Oracle PL/SQL/Table/Create Table — различия между версиями

Материал из SQL эксперт
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Версия 16:45, 26 мая 2010

A create-table statement with the attributes of ISBN, title, author, and publisher. The primary key is the ISBN attribute.

   <source lang="sql">


 2    (isbn      VARCHAR2(10)  NOT NULL,
 3     title     VARCHAR2(100),
 4     author    VARCHAR2(100),
 5     publisher VARCHAR2(50),
 6     PRIMARY KEY (isbn));

Table created. SQL> SQL> drop table book; Table dropped.


An example of creating an index-organized table:

   <source lang="sql">

SQL> SQL> create table states (

 2    state_id         varchar2(2),
 3    state_name       varchar2(20),
 4    constraint states_pk primary key (state_id)
 5  )
 6  organization index;

Table created. SQL> SQL> SQL> drop table states; Table dropped. SQL> SQL>


Create an external table

   <source lang="sql">

SQL> create table myTable

 2  (c1 varchar2(80) )
 3  organization external
 4  (
 5   type oracle_loader
 6   default directory infile
 7   access parameters
 8      (
 9        records delimited by newline
10        fields
11        (c1 char(80) )
12      )
13   location ("xml.lst")
14   )
15  /

SQL> SQL> SQL> select * from myTable

 2  where rownum <= 5;

SQL> drop table myTable;


create as select

   <source lang="sql">

SQL> SQL> SQL> create table employee(

 2        employee_id number,
 3        break_reason varchar2(100),
 4        break_time interval day(1) to second(2));

Table created. SQL> SQL> insert into employee ( employee_id, break_reason, break_time )

 2      values ( 100, "C",
 3               TIMESTAMP "2001-09-03 12:47:00.000000" -
 4               TIMESTAMP "2001-09-03 13:13:00.000000" );

1 row created. SQL> SQL> insert into employee ( employee_id, break_reason, break_time )

 2      values ( 100, "B",
 3               TIMESTAMP "2001-09-03 13:35:00.000000" -
 4               TIMESTAMP "2001-09-03 13:39:00.000000" );

1 row created. SQL> SQL> insert into employee ( employee_id, break_reason, break_time )

 2      values ( 100, "P",
 3               TIMESTAMP "2001-09-03 16:30:00.000000" -
 4               TIMESTAMP "2001-09-03 17:00:00.000000" );

1 row created. SQL> SQL> insert into employee ( employee_id, break_reason, break_time )

 2      values ( 100, "F",
 3               TIMESTAMP "2001-09-03 17:00:00.000000" -
 4               TIMESTAMP "2001-09-03 17:30:00.000000" );

1 row created. SQL> SQL> select * from employee; EMPLOYEE_ID BREAK_REASON BREAK_TIME

------------------------------ ------------------------------
       100 C                              -0 00:26:00.00
       100 B                              -0 00:04:00.00
       100 P                              -0 00:30:00.00
       100 F                              -0 00:30:00.00

SQL> SQL> SQL> create table another_dept

 2  as select *
 3  from employee;

Table created. SQL> SQL> SQL> select * from another_dept; EMPLOYEE_ID BREAK_REASON BREAK_TIME

------------------------------ ------------------------------
       100 C                              -0 00:26:00.00
       100 B                              -0 00:04:00.00
       100 P                              -0 00:30:00.00
       100 F                              -0 00:30:00.00

SQL> SQL> drop table another_dept; Table dropped. SQL> drop table employee; Table dropped. SQL>


create as select, then add primary key

   <source lang="sql">

SQL> SQL> create table employee(

 2        employee_id number,
 3        break_reason varchar2(100),
 4        break_time interval day(1) to second(2));

Table created. SQL> SQL> insert into employee ( employee_id, break_reason, break_time )

 2      values ( 101, "C",
 3               TIMESTAMP "2001-09-03 12:47:00.000000" -
 4               TIMESTAMP "2001-09-03 13:13:00.000000" );

1 row created. SQL> SQL> insert into employee ( employee_id, break_reason, break_time )

 2      values ( 102, "B",
 3               TIMESTAMP "2001-09-03 13:35:00.000000" -
 4               TIMESTAMP "2001-09-03 13:39:00.000000" );

1 row created. SQL> SQL> insert into employee ( employee_id, break_reason, break_time )

 2      values ( 103, "P",
 3               TIMESTAMP "2001-09-03 16:30:00.000000" -
 4               TIMESTAMP "2001-09-03 17:00:00.000000" );

1 row created. SQL> SQL> insert into employee ( employee_id, break_reason, break_time )

 2      values ( 104, "F",
 3               TIMESTAMP "2001-09-03 17:00:00.000000" -
 4               TIMESTAMP "2001-09-03 17:30:00.000000" );

1 row created. SQL> SQL> select * from employee; EMPLOYEE_ID BREAK_REASON BREAK_TIME

------------------------------ ------------------------------
       101 C                              -0 00:26:00.00
       102 B                              -0 00:04:00.00
       103 P                              -0 00:30:00.00
       104 F                              -0 00:30:00.00

SQL> SQL> SQL> create table another_dept as select * from employee; Table created. SQL> SQL> alter table another_dept

 2  add constraint another_dept_pk
 3  primary key(employee_id);

Table altered. SQL> SQL> SQL> select * from another_dept; EMPLOYEE_ID BREAK_REASON BREAK_TIME

------------------------------ ------------------------------
       101 C                              -0 00:26:00.00
       102 B                              -0 00:04:00.00
       103 P                              -0 00:30:00.00
       104 F                              -0 00:30:00.00

SQL> SQL> drop table another_dept cascade constraints; Table dropped. SQL> drop table employee cascade constraints; Table dropped. SQL>


Create a table and set storage FREELISTS 2

   <source lang="sql">

SQL> SQL> create table t ( x int ) storage ( FREELISTS 2 ); Table created. SQL> SQL> begin

 2          for i in 1 .. 100000
 3          loop
 4                  insert into t values ( i );
 5                  commit ;
 6          end loop;
 7  end;
 8  /

PL/SQL procedure successfully completed. SQL> SQL> drop table t; Table dropped. SQL> SQL> SQL> --


Create a table by specifying the storage settings

   <source lang="sql">

SQL> SQL> SQL> create table my_hash_table (

 2      name       varchar2(30),
 3      value   varchar2(4000) )
 4    tablespace users
 5    storage (
 6      initial     1M
 7      next        512K
 8      pctincrease 0
 9      minextents  2
10      maxextents  unlimited )
11    /

Table created. SQL> SQL> drop table my_hash_table; Table dropped. SQL>


Create a table with "deferrable initially immediate"

   <source lang="sql">

SQL> create table inventory(

 2  partno number(4) constraint partno_pk primary key deferrable initially immediate,
 3  partdesc varchar2(35) constraint partdesc_uq unique deferrable initially immediate);

Table created. SQL> SQL> SQL> SQL> drop table inventory; Table dropped.


Create a table with ORGANIZATION INDEX

   <source lang="sql">

SQL> SQL> SQL> SQL> create table addresses

 2  ( empno     number(4),
 3    addr_type varchar2(10),
 4    street    varchar2(20),
 5    city      varchar2(20),
 6    state            varchar2(2),
 7    zip              number,
 8    primary key (empno,addr_type)
 9  )
11  /

Table created. SQL> SQL> drop table addresses; Table dropped. SQL> SQL> --


Create a table with "overflow INCLUDING y"

   <source lang="sql">

SQL> SQL> create table t3

 2  (  x int primary key,
 3     y varchar2(25),
 4     z date
 5  )
 6  organization index
 7  overflow INCLUDING y;

Table created. SQL> SQL> drop table t3; Table dropped. SQL> SQL> SQL> --


Create intermediate table for calculation

   <source lang="sql">

SQL> create table emp(

 2           emp_no                 integer         primary key,
 3           lastname               varchar2(20)    not null,
 4           firstname              varchar2(15)    not null,
 5           midinit                varchar2(1),
 6           street                 varchar2(30),
 7           city                   varchar2(20),
 8           state                  varchar2(2),
 9           zip                    varchar2(5),
10           shortZipCode                   varchar2(4),
11           area_code              varchar2(3),
12           phone                  varchar2(8),
13           salary                 number(5,2),
14           birthdate              date,
15           startDate              date,
16           title                  varchar2(20),
17           dept_no                integer,
18           mgr                    integer,
19           region                 number,
20           division               number,
21           total_sales            number
22  );

Table created. SQL> -- emp Table Inserts: SQL> insert into emp(emp_no, lastname, firstname, midinit, street, city, state, zip,shortZipCode, area_code, phone, birthdate, title)values

 2                      (1,"Z","Joy","R","1 Ave","New York","NY","12122","2333","212","200-1111","12-nov-1976","President");

1 row created. SQL> insert into emp(emp_no, lastname, firstname, midinit, street, city, state, zip,shortZipCode, area_code, phone, salary, birthdate, startDate,title, dept_no, mgr, region, division, total_sales)valu es

 2                      (2,"X","Lucy","J","1 Street","New York","NY","43552","6633","212","234-4444",7.75,"21-mar-1976","1-feb-1994","Sales Manager",2,1,100,10,40000);

1 row created. SQL> insert into emp(emp_no, lastname, firstname, midinit, street, city, state, zip,shortZipCode, area_code, phone, salary, birthdate, startDate,title, dept_no, mgr, region, division, total_sales)valu es

 2                      (3,"Y","Jordan","E","1 Drive","New York","NY","76822","8763","212","222-2222",7.75,"14-feb-1963","15-mar-1995","Sales Clerk",2,2,100,10,10000);

1 row created. SQL> SQL> create table avg_sal

 2  as select avg(salary) AS avg_Sal from emp;

SQL> SQL> SQL> select lastname, salary,

 2  CASE WHEN salary > avg_sal THEN "> Average of " || to_char(avg_sal, "99.99")
 3       WHEN salary < avg_sal THEN "< Average of " || to_char(avg_sal, "99.99")
 4       ELSE "= Average of " || to_char(avg_sal, "99.99")
 5       END
 6  from emp, avg_sal
 7  /

CREATE TABLE AS SELECT with where clause

   <source lang="sql">


 2                    ENAME VARCHAR2(10),
 3                    JOB VARCHAR2(9),
 4                    MGR NUMBER(4),
 5                    HIREDATE DATE,
 6                    SAL NUMBER(7, 2),
 7                    COMM NUMBER(7, 2),
 8                    DEPTNO NUMBER(2));

Table created. SQL> SQL> INSERT INTO EMP VALUES (7369, "SMITH", "CLERK", 7902, TO_DATE("17-DEC-1980", "DD-MON-YYYY"), 800, NULL, 20); 1 row created. SQL> INSERT INTO EMP VALUES (7499, "ALLEN", "SALESMAN", 7698, TO_DATE("20-FEB-1981", "DD-MON-YYYY"), 1600, 300, 30); 1 row created. SQL> INSERT INTO EMP VALUES (7521, "WARD", "SALESMAN", 7698, TO_DATE("22-FEB-1981", "DD-MON-YYYY"), 1250, 500, 30); 1 row created. SQL> INSERT INTO EMP VALUES (7566, "JONES", "MANAGER", 7839, TO_DATE("2-APR-1981", "DD-MON-YYYY"), 2975, NULL, 20); 1 row created. SQL> INSERT INTO EMP VALUES (7654, "MARTIN", "SALESMAN", 7698,TO_DATE("28-SEP-1981", "DD-MON-YYYY"), 1250, 1400, 30); 1 row created. SQL> INSERT INTO EMP VALUES (7698, "BLAKE", "MANAGER", 7839,TO_DATE("1-MAY-1981", "DD-MON-YYYY"), 2850, NULL, 30); 1 row created. SQL> INSERT INTO EMP VALUES (7782, "CLARK", "MANAGER", 7839,TO_DATE("9-JUN-1981", "DD-MON-YYYY"), 2450, NULL, 10); 1 row created. SQL> INSERT INTO EMP VALUES (7788, "SCOTT", "ANALYST", 7566,TO_DATE("09-DEC-1982", "DD-MON-YYYY"), 3000, NULL, 20); 1 row created. SQL> INSERT INTO EMP VALUES (7839, "KING", "PRESIDENT", NULL,TO_DATE("17-NOV-1981", "DD-MON-YYYY"), 5000, NULL, 10); 1 row created. SQL> INSERT INTO EMP VALUES (7844, "TURNER", "SALESMAN", 7698,TO_DATE("8-SEP-1981", "DD-MON-YYYY"), 1500, 0, 30); 1 row created. SQL> INSERT INTO EMP VALUES (7876, "ADAMS", "CLERK", 7788,TO_DATE("12-JAN-1983", "DD-MON-YYYY"), 1100, NULL, 20); 1 row created. SQL> INSERT INTO EMP VALUES (7900, "JAMES", "CLERK", 7698,TO_DATE("3-DEC-1981", "DD-MON-YYYY"), 950, NULL, 30); 1 row created. SQL> INSERT INTO EMP VALUES (7902, "FORD", "ANALYST", 7566,TO_DATE("3-DEC-1981", "DD-MON-YYYY"), 3000, NULL, 20); 1 row created. SQL> INSERT INTO EMP VALUES (7934, "MILLER", "CLERK", 7782,TO_DATE("23-JAN-1982", "DD-MON-YYYY"), 1300, NULL, 10); 1 row created. SQL> SQL> select * from emp;

    EMPNO ENAME      JOB              MGR HIREDATE         SAL       COMM     DEPTNO

---------- --------- ---------- --------- ---------- ---------- ----------
     7369 SMITH      CLERK           7902 17-DEC-80        800                    20
     7499 ALLEN      SALESMAN        7698 20-FEB-81       1600        300         30
     7521 WARD       SALESMAN        7698 22-FEB-81       1250        500         30
     7566 JONES      MANAGER         7839 02-APR-81       2975                    20
     7654 MARTIN     SALESMAN        7698 28-SEP-81       1250       1400         30
     7698 BLAKE      MANAGER         7839 01-MAY-81       2850                    30
     7782 CLARK      MANAGER         7839 09-JUN-81       2450                    10
     7788 SCOTT      ANALYST         7566 09-DEC-82       3000                    20
     7839 KING       PRESIDENT            17-NOV-81       5000                    10
     7844 TURNER     SALESMAN        7698 08-SEP-81       1500          0         30
     7876 ADAMS      CLERK           7788 12-JAN-83       1100                    20
    EMPNO ENAME      JOB              MGR HIREDATE         SAL       COMM     DEPTNO

---------- --------- ---------- --------- ---------- ---------- ----------
     7900 JAMES      CLERK           7698 03-DEC-81        950                    30
     7902 FORD       ANALYST         7566 03-DEC-81       3000                    20
     7934 MILLER     CLERK           7782 23-JAN-82       1300                    10

14 rows selected. SQL> SQL> SQL> create table emp_copy as

 2  select * from emp where 1 = 0;

Table created. SQL> SQL> select * from emp_copy


SQL> SQL> drop table emp; Table dropped. SQL> drop table emp_copy; Table dropped. SQL> SQL> --


Create table template

   <source lang="sql">

create table ( col1 number,

 col2    number,
 .....         )  

partition by range ( col1, col2 )

( partition p1 values less than (...,... ) tablespace p1,
  partition p2 values less than (...,... ) tablespace p2);

Create table with Check Constraints

   <source lang="sql">

SQL> --Check Constraints SQL> SQL> create table employee

 2       ( employee_id      number,
 3       last_name          varchar2(30),
 4       first_name         varchar2(30),
 5       department_id      number,
 6       salary             number CHECK(salary < 100000));

Table created. SQL> SQL> SQL> drop table employee; Table dropped. SQL> --


Create table with data type: VARCHAR2, Date, Number(8,2)

   <source lang="sql">

SQL> SQL> -- create demo table SQL> create table Employee(

 2    ID                 VARCHAR2(4 BYTE)         NOT NULL,
 3    First_Name         VARCHAR2(20 BYTE),
 4    Last_Name          VARCHAR2(20 BYTE),
 5    Start_Date         DATE,
 6    End_Date           DATE,
 7    Salary             Number(8,2),
 8    City               VARCHAR2(20 BYTE),
 9    Description        VARCHAR2(80 BYTE)
10  )
11  /

Table created. SQL> SQL> -- prepare data SQL> insert into Employee(ID, First_Name, Last_Name, Start_Date, End_Date, Salary, City, Description)

 2               values ("01","Jason",    "Martin",  to_date("19960725","YYYYMMDD"), to_date("20060725","YYYYMMDD"), 1234.56, "Toronto",  "Programmer")
 3  /

1 row created. SQL> insert into Employee(ID, First_Name, Last_Name, Start_Date, End_Date, Salary, City, Description)

 2                values("02","Alison",   "Mathews", to_date("19760321","YYYYMMDD"), to_date("19860221","YYYYMMDD"), 2234.78, "Vancouver","Tester")
 3  /

1 row created. SQL> insert into Employee(ID, First_Name, Last_Name, Start_Date, End_Date, Salary, City, Description)

 2                values("03","James",    "Smith",   to_date("19781212","YYYYMMDD"), to_date("19900315","YYYYMMDD"), 2324.78, "Vancouver","Tester")
 3  /

1 row created. SQL> insert into Employee(ID, First_Name, Last_Name, Start_Date, End_Date, Salary, City, Description)

 2                values("04","Celia",    "Rice",    to_date("19821024","YYYYMMDD"), to_date("19990421","YYYYMMDD"), 3334.78, "Vancouver","Manager")
 3  /

1 row created. SQL> insert into Employee(ID, First_Name, Last_Name, Start_Date, End_Date, Salary, City, Description)

 2                values("05","Robert",   "Black",   to_date("19840115","YYYYMMDD"), to_date("19980808","YYYYMMDD"), 4334.78, "Vancouver","Tester")
 3  /

1 row created. SQL> insert into Employee(ID, First_Name, Last_Name, Start_Date, End_Date, Salary, City, Description)

 2                values("06","Linda",    "Green",   to_date("19870730","YYYYMMDD"), to_date("19960104","YYYYMMDD"), 5334.78,"New York",  "Tester")
 3  /

1 row created. SQL> insert into Employee(ID, First_Name, Last_Name, Start_Date, End_Date, Salary, City, Description)

 2                values("07","David",    "Larry",   to_date("19901231","YYYYMMDD"), to_date("19980212","YYYYMMDD"), 6334.78,"New York",  "Manager")
 3  /

1 row created. SQL> insert into Employee(ID, First_Name, Last_Name, Start_Date, End_Date, Salary, City, Description)

 2                values("08","James",    "Cat",     to_date("19960917","YYYYMMDD"), to_date("20020415","YYYYMMDD"), 7334.78,"Vancouver", "Tester")
 3  /

1 row created. SQL> SQL> SQL> SQL> -- display data in the table SQL> select * from Employee

 2  /


-------------------- -------------------- --------- --------- ---------- -------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

01 Jason Martin 25-JUL-96 25-JUL-06 1234.56 Toronto Programmer 02 Alison Mathews 21-MAR-76 21-FEB-86 2234.78 Vancouver Tester 03 James Smith 12-DEC-78 15-MAR-90 2324.78 Vancouver Tester 04 Celia Rice 24-OCT-82 21-APR-99 3334.78 Vancouver Manager 05 Robert Black 15-JAN-84 08-AUG-98 4334.78 Vancouver Tester 06 Linda Green 30-JUL-87 04-JAN-96 5334.78 New York Tester 07 David Larry 31-DEC-90 12-FEB-98 6334.78 New York Manager 08 James Cat 17-SEP-96 15-APR-02 7334.78 Vancouver Tester 8 rows selected. SQL> SQL> SQL> SELECT id, first_name, salary

 2  FROM employee
 3  WHERE salary > 3000
 4  ORDER BY salary;


-------------------- ----------

04 Celia 3334.78 05 Robert 4334.78 06 Linda 5334.78 07 David 6334.78 08 James 7334.78 SQL> SQL> SQL> SQL> SQL> -- clean the table SQL> drop table Employee

 2  /

Table dropped. SQL> SQL> SQL> SQL>


Create table with foreign key

   <source lang="sql">

SQL> SQL> -- create a foreign key SQL> SQL> CREATE TABLE supplier

 2      (      supplier_id     numeric(10)     not null,
 3             supplier_name   varchar2(50)    not null,
 4             contact_name    varchar2(50),
 5             CONSTRAINT supplier_pk PRIMARY KEY (supplier_id)
 6      );

Table created. SQL> SQL> SQL> CREATE TABLE products

 2      (      product_id      numeric(10)     not null,
 3             supplier_id     numeric(10)     not null,
 4             CONSTRAINT fk_supplier
 5               FOREIGN KEY (supplier_id)
 6               REFERENCES supplier(supplier_id)
 7      );

Table created. SQL> SQL> SQL> SQL> desc products;

Name                                                                                                  Null?    Type
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------- --------------------------------------------------------------------
PRODUCT_ID                                                                                            NOT NULL NUMBER(10)
SUPPLIER_ID                                                                                           NOT NULL NUMBER(10)

SQL> desc supplier;

Name                                                                                                  Null?    Type
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------- --------------------------------------------------------------------
SUPPLIER_ID                                                                                           NOT NULL NUMBER(10)
SUPPLIER_NAME                                                                                         NOT NULL VARCHAR2(50)
CONTACT_NAME                                                                                           VARCHAR2(50)

SQL> SQL> drop table products cascade constraints; Table dropped. SQL> SQL> drop table supplier cascade constraints; Table dropped. SQL>


Create table with three columns

   <source lang="sql">


 2  (
 3     id                NUMBER,
 4     credit_limit      NUMBER,
 5     email             VARCHAR2(30)
 6  );

Table created. SQL> SQL> SQL> select id, credit_limit

 2  from   customers
 3  where  id = 28983;

no rows selected SQL> SQL> drop table customers; Table dropped. SQL> SQL>


Create table with Unique Constraints

   <source lang="sql">

SQL> SQL> create table department (

 2      Dept_no      NUMBER(3),
 3      Dept_name    VARCHAR2(15),
 4      Location     VARCHAR2(25),
 5      CONSTRAINT Dept_name_ukey UNIQUE (Dept_Name,Location));

Table created. SQL> SQL> SQL> drop table department; Table dropped. SQL> SQL> --


Creating an External Table

   <source lang="sql">

CREATE TABLE sales_ext(

   product_id NUMBER(6),
   sale_date DATE,
   store_id NUMBER(8),
   quantity_sold NUMBER(8),
   unit_cost NUMBER(10,2),
   unit_price NUMBER(10,2))




Creating an index-organized table

   <source lang="sql">

SQL> -- Creating an index-organized table: SQL> SQL> create table states (

 2        state_id         varchar2(2),
 3        state_name       varchar2(20),
 4        constraint states_pk
 5          primary key (state_id)
 6      )
 7      organization index
 8      /

Table created. SQL> SQL> drop table states;


Creating Table and indicate tablespace

   <source lang="sql">

SQL> SQL> SQL> create table subjects (

 2  subject_id    number not null,
 3  subject_name  varchar2(30) not null,
 4  description   varchar2(4000)
 5  )
 6  tablespace users;

Table created. SQL> SQL> alter table subjects

 2  add constraint pk_subjects primary key (subject_id);

Table altered. SQL> SQL> drop table subjects; Table dropped. SQL>


Creating Table with combined primary key

   <source lang="sql">

SQL> create table employee_history

 2  (employee_id       number(6) not null,
 3   salary            number(8,2),
 4   hire_date         date default sysdate,
 5   termination_date  date,
 6   termination_desc varchar2(4000),
 7   constraint emphistory_pk
 8    primary key (employee_id, hire_date)
 9  );

Table created. SQL> SQL> SQL> drop table employee_history; Table dropped. SQL>


include a complete CREATE INDEX clause as part of the CREATE TABLE statement

   <source lang="sql">

SQL> SQL> Create table inventory (

 2  partno number(4) constraint invent_partno_pk primary key
 3  using index (
 4     create index invent_part_loc_idx
 5     on inventory (partno, warehouse)
 6     pctfree 10),
 7  partdesc varchar2(35),
 8  price number(8,2),
 9  warehouse varchar2(15));

Table created. SQL> SQL> SQL> drop table inventory; Table dropped. SQL>


Use "using index" option when creating a table

   <source lang="sql">

SQL> SQL> SQL> Create table inventory (

 2  partno number(4) constraint invent_partno_pk primary key
 3  using index (
 4     create index invent_part_loc_idx
 5     on inventory (partno, warehouse)
 6     pctfree 10),
 7  partdesc varchar2(35),
 8  price number(8,2),
 9  warehouse varchar2(15));

Table created. SQL> SQL> SQL> SQL> drop table inventory; Table dropped. SQL> SQL>


Using a CREATE TABLE statement: create a table with primary key

   <source lang="sql">

SQL> SQL> --Using a CREATE TABLE statement SQL> SQL> CREATE TABLE supplier

 2  (  supplier_id     numeric(10)     not null,
 3     supplier_name   varchar2(50)    not null,
 4     contact_name    varchar2(50),
 5     CONSTRAINT supplier_pk PRIMARY KEY (supplier_id)
 6  );

Table created. SQL> SQL> desc supplier;

Name                           Null?    Type
------------------------------ -------- --------------
SUPPLIER_ID                    NOT NULL NUMBER(10)
SUPPLIER_NAME                  NOT NULL VARCHAR2(50)
CONTACT_NAME                    VARCHAR2(50)

SQL> SQL> drop table supplier; Table dropped. SQL> SQL>
