         Null?    Type
 PARENT_TABLE_NAME       VARCHAR2(30)   Name of the table that contains the varray.                                                                  
 PARENT_TABLE_COLUMN     VARCHAR2(4000) Name of the column in the parent table containing the varray.                                                
 TYPE_OWNER              VARCHAR2(30)   User who owns the varray type.                                                                               
 TYPE_NAME               VARCHAR2(30)   Name of the varray type.                                                                                     
 LOB_NAME                VARCHAR2(30)   Name of the large object (LOB) if the varray is stored in a LOB. You"ll learn about LOBs in the next chapter.
 STORAGE_SPEC            VARCHAR2(30)   Storage specification for the varray.                                                                        
 RETURN_TYPE             VARCHAR2(20)   Return type of the column.