SQL Server/T-SQL Tutorial/Date Functions/DATEADD — различия между версиями

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Текущая версия на 13:23, 26 мая 2010

Calculating the First Day of the Month

   <source lang="sql">

37> 38> CREATE TABLE employee( 39> id INTEGER NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, 40> first_name VARCHAR(10), 41> last_name VARCHAR(10), 42> salary DECIMAL(10,2), 43> start_Date DATETIME, 44> region VARCHAR(10), 45> city VARCHAR(20), 46> managerid INTEGER 47> ); 48> GO 1> INSERT INTO employee VALUES (1, "Jason" , "Martin", 5890,"2005-03-22","North","Vancouver",3); 2> GO (1 rows affected) 1> INSERT INTO employee VALUES (2, "Alison", "Mathews",4789,"2003-07-21","South","Utown",4); 2> GO (1 rows affected) 1> INSERT INTO employee VALUES (3, "James" , "Smith", 6678,"2001-12-01","North","Paris",5); 2> GO (1 rows affected) 1> INSERT INTO employee VALUES (4, "Celia" , "Rice", 5567,"2006-03-03","South","London",6); 2> GO (1 rows affected) 1> INSERT INTO employee VALUES (5, "Robert", "Black", 4467,"2004-07-02","East","Newton",7); 2> GO (1 rows affected) 1> INSERT INTO employee VALUES (6, "Linda" , "Green" , 6456,"2002-05-19","East","Calgary",8); 2> GO (1 rows affected) 1> INSERT INTO employee VALUES (7, "David" , "Larry", 5345,"2008-03-18","West","New York",9); 2> GO (1 rows affected) 1> INSERT INTO employee VALUES (8, "James" , "Cat", 4234,"2007-07-17","West","Regina",9); 2> GO (1 rows affected) 1> INSERT INTO employee VALUES (9, "Joan" , "Act", 6123,"2001-04-16","North","Toronto",10); 2> GO (1 rows affected) 1> 2> select * from employee; 3> GO id first_name last_name salary start_Date region city managerid

---------- ---------- ------------ ----------------------- ---------- -------------------- -----------
         1 Jason      Martin          5890.00 2005-03-22 00:00:00.000 North      Vancouver                      3
         2 Alison     Mathews         4789.00 2003-07-21 00:00:00.000 South      Utown                          4
         3 James      Smith           6678.00 2001-12-01 00:00:00.000 North      Paris                          5
         4 Celia      Rice            5567.00 2006-03-03 00:00:00.000 South      London                         6
         5 Robert     Black           4467.00 2004-07-02 00:00:00.000 East       Newton                         7
         6 Linda      Green           6456.00 2002-05-19 00:00:00.000 East       Calgary                        8
         7 David      Larry           5345.00 2008-03-18 00:00:00.000 West       New York                       9
         8 James      Cat             4234.00 2007-07-17 00:00:00.000 West       Regina                         9
         9 Joan       Act             6123.00 2001-04-16 00:00:00.000 North      Toronto                       10

(9 rows affected) 1> 2> 3> 4> SELECT 5> CONVERT (char (6), Start_Date, 112) + "01" 6> FROM 7> Employee 8> 9> GO

20050301 20030701 20011201 20060301 20040701 20020501 20080301 20070701 20010401 (9 rows affected) 1> 2> 3> drop table employee; 4> GO</source>

DATEADD adds a time interval to a date in order to arrive at the new date: DATEADD(datepart,number,date)

   <source lang="sql">

Parts of the date. Date Part Description Value Range YY Year 1753 to 9999 QQ Quarter 1 to 4 MM Month 1 to 12 DY Day of year 1 to 366 DD Day of month 1 to 31 WK Week of year 1 to 53 DW Weekday 1 to 7 or Sun. to Sat. HH Hour 0 to 23 (military time) MI Minute 0 to 59 SS Second 0 to 59 MS Millisecond 0 to 999

34> SELECT DATEADD(DY,30,"10/01/97") 35> GO

1997-10-31 00:00:00.000 (1 rows affected) 1></source>

DATEADD adds or subtract a number of days, months, or years from a specific date.

   <source lang="sql">

To subtract days, use a negative number in the second parameter 9> SELECT DATEADD(dd,12,"24 March 1964") 10> GO

1964-04-05 00:00:00.000 (1 rows affected) The syntax for DATEADD requires 3 parameters. DATEADD(what_to_add,number_to_add,date_to_add_it_to) The first parameter can define what you are wishing to add to the date.</source>

Determine the date 90 days after April

   <source lang="sql">

6> 7> SELECT DATEADD(Day, 90, "4-29-1988") 8> GO

1988-07-28 00:00:00.000 (1 rows affected) 1></source>

Finding the Last Day of the Month

   <source lang="sql">

3> 4> CREATE TABLE employee( 5> id INTEGER NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, 6> first_name VARCHAR(10), 7> last_name VARCHAR(10), 8> salary DECIMAL(10,2), 9> start_Date DATETIME, 10> region VARCHAR(10), 11> city VARCHAR(20), 12> managerid INTEGER 13> ); 14> GO 1> INSERT INTO employee VALUES (1, "Jason" , "Martin", 5890,"2005-03-22","North","Vancouver",3); 2> GO (1 rows affected) 1> INSERT INTO employee VALUES (2, "Alison", "Mathews",4789,"2003-07-21","South","Utown",4); 2> GO (1 rows affected) 1> INSERT INTO employee VALUES (3, "James" , "Smith", 6678,"2001-12-01","North","Paris",5); 2> GO (1 rows affected) 1> INSERT INTO employee VALUES (4, "Celia" , "Rice", 5567,"2006-03-03","South","London",6); 2> GO (1 rows affected) 1> INSERT INTO employee VALUES (5, "Robert", "Black", 4467,"2004-07-02","East","Newton",7); 2> GO (1 rows affected) 1> INSERT INTO employee VALUES (6, "Linda" , "Green" , 6456,"2002-05-19","East","Calgary",8); 2> GO (1 rows affected) 1> INSERT INTO employee VALUES (7, "David" , "Larry", 5345,"2008-03-18","West","New York",9); 2> GO (1 rows affected) 1> INSERT INTO employee VALUES (8, "James" , "Cat", 4234,"2007-07-17","West","Regina",9); 2> GO (1 rows affected) 1> INSERT INTO employee VALUES (9, "Joan" , "Act", 6123,"2001-04-16","North","Toronto",10); 2> GO (1 rows affected) 1> 2> select * from employee; 3> GO id first_name last_name salary start_Date region city managerid

---------- ---------- ------------ ----------------------- ---------- -------------------- -----------
         1 Jason      Martin          5890.00 2005-03-22 00:00:00.000 North      Vancouver                      3
         2 Alison     Mathews         4789.00 2003-07-21 00:00:00.000 South      Utown                          4
         3 James      Smith           6678.00 2001-12-01 00:00:00.000 North      Paris                          5
         4 Celia      Rice            5567.00 2006-03-03 00:00:00.000 South      London                         6
         5 Robert     Black           4467.00 2004-07-02 00:00:00.000 East       Newton                         7
         6 Linda      Green           6456.00 2002-05-19 00:00:00.000 East       Calgary                        8
         7 David      Larry           5345.00 2008-03-18 00:00:00.000 West       New York                       9
         8 James      Cat             4234.00 2007-07-17 00:00:00.000 West       Regina                         9
         9 Joan       Act             6123.00 2001-04-16 00:00:00.000 North      Toronto                       10

(9 rows affected) 1> 2> 3> 4> 5> SELECT 6> DATEADD (dd, -1, 7> DATEADD (mm, 1, 8> CONVERT (char (6), Start_Date, 112) + "01")) 9> FROM 10> Employee 11> GO

2005-03-31 00:00:00.000 2003-07-31 00:00:00.000 2001-12-31 00:00:00.000 2006-03-31 00:00:00.000 2004-07-31 00:00:00.000 2002-05-31 00:00:00.000 2008-03-31 00:00:00.000 2007-07-31 00:00:00.000 2001-04-30 00:00:00.000 (9 rows affected) 1> 2> 3> drop table employee; 4> GO</source>

select DATEADD(day, 1, "2002-35:00")

   <source lang="sql">

3> select DATEADD(day, 1, "2002-09-30 11:35:00") 4> GO

2002-10-01 11:35:00.000 (1 rows affected)</source>


   <source lang="sql">


2008-08-31 13:20:40.540 (1 rows affected) 1></source>

select DATEADD(hour, 1, "2002-35:00")

   <source lang="sql">

2> 3> select DATEADD(hour, 1, "2002-09-30 11:35:00") 4> GO

2002-09-30 12:35:00.000 (1 rows affected)</source>

select DATEADD(minute, 1, "2002-35:00")

   <source lang="sql">

2> 3> 4> select DATEADD(minute, 1, "2002-09-30 11:35:00") 5> GO

2002-09-30 11:36:00.000 (1 rows affected)</source>

select DATEADD(month, 1, "2002-35:00")

   <source lang="sql">

2> 3> 4> select DATEADD(month, 1, "2002-09-30 11:35:00") 5> GO

2002-10-30 11:35:00.000 (1 rows affected)</source>

select DATEADD(month, -1, "2002-35:00") (Minus)

   <source lang="sql">

2> 3> select DATEADD(month, -1, "2002-09-30 11:35:00") 4> GO

2002-08-30 11:35:00.000 (1 rows affected)</source>

select DATEADD(quarter, 1, "2002-35:00")

   <source lang="sql">

2> 3> select DATEADD(quarter, 1, "2002-09-30 11:35:00") 4> GO

2002-12-30 11:35:00.000 (1 rows affected)</source>

select DATEADD(second, 1, "2002-35:00")

   <source lang="sql">

2> 3> select DATEADD(second, 1, "2002-09-30 11:35:00") 4> GO

2002-09-30 11:35:01.000 (1 rows affected)</source>

select DATEADD(week, 1, "2002-35:00")

   <source lang="sql">

2> 3> select DATEADD(week, 1, "2002-09-30 11:35:00") 4> GO

2002-10-07 11:35:00.000 (1 rows affected)</source>

select DATEADD(year, 1, "2002-35:00")

   <source lang="sql">

2> 3> select DATEADD(year, 1, "2002-09-30 11:35:00") 4> GO

2003-09-30 11:35:00.000 (1 rows affected)</source>

select DATEADD(year, 1.5, "2002-35:00")

   <source lang="sql">

2> 3> select DATEADD(year, 1.5, "2002-09-30 11:35:00") 4> GO

2003-09-30 11:35:00.000 (1 rows affected)</source>