Oracle PL/SQL Tutorial/SQL PLUS Session Environment/System User — различия между версиями
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Версия 13:45, 26 мая 2010
SCOTT is a demonstration account.
is typically installed with the database.
SCOTT"s default password is TIGER.
29. 32. System User 29. 32. 1. <A href="/Tutorial/Oracle/0580__SQL-PLUS-Session-Environment/SYS.htm">SYS</a> 29. 32. 2. <A href="/Tutorial/Oracle/0580__SQL-PLUS-Session-Environment/SYSTEMisanadministratoraccount.htm">SYSTEM is an administrator account.</a> 29. 32. 3. SCOTT is a demonstration account. 29. 32. 4. <A href="/Tutorial/Oracle/0580__SQL-PLUS-Session-Environment/Thesyntaxforconnectingtoaremotedatabaseserviceis.htm">The syntax for connecting to a remote database service is:</a>
- is the owner of the data dictionary
- should only be used for administrative purposes.
- This account is basically the "master" DBA account.
- SYS"s default password is CHANGE_ON_INSTALL.
29. 32. System User 29. 32. 1. SYS 29. 32. 2. <A href="/Tutorial/Oracle/0580__SQL-PLUS-Session-Environment/SYSTEMisanadministratoraccount.htm">SYSTEM is an administrator account.</a> 29. 32. 3. <A href="/Tutorial/Oracle/0580__SQL-PLUS-Session-Environment/SCOTTisademonstrationaccount.htm">SCOTT is a demonstration account.</a> 29. 32. 4. <A href="/Tutorial/Oracle/0580__SQL-PLUS-Session-Environment/Thesyntaxforconnectingtoaremotedatabaseserviceis.htm">The syntax for connecting to a remote database service is:</a>
SYSTEM is an administrator account.
- The SYSTEM user is the default administrative account created by Oracle when you install the database.
- If you do not have your own administrative account, you should use the SYSTEM user to create a new user and grant that user the DBA role.
- This new user will then be your default administrative account.
- SYSTEM"s default password is MANAGER.
29. 32. System User 29. 32. 1. <A href="/Tutorial/Oracle/0580__SQL-PLUS-Session-Environment/SYS.htm">SYS</a> 29. 32. 2. SYSTEM is an administrator account. 29. 32. 3. <A href="/Tutorial/Oracle/0580__SQL-PLUS-Session-Environment/SCOTTisademonstrationaccount.htm">SCOTT is a demonstration account.</a> 29. 32. 4. <A href="/Tutorial/Oracle/0580__SQL-PLUS-Session-Environment/Thesyntaxforconnectingtoaremotedatabaseserviceis.htm">The syntax for connecting to a remote database service is:</a>
The syntax for connecting to a remote database service is:
sqlplus <username>/<password>@<service_name>
For example,
C:\>sqlplus scott/tiger@happy